"Six months," she threw like a bomb. "Let our fake relationship be for six months and if you do not cheat before the end of the six months, I'll believe that you have no commitment issues. But if you do, well…"

She delivered that last bit smiling like a canary. I couldn't believe this woman.

"This is utterly ridiculous,” I said seething. She made it sound like I was damaged. I can do what I want to, I just haven’t wanted to be committed to anyone. "But not impossible,” I said considering the proposal further.

As I thought more, I felt that old constricted feeling of being controlled and changed my mind again. ”I’ll be damned if I agree to this nonsense arrangement."

"You are to treat me like a proper girlfriend within these six months. Everyone should believe that we are dating for this to work."

"This is a crazy idea." I protested. "Why will I want to be in a relationship with you for six months?"

"I should be the one asking that." She muttered under her breath.

I was tempted to haul her out of my house with her wild idea. Why would I be in a relationship with someone for that long? The very thought scared me. Was she right, then? Did I shy away from commitments? Damn it! If I rejected her proposition, she would push her point that I was scared of commitments. If I didn't? Well that was a thought worth pursuing.

"The way I see it," I began with a smirk. "You have more to lose than I do in this situation. I could just easily refuse, and poof!" I demonstrated with my hands. "You will be left all alone to face this mess. I can recover my reputation again.” I knew it would take time, and truthfully, if I wanted to be taken seriously in my professional world, I needed to quit bumbling around with various women.

Her eyes narrowed to tiny slits. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, I can and I would. I promise you." We locked gazes for a few seconds, then I smiled.

"But of course, the curious part of me is eager to know. You see I'm a natural explorer, and I've not quite explored that part of my relationships yet. It would be best to continue taking steps forward too, rather than perpetuating the playboy image. Doesn’t look very reliable in my professional world either.”

Her eyes took on a careful, hopeful look.

"So let's see, Sophie. I accept your proposition."

A ripple of awareness ran through the both of us as we considered the implications of our little plan. This meant forced proximity for the next few months and with a jolt that ran through my system, I realized that I would need a higher willpower to be able to not act on the obvious attraction we both felt for each other. The air charged up with the sexual energy coming from us in waves. Her eyes took on a heightened hue as I lustily scraped my gaze over the rest of her body, pointedly fixed on her breasts. I wanted her to be aware of the power I had over her body. I wanted her to feel how weak and trembling I could reduce her legs to if I wanted to. But most of all, I wanted her to understand that I could badly want to do all of this to her, but I chose not to. Just to prove her point that I wasn't the playboy she believed me to be.

Her quick breaths and soft pants told me my message had been passed effectively. Damn! This was going to be so much fun.

"Six months!" she whispered fiercely, reminding me. But I got the feeling that she was reminding herself instead.

"Yes ma'am," I responded with a mocking tilt of my head. “Get ready for a wild ride.”



The Long Island along the Pacific coast was, just as I knew, arguably one of the most luxurious Islands in California. Houses that weren’t mansions only fell short of it by a small margin; the rest were. All of them had waterfront access either directly onto the Pacific coast or were linked to it by a series of canals.

The Malibu beach itself was protected from the might of the ocean by the Santa Monica Mountains and was a boating paradise. It shared it’s bounty, it’s white beaches, it’s slate-green mangroves and darker casuarinas, not only with sailors and fishermen, but with a rich tapestry of bird life from pelicans and oystercatchers to migratory whimbrels. To Brahminy kites, sea eagles and even although rarely, the black and white, long red-legged jabiru, big birds that looked as if they were dancing through swallows as they fished.

There were dolphins in the waters and wild wallables on shore in Southern California.

Malibu city was great for surfing, but among many other things, while out for a day’s fishing north of the Long Islands, in a mangrove inlet, you could feel the calmness of the ocean and the high-pitched sounds of the sea turtles while mating.

It had been over a week since Raymond and I sealed our daring proposition with a handshake. Suffice to say, it's been a whirlwind of dates and public appearances that each took my breath away with every event.

For example, few days ago, he took me to a small, exquisite restaurant that had abalone shell table tops and lampshades on the hanging lights overhead. It was nothing short of enchanting. It was something out of a movie with divine tastes on my tongue and slow dancing by the sunset, as the romantic music played softly from a surround sound speaker system. The water reached our toes during high tide and he timed it just for that hour. Raymond smiled at me the whole time, and drew me in close as he stared into my eyes. It was these moments that took my breath away and yet, erupted within me a defense to not let my guard down and fall. Deeply in love, that is.

Tonight had been a swift, one hour drive in the Mercedes down the motorway after Raymond had told me to take a few clothes with me in a bag.

“Where are we going?” I’d asked.

“It’s a surprise.” He responded with a cryptic air.

His powerful hands gripping the steering reminded me of my dreams overnight which had involved only him, and I drew in a sharp breath. As we approached an inlet secluded from the beach but startlingly striking with a worn off look, Raymond brought the car to a smooth halt on the unpaved driveway leading up to the inlet. A local who was seated wearing black shorts and a white shirt sprang into action.