These two days had felt like a dream, one I didn’t want to end. He stared at me with eyes overflowing with so much love that warmed me and brought a smile to my lips.

“Sophie,” he said, bringing my hands to his lips.


“We need to talk about what happened on the island.”

I curled up against him basking in the glow of his affection, “I don’t want to talk about it,” I purred. “Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

“Sooner or later Sophie, we need to discuss it.”

“Yes, but not now. Let’s just enjoy this.” I drew closer to him and wrapped his hands securely around me, and I snuggled closer inhaling his masculine scent.

“Alright, if you say so,” he said, generously opening up his arms allowing me to shift even closer.

The smile stayed until the BMW pulled into his driveway and I stepped out of the car. Then my smile froze as I confronted the least likely person I expected to see again standing in front of my doorstep with a huge grin and a small bag – My ex, Eric. I blurted out the first words that came to my head.

“What are you doing here?”

“Sophie, is that a way to greet an old friend.” He sauntered over with a lazy grin and enveloped me in a bear hug where I stood stiffened and shocked. Questions swarmed my head but mostly, I was conscious of Raymond’s thunderous expression as he stared at us. If looks could kill, Eric would be long dead. I quickly detached myself from him and inched closer to Raymond.

“What are you doing here Eric?” I addressed him with stony glare.

“I came to see you.”

“Why?” I demanded.

“I miss you.”

I blinked. Was he serious?

“Why would you miss me? We broke up three months ago, remember?” I emphasized.

Eric went still. “We what?”

Breath halted painfully in my lungs.

Oh my God. He still didn’t think we’d broken up? My focus flitted from Eric to Raymond, and I could see the muscles flexed tight along Raymond’s jaw. He looked hurt, almost angry.

He must have thought I’d lied to him about being uninvolved with someone else.

“We broke up,” I said loudly because I was nervous, but also because I needed to make sure both men heard me. “Several times.” I added for emphasis.

Eric dropped the bag he was carrying, shooting me a dubious look. “We had a fight. You were mad, and I told you to call me when you were over it.” He raised his brows as if daring me to counter his words.

“That’s not what happened, Eric.” I scowled. “You ghosted me for weeks, even missing my grandmother’s funeral, and I came over to your house to tell you we were over. You were seated right there on your old couch staring at me for a long time before saying okay. You never even asked any questions, you weren’t curious to know exactly why. You just agreed. Not to mention no questions or condolences shared regarding my grandmother’s passing. Good god.”

Eric’s confidence cracked, and there was a glimmer of the boy I once fell in love with. He went grave. “You’re breaking up with me?”

The temperature in the driveway fell so rapidly. How on earth was he claiming ignorance to the fact that we broke up three months ago. He was either a delusional human or a very good actor. Was I about to break up with him a third time, and with Raymond watching?

I was barely able to push the word out. “Yes.”

As his face twisted in pain, I wished I could be anywhere else but here. Raymond was rooted in place, jaw locked and set in a stony expression. I wished I could reach out to reassure him that this was just a big misunderstanding. Perhaps if I kept denying it enough, Eric would disappear and all of these would be as though it never happened.

Not fucking likely.

“Why?” Eric demanded. I’d practiced the answer so many times in my head, but now my mind went blank. “Is there someone else?” he continued shifting his gaze to Raymond, sizing him from head to toe. “Is it him?” he asked mockingly, looking at Raymond with so much loathing and anger that I felt it, too. It was a thick, hard shell trapping everything in a confusing mess of emotions. His narcissistic traits were showing themselves.