But he was staring at me with his dark eyes, a brow lifted in what looked like a challenge. Fresh rage brewed in me, giving me strength to keep going.

I gave them social media stats, what the public were saying about the new hashtags we generated for the projects two months ago and how many trends the conversation had sparked since. I mentioned the statistics we’d drawn up and the 98% success rate we believed was the scalability of the project. I gave them possible ways we could make the environment safer for the turtles. My mouth moved, I clicked through the slides, I played the clips, but my heart wasn’t in it.

Why was he here?

I never mentioned this project, not once while we were together, so how did he know about it?

I finished my presentation, and I had no clue how long it took, but everyone was staring at me as I reached the final slide. I stood there, numb, stupid, blinking back at them, feeling like a total failure. I couldn’t even concentrate on giving the best presentation for a project I was passionate about. All because of one man.

That was the part that sucked the most: this project was more than a project, it was a second chance for these turtles that I loved. If I just blew that chance, I didn’t know if I could forgive myself.

The men conferred amongst themselves in hushed tones, and after a few minutes, Raymond leaned forward, interlacing his fingers. My emotions were all over the place now, I was sure he was about to rip me to shreds, but I returned his gaze boldly. At least, I’d still have my pride.

“What figure do you have in mind exactly?” He spoke in a low melodious, deep and resonant tone.

Shock didn’t allow me speak for a moment, and when I was finally able to, it was to quote a figure I never expected we would ever reach.

“Done,” he responded. “I will have my firm draw up the legal documents by next week.

“I will forward my colleagues signed documents also by next week.” Another man sitting there added.. “This is an exciting project, Miss Adams, and we are pleased to be part of it.”

Unbridled joy filled my heart as I stared at all of them. I couldn’t believe it, it seemed unreal. They confirmed my contact details.

“Thank you,” I whispered. “Thank you so much.”

“Meanwhile, Miss Adams you are coming with me.” Before I could react, Raymond gestured to follow him.

I was tempted to protest, but I didn’t want to risk creating a scene in front of these people. He took my hand once we were through the doorway and held me close in a vise-like grip as we walked briskly towards the entrance. We stepped out of the building, and a dark limousine pulled up in front, A chauffeur stepped out to open the passenger side, smiling at me.

“Where are we going?” I sputtered, bucking under his grip. “Release my hand right now, Raymond. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Too bad,” he responded with a dark smile, and I shivered feeling the force of his powerful appeal. “We’re going on a boat trip, and I’m taking you along or at least I’d like to. Sophie I’d like to more than anything in the world. Please give me this chance.

“Well,” I said surrendering. And I shrugged. Might as well enjoy a boat ride and some amazing food to celebrate my success.

He can’t make me do anything or forgive him, but part of me did want to hear what he had to say. Even if it was just to laugh. Something’s gotta give, because forgetting about him and moving on wasn’t working with the approach I had been taking.



Our ride to the marina is very quiet as Sophie stared resolutely ahead, refusing to look at me or talk to me. But it was enough for me that she was seated a mere few inches away from my side. A strand of her hair fell away from the rest, and I was tempted to reach for it and tuck it back. Sophie however would not be receptive to any touch from me, so I kept my hands to myself. God! I’d missed her so much. For two weeks, I’d tried to see her, but she had rebuffed all attempts to communicate with her. It had drove me crazy until a simple investigation from my part had revealed that she was scouting for sponsors for her project. The groundwork to getting a few of the fellow businessmen I knew on board had been easy, the project had potential.

I stared at the woman I’d moved the world for these past few days. She was worth it. So worth it. And I was determined to prove to her how much she meant to me.

We arrived at the marina, and there was my boat waiting for me just as I’d arranged.

“We’re here,” I told her and opened the passenger door to help her out of the Limo. She ignored my outstretched hand and stepped out by herself. She walked towards the dock in that self-assured way of hers. Watching her, my mind was out of control. I fought against the urge to grab her into my arms and kiss her. I needed to make her trust me again and to do that, I needed to earn the trust first.

Outside, the captain gave a slight smile as we approached him.

“Welcome onboard, Mr. Tucker. The boat is ready to move for you. Even though, I must warn. The weather is not looking so favorable today. There’s a possibility that a storm might happen”

“Thank you Captain, we won’t be long. I’m sure we’ll get back before the storm begins.”

I nodded grimly at him as we followed the walkway into boat’s interior. He showed me the engines and how to maneuver it. It wasn’t new to me but it had been a while since I took it out without him. I shook his hand, and he walked back to the dock. The ropes were quickly detached, and we were finally speeding off into the water.

“What on earth do you think you are doing?” Sophie demanded, finally turning to look at me fully for the first time that evening since I dragged her into the limousine. Hair flying, eyes narrowed, she continued. “Have you added abduction to the list of your vices? I’m sure you must be racking up quite the list by now.”