He stopped and laid on the bed, panting. I smiled and turned towards him. I sat on him, taking him whole. Pushing my hair out of my face, I rode him. He put his hands around my waist bringing me down with force. If I was yelling or not, I didn't pay that any mind. He joined the motion, thrusting in when I came down. My mind captured only him and this moment. Nothing else was important. “Oh, Jack.” I moaned and fell on his chest.

I kissed him sloppily as my orgasm sent waves of pleasure round my body. I clung to him, remembering how to breathe. My body felt warm and enlivened.

He huffed a laugh, “You, my love will need to learn how to not scream so loud.”

“Never, you make me feel great.” I teasingly bit his lower lip and trailed my tongue around the curve of his lips.

He flipped me over, holding my gaze as he kissed me. I felt my body getting ready to have another go at this again. We tangled ourselves in the sheets, enjoying the pleasure we denied ourselves for weeks.

* * *

We have been home for a few days and we enjoyed each other's company like we were on a honeymoon. I still did not allow him to go to work. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. However, I could not stop thinking about the children. So, I asked him to go bring them home. I didn’t want to be alienated from an important part of his life.

He promised to bring them to the house. True to his word, he left immediately to pick them up from Colby's. When his car arrived, I went to stand at the door waiting for them to enter.

The door opened letting in the sound of excited children. I watched as the three of them - the twin boys being the oldest at five years of age, with their little sister who was three years old walked into the house boisterously. I smiled as I saw them. They looked a lot like Jack and my heart warmed to them immediately. I waited for them to come to me, I didn’t want to frighten them. Jack entered, closing the door.

“Kids, this is Samantha. What do you say?” He asked them.

They all had a slight blush on their cheeks. The twins were the first to speak. They looked identical with mischief in their eyes. “I’m Harry and he’s Hart.” The twin wearing the red shirt pointed at his brother.

“No. I’m Harry, you’re Hart.” The other in blue replied. Jack laughed and ruffled their hair, this was clearly an old argument.

“It’s as Harry said. Blue is Hart and red is Harry. And here is my beautiful daughter Adelaide.” He picked her up. She had some resemblance to her mom but most of it came from Jack. I saw he was waiting for my approval.

“Welcome home!” I crouched to talk to them, “I’ll have to get used to your charming boys, but I’m glad you’re all home.” The boys put out their hands and we shared a handshake.

“Let me help you with Adelaide.” I took the toddler from Jack and held her close. She didn’t protest. He kissed me on the cheek, and for the first time it felt like I genuinely had a home with him.

I helped them get settled back in the house. Jack told me more about them. The way to distinguish the twins was by their attitudes, Harry was loud and playful while Hart was reserved but followed his brother if he wanted to join the fun. Adelaide loved cookies and milk. Giving her that would make her happy no matter what.

The large house seemed to become a home with the laughs and shouts of the kids echoing around. It was a long day, taking care of the children and getting to know them. I loved it and I was growing to love the children. Being a part of this family felt like a blessing after losing my parents.

* * *

After putting the kids to bed, I joined Jack in his room. We now slept together. Joining him under the covers, he pulled me closer for a hug. I hugged him back, enjoying the intimacy.

When he started to speak, I listened. The rise and fall of his chest lulled me to sleep but I kept my eyes open, just so I could listen to him. He told me how he was able to get custody of the kids and what was going to happen to Anna. Her main charge was attempted murder. Briefly, I remembered when the police came to my hospital bed to get my statement.

“Samantha, I’d like to keep this knowledge away from the kids for now until they are old enough to understand the issue. They’d be devastated when they hear she won’t be around. They love her but I’m sure they’ll come to love you too.”

“Let’s not force it. I’m just glad they are back home with you. Let me help you bring this family back together, Jack.” I said this as I pulled his face to mine, kissing him like a prayer. I could never get enough of you, Jack. I sank into the kiss.



I wokeup to the kids shouting as they played in the house. I had missed the sound of their voices and the way it filled the house with a warm feeling. Samantha and the kids took to each other quickly. I was happy about that. Touching the side of the bed, it was empty and cold. I rolled out of bed and started dressing. She wasn’t in bed. She might be with the kids. I smelt the comely aroma of food. Smiling to myself, I was certain she was making breakfast. I felt my stomach rumble in response.

I headed downstairs. “Dad is coming!” The boys screamed as they heard me approach. They ran out of the kitchen with spoons in hand welding it like swords. They fought like knights making funny sounds as they brought their spoons against each other.

“Boys! Where are your manners?” I chided them. Adelaide was waddling after them with her own spoon. I scooped her up and kissed her cheeks. She giggled, pushing my face away from hers.

“Morning, Dad.” The twins replied together as they ran off to the parlor. I sighed, they were like that. Together, they played disregarding anyone's attempt to stop them. Adelaide looked at them and struggled to leave my arms. She wanted to join them. I set her down and watched her go to them.

I went to the kitchen knowing she was already in the kitchen. I wanted to watch her cook. I approached the door slowly about to watch her but she already saw me. “Morning to you, love. Are you hungry yet?”

“For you, yes.” I replied as I joined her at the kitchen island holding her waist. I kissed her neck and held her as she served the food. Pancakes with a generous helping of maple syrup. She added bacon for the serving for the kids and sausages for both of us. In a smaller plate was cereal and a helping of berries for Adelaide. “You would make us all fat in no time.”