When we reached the hotel, he took my hand and led me to a room he had booked. I didn’t think much about that. He closed the door behind us and faced me. I didn’t have time to take in the scene of the room when he captured my lips with a hot and demanding kiss. I ran out of breath as the kiss deepened. “I want you, right now.” My legs became weak at his words.

He let his hands roam my body as he kissed my neck. I wrapped my arms around his strong torso, feeling safe in his arms. He undid my zip and helped me out of the dress, then carried me to the bed. The cool soft material of the bed sheets was a contrast to my burning skin. He was taking off his clothes hastily and I watched with excitement as his naked body was revealed to me. The dim light of the room enhanced the sensuality of the moment. My eyes drifted downward and marveled at the sight of his arousal. He climbed on the bed and slowly kissed my legs as he took off my stockings. I was struggling not to jump into his arms.

He leaned back then came over to me, slowly lowering himself between my thighs. He leaned in, hands on either side of my head and kissed me, stealing my breath away. He kissed me again and again, agonizingly slow. I could feel him between my legs, hot and insistent. He kissed me slowly as I took in his length. I dug my nails into his arms as I let out a moan of pleasure. He groaned, taking a deep breath. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his head down to my breasts. He sucked hungrily on them as his waist moved rhythmically, thrusting in and out of me hard. It was too much, too good, my head fell back as I cried out. If he kept this up I was going to lose my mind.

For an eternity the only sound in the room was our grunts, moans and wet smacking sounds echoing in the room. My eyes widened as I felt a wave of heat rush through my body. I could feel myself tighten as I let out a scream. He kissed me, cutting off my cry. I could feel his pace change abruptly, he had lost his steady rhythm and was going in and out with a ferocious zeal. I felt his release in me. Weirdly, I felt complete, marked by him. His weight pushed me down into the mattress as we hugged, our sweat cooling rapidly on our skins. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed but as I looked around the luxurious room he was nowhere to be found. Though he didn’t say goodbye or leave his name, I was happy I met him. I felt blissful and soothed.



My mind wandered backto that one-night stand with the stunning woman who captured my attention in the club. She was like a dark angel that rekindled a dying flame in me. It had been a wild night full of passion and lust, the kind of night that stayed with someone for years to come. I remembered the way she looked at me with those big, brown eyes and the way she moaned as we tangled together in the sheets. I wondered where she was now and if she was thinking about that night the way I did.

After an exhausting conversation with Anna, my recently divorced wife, I left the house so she could move out. I had arrived at the club trying to find an escape. The escape I found was that woman. Though I enjoyed our time together back at the hotel, I had to leave. I could not commit myself into another relationship, though I desperately wanted to get to know her. Anna had just signed the divorce papers that my lawyer had sent to her. She was mad at me, but I convinced her to avoid going to court. There was no use fighting it in court, if not it will be messy for both of us and the children. The love in our marriage had died long ago, I guess I had reached my breaking point.

I was surrounded by all the trappings of my success. But despite the opulence, I felt a gnawing emptiness within me when I was with her. My mind brought up the image of that woman. I need to stop thinking about her.

My divorce from Anna had left me devastated, and the loss of custody of my children had only added to my pain, making me doubt myself even though I had willingly allowed her to get custody of the children. I was busy with work, it would be better if they had a parent that would be around to take care of them, though the thought of not being able to watch my children grow up day to day was unbearable.

A knock snapped me out of my reverie. I was sitting in my office, going through the recent budget drafted by the marketing team. The knock came again, a bit frantic. “Come in.” I said offhandedly.

The person entered and waited for me to look up at them. I drag my eyes away from my laptop screen and see my assistant standing in front of me with a look of caution on his face. “What is it, William?”

“Sir, it’s a precarious situation. I just received a troubling message from the mayor’s office. I just forwarded the email to you, I suggest you check it out.” He gestured at my laptop.

I checked my email. The email didn’t mince words, the land my local manufacturing factories were on had been earmarked for a new tourist attraction. I could hardly believe what I was seeing – my factories were my life’s work, the culmination of decades of hard work and sacrifice.

