Page 62 of Bedhead

Hudson lowered himself to his knees and soaped up my hips, teasing my cock by getting close but moving around it, heading for my thighs instead. The water beat down over him like rain, and I entwined my fingers through his wet hair, guiding his head back to where I wanted his focus.

Hudson leaned back out of the direct spray, brow raised. “There something you want, Drew?”

I punched my hips forward in response, and he chuckled, continuing to wash and massage down my calves as he looked up at me.

“Say please.”


“That’s not the right word.”

“This is payback for yesterday, isn’t it?”

His lips twitched with amusement. “Not if you say the magic word.”


“Nope. Not it.”

As he rubbed the back of my thighs, bringing his face so close to where I wanted his mouth but ignoring it completely, I swallowed a growl. “For the love of God, please touch my fucking dick or I’ll—”

Hudson’s large hands were on me before I could finish that sentence, and I hissed out a breath. He lathered my length between his palms, and then began to move, giving me long, drawn-out strokes that had my thighs shaking. The firmness of his grip and the sight of him on his knees in front of me?Thiswas exactly the shower fantasy with him I’d been craving.

My arousal only grew as he let go and trailed his fingers through the trimmed curls surrounding my shaft and then down to cradle my balls. He wasn’t leaving even an inch of me without his touch, and though that was frustrating as hell, I loved that he was being thorough. That he wanted to take his time exploring my body again.

“Have I ever told you…” he started as his fingers wrapped around me again, “that you have a seriously impressive cock?”

“All the better to choke you with.” The image of doing just that only a day earlier, combined with his words, made my dick jolt in his hand, and he gave it a squeeze.

I thrust my hips, wanting even more, like the greedy bastard I was, and Hudson tightened his grip and picked up the pace. My head fell back against the shower wall. “Mmm, yes…fuck.”

It wasn’t lost on me that Hudson never did anything like this lightly. Whatever this was between us, whatever had changed, it was clear that the defenses he’d held up for so long had been lowered. He was on his knees proving that to me right now.

“That feels so damn good,” I said. Better than good, really, but that was just a littletooneedy.

Continuing to stroke me, Hudson rose to his feet, and I pushed the dripping strands of hair back from his face. Droplets continued to cascade down his temple, and I brushed them away with my thumbs and practically swooned at the picture he made. There was no denying it—the man was so hot it made me weak in the knees. I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck, tugging him in close to get a taste of that sinful mouth again.

His firm chest pressed up against mine, and he let go of me to grab my ass and haul me against him. He was just as hard as I was, and his mouth just as desperate. And dear God, the things he could do with his tongue…

Our cocks rubbed insistently between us, and the friction after that buildup drove me out of my mind. Hudson was busy kneading my ass, moving closer.

“You gonna let me fuck you, Drew?” he breathed across my lips.

A strangled gasp left my throat, because fuck, I wanted that more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. I bit the inside of my cheek in an effort to hold myself back, but with the goosebumps covering my skin even under the hot spray, my hunger for him was clear.

“Good. Because once I get inside this ass”—he ran a finger along the crease—“I don’t plan on leaving until the sun comes up.”

“Hate to break it to you, but the sun’s already up.”

A wicked grin tipped Hudson’s lips. “It’s gonna be a long day and night for you, then.”


Hudson being the initiator was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, and I prayed this wasn’t a dream. I needed him inside me, riding me hard for as long as he fucking wanted. As much as I didn’t want to think this was the last time I could have him, it could be, and I didn’t want to waste a second.

Still, me being me, I couldn’t help but let a smartass remark fly.

Threading my hand through his hair, I tugged his head back to issue my challenge. “Guess you’d better get started on those orgasms, then.”