I let outa scream as I watched the knife plunge into his back. Blood spilled out, it looked black in the darkness. I stumbled out of bed and went to him. He had passed out but he successfully dealt with his assailant. I was able to catch a glimpse of her face. She was the woman who harassed me at the bank, his ex-wife. I didn’t think too much of her. Right now, I had to take care of Jack or else he’ll bleed out and die, and I wasn’t going to accept that fate for him.

I rolled him off of her, he was heavy but I put all my strength behind my effort. I was able to get him away from her and closer to the bed. He was groaning but his eyes were still closed. Tears were running down my cheeks. “Jack, stay with me. Help is coming, don’t you dare leave me now. Please.” I kept repeating it like a mantra.

With my bloodied hand, I reached for my phone in the drawer and dialed 911. I was in shock but I did my best to explain what was going on. After the call, I held him close to me. His body was getting colder and his breathing was labored. My chest tightened. I didn’t want to lose someone again so soon. I held his head, kissing it and saying soothing words to him.

Anna was on the floor, passed out. I feared she would wake up to complete her job but I could do nothing. I would stay with him and protect him with my body. Hate burned through my anger at what she did here. I looked around to see if there was something I could use or do to help him but I was clueless. I had no idea what to do.

It was a relief when I heard the siren of the police in the yard. Hope grew in my heart. I touched his cold cheek. “Hang on a little while longer, help his coming. My love. Stay with me, please.” He groaned in response. The knife in his back sent a shiver up my back. I don’t know how much damage it caused. It went in deep but I was glad it was on the right part of his chest which meant it missed the heart.

I heard footsteps in the hallway. I raised my voice shouting till I was hoarse for them to hear me. They came into the room running, lights flashing as they took in the scene. Blood had soaked into the rug and it made a track on the floor to Anna, as if it was accusing her.

Paramedics came forward to pry him away from me. I wanted to hold him and protect him, but I knew they were the only ones who could help him now. I relented. They laid him on a stretcher and carried him out. They were saying things I didn’t understand, but I was glad they were working to keep him alive. My body sagged with exhaustion.

A police officer was bagging the evidence after others took pictures. I was worried they’d arrest me or, worse, think I did this to him. After a while, one of them, who seemed to be in charge, came to me. “How are you doing?” he asked. His voice seemed to be coming from somewhere far off.

I tried to reply, but my throat was dry and tight. A croak escaped my lips and nothing more. “Rest, we are here. Everything is fine.” He said gently. I felt drowsy and struggled to open my eyes. I feared losing consciousness while Jack was still battling for his life. I saw as they put the cuff on Anna’s hands. One of them was limp and swollen. There was no fight left in her. Rather, she looked lost and scared. I crushed the pity I felt in my heart for her. What she had done was horrible. If Jack had not protected me, I’d be dead. They took her away. I tried to follow. I had to get to the hospital with Jack. He needed me. I was on my feet for a few seconds before I fell, losing consciousness. Faintly I felt strong arms steadying me and someone shouting.

* * *

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was white and smelled of antiseptic. There was a steady beeping sound. While it would have usually annoyed me I found it oddly relaxing. Then the memory of what happened crashed down on me and suddenly I felt exhausted and anxious. My eyes darted around the room, I was struggling to stay calm. My worry for Jack trumped any other feeling I had.

Then I saw a nurse walk in with a chart in his hands. He beamed when he noticed I was awake. “Good Morning, Miss. I’m glad you're awake. How are you feeling?” He asked as he checked my vitals.

I tried speaking but found it hard. He looked up. Understanding the problem he poured water into a cup I hadn’t even noticed and brought the water up to my lips. I gulped hastily. I put my hand up to take the cup from him. “Where is he? Is he fine? Please tell me he’s alive.” I pleaded.

He patted my shoulder, a smile in his eyes. “I think I know who you’re talking about. He is fine. The surgery was successful. Right now he is getting some much needed rest. And you need that too.”

I smiled so hard my face hurt. “Thank you, thank you so much. I need to see him. Please, take me to him.” I tried to stand.

He held me down. “No. Not yet. After you’re strong enough to stand I’ll take you to him. The consequences of shock are not so easy to recover from. Rest, everything is fine.” The tension drained from me as I learned that he would be alright. I closed my eyes, succumbing to sleep.

Later, I was able to see him though the hospital staff weren't allowing any outside visitors in yet. They were especially kind to us allowing me in for a few minutes. He looked pale and almost lifeless. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. He was so close to death. I felt like he was going to leave me at any minute. I stayed beside him till I was ushered back to my room. Everything was alright, I kept telling myself. Soon he would recover and we would go home.

When I returned to my room, I sat on the bed thinking about what would come next after this. I looked at the bed and sighed. I was tired of lying on the bed. I rose and walked to the armchair by the window. Sitting on the chair, I let out a breath of relief. Was it wrong to feel relief with Jack in a critical condition? I had no answer for that. My gaze lingered in the window. The sky was tinged red from the sun and a flock of birds were flying away. It should be close to twenty-four hours since the incident. It was a massive relief Anna was arrested. With what she’s done, there was no way she’d be let out of jail soon.

The door to my room creaked open. I looked at it, suspicious. My chest felt tight with panic. Mirabel entered. She looked haggard with dark circles under her eyes. “My goodness, Sam. Look at you…” She rushed over to me, her arms spread wide. I smiled as I opened my arms in return to embrace her. “For the record, the hospital gown is not your look.”

I chuckled, feeling lighter considering the circumstances. “You don’t look too good yourself.”

She broke the embrace and sat on the chair opposite mine. “When I heard what happened in the news this morning, I could not think straight. Samantha, I was so scared. I wasn’t allowed to see you for hours. I’m so sorry about what happened to you and Jack. That’s horrible. How’s he now?”

I was moved by her concern. I cried as I watched my hands shake. Mirabel came over, making soothing sounds, hugging me. “It’s alright. It will be fine.”

“Thanks. Thank you for being here. I needed this.” I spoke through my tears, tightening the embrace.

“I’m here for you, always.”

After I brought my emotions under control, she went back to her seat. I spoke easily, “Jack is still not allowed to receive any visitors due to his critical state but I was assured he is safe for the time being.” We talked into the night. I enjoyed her presence, it made me feel safe.

“You'll need someone around you for now. I should stay with you tonight just in case anything comes up.” She said softly as she led me to the bed.

“Bell, you've already done more than enough. You need some rest and to eat good food other than hospital food. Go home. You can always check up on me later. I'll be fine. Anna won't be able to reach me anymore.” I assured her. She tucked me into bed and gave me a kiss on my forehead. After saying our goodbyes, I watched her leave. I couldn't stay awake any longer and drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Since I wasn’t hurt, I recovered quickly. I took this opportunity to look after Jack. The doctors were diligent and they took care of him well. I saw the effects of their work on him. He looked better. I had just cleaned him with a towel, so I sat comfortably on the chair beside his bed reading a book. I heard his voice. “You stayed with me, love?” His voice was thin and weak but hearing it after so long brought me so much joy.

I got to my feet and sat on the bed. “Of course! Is that even a question? Of course, I would stay with you. My love.” I said with a tenderness I never thought I was capable of.