As the implications of this message began to sink in, I felt a wave of anger and frustration wash over me. I had built my factories from the ground up with no help from any government agencies. These locations were by far the largest producers and with the most employees of all my factories. They were the originals. I had poured blood, sweat, and tears into the business, and now the city was telling me that it was all for nothing. Without the experts here to run the headquarters, we'd be ruined. Struggling to keep the rage off my face, I looked over at William. “Call the mayor’s office immediately and set an appointment for me. This is ridiculous. I will not let this happen. Do it now!” My voice was stern. William promptly nodded and left the office.

Still fuming I called up the legal department, “I need the best of the legal team in my office now.” I I slammed the phone down, ending the call.

I gripped the cedar wood table trying to plan my next move. What will happen to my employees if I can’t fix this? The people who had worked tirelessly for me all these years? What would happen to them if the factories here were shut down? This decision by the city would bring down everything I’ve built.

The door opened and five lawyers, three male and two female in perfectly pressed suits strode in, behind them was William. He approached me and said, “Sir, the mayor’s office responded and they said that the mayor is willing to talk. I’ve set an appointment for you for tomorrow morning. What else would you like me to do, Sir.” My anger had somewhat subsided, William seemed less nervous than he had moments ago.

“Thank you. You may leave now. I’ll call you if I need anything else. Gentlemen, please have a seat.” William left the room and the lawyers sat down. Leaning forward, I debated how to phrase this dilemma. I held their gazes for a while. They seemed to feel the tension I felt. “I just received an email from the mayor’s office. He said that the city would like to reclaim the land as soon as possible and the company should move it's headquarters away soon. Now, this is obviously impossible, that's why I’m going to meet with him tomorrow. Right now, I want you to look through the city ordinances and imminent domain law and make a tight case for me. We will fight this in court if we must.”

They began brainstorming how to prevent the city from taking my land, discussing legal precedent and zoning laws, but it seemed like the city had all the power. This frustrated me. “Everybody out, don’t come back until you find something useful to help the company,” I ordered, my head was hurting. They scrambled out. For the rest of the day I could not think past that email.

The next day, I walked out of my luxurious home, my shoes tapped against the stone walkway as I made my way to the sleek black car the staff had prepared for me. I opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat, the leather interior cool against my skin. I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway. As I drove, my mind was racing. I was on my way to meet with the mayor of Salt Lake City, hoping to convince him to spare my manufacturing company from being shut down. I had gone through all I could about the mayor, trying to find a way to convince him otherwise. A battle in court would take too long and would hamper my business. If this can be solved through negotiation that would be better. But I knew that the outcome was far from certain.

The streets were dotted with few cars here and there, not enough to cause traffic. I weaved my way through with ease, my mind focused on the task at hand. As I approached the downtown area, my mind focused on the things I planned to say... I had never been to the mayor’s office before, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. But this meeting was crucial, so I steeled myself for whatever may lay ahead.

When I arrived at the mayor’s office, I observed the building. It was constructed from gray stone, with two gardens flanking the entrance. The windows were tall and narrow, and the whole building seemed to loom. I entered and immediately walked to the receptionist at the front desk. “I’m Jack Lawrence. I have an appointment with the mayor, let him know I’m here.”

She gave me a quick smile as she replied, “I am aware, Sir. He asked that I direct you to his office when you arrive. Come with me.” She led me deeper into the building, there were few people up and about. “We are here.” She gestured at the brown door in front of us. I nodded and twisted the knob, entering.

Inside, the office was impressive. The walls were lined with oak bookcases filled with leather-bound volumes, and the furniture was all dark wood and plush leather. The mayor’s desk was massive, made of a rich mahogany that seemed to glow in the soft light of the room. The mayor himself was seated behind the desk, a stern expression on his face. He was a tall man, with thick ginger hair and piercing gray eyes. His suit was immaculate, and he exuded an air of authority. I narrowed my eyes, scrutinizing him for any weaknesses.

“Mr. Lawrence, please take a seat. I’ve been expecting you.” He said with a warm voice that betrayed nothing.

“Thank you.” I sat opposite him, looking at him directly. He must have thought about how to convince me to let go of the land, all of this wasn’t sitting right with me.

As I sat in the chair across from the mayor, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease, he didn’t seem fazed by my presence. This meeting could make or break my company, and I had no idea what the mayor’s decision would be. But I readied myself for whatever was to come, determined to fight for my business.

The mayor was studying me with a curious expression. “Mr. Lawrence,” he said finally, “I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today. I understand that you have some concerns about the city’s plans for your property."