That was all that needed saying. We quickly set out to pitch up the tent. It was dark when we were done, so we set up a fire and sat side by side, eating the snacks we brought. The warmth from the fire and from her body excited me. I was oddly nervous. The silence around us had not been broken for a while now and I wanted to say something to her.

“I grew up in this city,” I started. I felt like telling this story to her. “I loved my time here but I didn’t grow up rich, my parents were poor and they did all their best to raise me. I was still in college when they both died. It was strange, really. They died together in bed as if in sleep. The news had devastated me and I almost dropped out of college, but I was determined to survive because of them. I could not let their hopes go down the drain.”

I felt her eyes on me but I didn’t look. “The company came out of a little dream. A dream I didn’t have hope in. I was just looking for what to do to get by. I lived in Los Angeles for a while but nothing worked out. Then I decided to come home to live the rest of my life here, and miraculously my dream grew to become real. I thought I had made it all. I married a beautiful woman and had two lovely kids, but it…” I stopped a lump growing in my throat.

“I’m sorry. When my mom died, it felt like the ground beneath my feet was jelly. I’m still figuring out what to do with my life but from your story I know it’s possible to make something of my life even with the tragedy I’ve faced.” She placed her arm on my shoulder and rubbed comfortingly. I felt her hand and its warmth vividly. I struggled not to breathe faster.

Another silence fell on us again but it was a welcome one. The crackling of the fire and the sounds of the insects around us made me distinctly aware of her presence around me. We were now sitting very close, our bodies pressed together as we gazed at the lights from the city. They looked like fireflies stuck in place.

She placed her head on my shoulder and one hand on my thigh. My shorts had rolled past my thigh, so her hand rested on my bare skin. Absent-mindedly, she ran her hand lightly across my thigh and I felt myself growing hard. She had to know what she was doing but I said nothing.

I leaned in and kissed her. She responded eagerly, and we embraced in a passionate kiss. I could feel the intensity building between us. We had both been waiting for this but we were unsure of ourselves. As we kissed, I realized how stupid that was. We both wanted each other and, no matter how we denied it, we had feelings for each other.

I said breathlessly, “I want you, Samantha.” My hands were still in her hair as I looked into her lust filled eyes.

“I want you now, more than ever, Jack. Take me.” She replied and kissed me again. After a while, I took her by the hand and led her into the tent. As soon as we got in, we got rid of all our clothes and hugged each other. Our lips joined in a crushing kiss. I kissed her again as I slowly brought her to the bed on the ground.

It was hard and I wasted no time grinding against her opening. She moaned, opening her legs wider for me. As I pushed my length into her, I sucked on her hard nipples, she let out a satisfied moan. I raised my face to meet her heated gaze. “Jack, yes. Please,” she begged.

She didn’t need to ask twice. I started thrusting. Her moans eclipsed the sound of nature outside our tent. The flaps of the tent rustled as the wind passed around them.

I pressed my body closer to her, as she hugged me tightly. I felt her nails dig into my back. I groaned and thrust faster. We were sticky with sweat but that only made us go faster and harder. I started calling her name as a blazing heat erupted in my body. Then, I kissed her as I climaxed. My body jerked and twitched and she clung tighter to me as I came.

Breathing heavily, she smiled, “I’m not yet done. Let’s keep going.” I kissed her slightly swollen lips. I turned over as she straddled me. I felt myself growing hard again. Her warmth and her inner walls kept drawing me deeper. She rode me hard as she pulled my hair in ecstasy. Gazing on the beautiful woman who I made crazy with lust sent tingles of pleasure up my spine. We continued like this for hours, losing strength as we came over and over again.

As we lay there in each other’s arms, the afterglow of our passion still on us, I knew that I had found something special with Samantha, but I was not sure how to express it to her. Her beautiful face was beside mine, peaceful in sleep. I kissed her lips and closed my eyes to sleep. When she was ready she would face her feelings, then I’d confess how I feel to her.



Jack had beenpatient and caring towards me ever since I moved in. My growing feelings for him became more intense and burned brighter as I stayed in his home and woke up each day to see his face smiling at me and watch him drive out to work. I had fallen into a routine with him and it made me feel like we were an old couple. Though I tried denying it in my heart, I knew I liked that thought but I did not have the courage to face it.

I stood on the balcony and watched the garden below my room. It still felt strange but I was getting used to the feeling of living in luxury. Many nights I had dreamed of him coming into my room, I had dared not go into his room. For whatever reason I was afraid. Our time in the mountains ought to have narrowed the chasm between us. I guess it had but I shrank back into myself afraid of where our relationship was headed.

