Page 94 of Bedhead

He grunted but picked up his cell, yawning as he turned it on. The bright light of his screen lit up his handsome face, and I wanted to run my lips over the thick scruff along his jaw that had grown in a little more after I mentioned loving the feel of it between my thighs.

In an instant, his sleepy eyes went wide. “Oh shit.”

“Told you.”

“Well, this is an interesting turn of events.”

“Another wild celebrity autobiography? I’d say so.”

Hudson turned on his side to face me. He looked so damn sexy lying there with the sheet around his hips, but in his eyes was a spark of ambition. “You know what this means…”

“I do.”

“You sure you’re ready for that?”

“What’s that?” I cupped my ear, listening intently. “Is that…fearI hear in your voice?”

“Three months in and you wanna test the limits of our relationship by vying for the next big thing. Hmm. Is it smart?”

“Doubting us already?”

Hudson trailed the back of his knuckles along my jaw. “No one should ever doubt us.”

Yeah. Fuckingswoon.

I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch, and when his lips covered mine, I sighed in contented bliss.

Had it really only been three months since the event we’d dubbed “hurricane weekend” had thrown us together? We hadn’t spent a day apart since then, and making up for all that lost time had begun to make the time apart feel like only a blip. And when we had the rest of our lives together, it would be.

Still. We were rivals in business, and though we didn’t bring that stuff home with us, there would still be occasional manuscripts we both wanted, so this would be a test. We both still had pride and egos, after all.

“I swear I won’t be a vicious asshole and attempt any sabotage,” I promised, kissing his palm.

“And I agree that whoever they decide to go with is the best fit for the job.”

“Look at us compromising. Isn’t that the bedrock of a healthy relationship?”

Hudson chuckled. “Why does it sound like you’ve been vetting self-help books lately?”

“See? This is why I need this win. You’ve got Viper, I’ve got love languages, for fuck’s sake.”

When Hudson laughed harder, I grinned and brushed his hair off his forehead. I could still give as good as I got, but I’d learned my lesson about taking shit too seriously. There would be nothing I’d let come between me and this man again. Would I take a publishing win if I was the right choice for the job? Hell yeah.

But my priorities had changed for the better.

“Sooo…you still think my moving in next weekend’s a good idea?”

Hudson shot me a look. “Don’t play.”

“I’m just putting it out there. You sure you’ll want to live together if I win this account?”

Lightning fast, Hudson’s hand was on my hip, gripping me tight as he drew me into him. “Fuck yes, I do. I don’t mind you making me work for it.”

“Oh, I plan to make you work for it, all right. Hard and fast and all night.”

I nipped at his lower lip, but he leaned back, his brows together. “You still want this, right?”

“Are you kidding me?”