Shaking my head to clear the thought from my mind, I went to the door and walked out. The corridor was large and imposing, it still felt too big for Jack and me to live in alone. Jokingly, I had said to him that if he left me and didn’t come back to this house I'd run away before I went mad. He had hugged me unexpectedly, kissed my brow and said, “I will never leave you, Samantha. I will return home to you. Always.” I was shocked and at a loss for words. I didn’t know what to say or how to act around him. I had deflected with a joke but the look in his eyes meant he was serious.

I made my way to the parlor, these thoughts swirling in my mind like seaweed in a current. Jack was prone to such moments where he said intense, heart-throbbing confessions easily. I was convinced he liked me and all he was doing was in a bid to get my affection. The lord knows that I couldn’t resist that man and the more I tried the faster I fell and my heart ached every time I pulled away from him. But it was like I was on the edge of a cliff and some distance away there was another cliff where he was standing calling to me to jump. I feared if I did I would fall into the darkness below. The slaps of my slides against the stairs brought me out of my thoughts. Don’t worry, you will be out of here soon, I thought.

I reached the parlor and saw Jack dressed in a well pressed deep blue suit. His body was perfectly accentuated by the suit with his arms threatening to burst from the sleeves of the jacket. His back was to me, he was adjusting his tie from what I could see. I remembered his arms around me, the gentle kiss and caresses he gave me. If anyone saw him they’d think he could break them with a flick of his wrist but the way he touched and made love to me, betrayed the man he was at heart. He turned and saw me. His light blue eyes sparkled and pooled with joy at the sight of me. A grin lifted his lips and he naturally spread his arms walking to me. I blushed and shyly opened my arms as he took me in an encompassing hug. He smelled of sandalwood and mint. His embrace was warm and comforting. I let out a moan that got muffled by his chest. His hug promised more and as I felt his body close to me, I could feel the distinct rising of his erection. I pulled away. “Good morning, Jack. Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked, I was usually up before him and helped him prepare his morning meal. I enjoyed cooking for him and seeing his smile after he ate.

“Morning, I’m sorry I didn’t wake you. You looked exhausted last night and I thought it best to let you rest.” There was still a twinkle in his eyes. I gazed lovingly at his face. The silver gray groomed beard and patch of silver hair on his temple which he styled to make himself look younger endeared him to me.

“Thank you. I had just been thinking about different things recently. Today, I’m going to go to the bank to settle the loan my mom took out.” I said. After all this time, the pain I felt at the passing of my mom dulled to a faint thrum and I no longer resented her for what she did. I was prepared to look at the world with new eyes.

“That’s good. I’m happy for you. Tell me all about it when I get back, if they give you problems call me and I will solve it.” He said with certainty in his voice.

“I hope it all goes well. I won’t trouble them by calling you. They’d fear me.” I replied laughing. “How’s the factory coming,” I asked.

He looked surprised by the question. It had just left my mouth without me thinking twice. Ever since I sold the land to him I had not touched on the subject and I avoided going to see what was happening at the land. I felt it was a desecration. My home would have been demolished. The trees and gardens are gone by now. I could not bear to see that sight. He understood from the look in my eyes and replied, “It’s all coming together nicely though it’s taking a strain on the workers as they are working hard to complete it soon so the company can get back on track. However, they are doing their best to preserve the beauty of the place. Maybe after they are done, I could take you for a look around.” He cupped my face. I could feel his calloused hands warm against my cheek.

He was saying these words to comfort me. I looked at him and his lips and smiled. I changed the subject. “I should not keep you waiting and I need to get to the bank early if I’m going to be on time for my meeting with Mirabel.” I slowly pulled his hand away from my face and squeezed it. He had a hurt look in his eyes which he quickly masked. He said something too low for me to hear. Few minutes later, I watched as the streamlined body of his car drove out through the gate. Hugging myself, I walk back inside to prepare for my trip to the bank.

* * *

Jack had given me leave to use any of his cars and for that I was grateful. I picked a silver colored car. I didn’t care much for its brand. I drove the car smoothly out of the house, distant driving lessons making it easy even after years not being behind a wheel. I reached the bank soon after.

I parked in the parking lot and got out of the car. The sun was bright and at its peak but it wasn’t scorching. The city always had a humid temperature which was one of the things I liked about it. I walked to the entrance of the bank. Many people were up and about passing through the security checkpoint at the entrance or leaving the bank. I had a different feeling, a feeling that was different from the one I felt when I last passed through these doors.