Page 45 of Bedhead

I clicked open the email from Levi that had been sent yesterday:

Hudson and Drew,

I hope you’ve found a safe haven for the evening, and again, I’m so sorry that our best laid plans have gone awry. I’m sending this attachment your way in the hopes that it reaches you before the storm knocks out all contact. Since you’ve both signed an NDA, Viper wished me to pass along a few…teaserchapters, a little something to keep you occupied, entertained, and begging for more.

Enjoy this taste of what’s to come, and we’ll see you soon.

All my best,

Levi Walker

Holy shit.Ho-ly shiiit.

I couldn’t click the attachment open fast enough. My curiosity at what was inside burned hot.

Drew was going to lose his mind if he ever decided to come back.

My stomach flipped just from thinking of him again. No doubt he was downstairs feeling a certain way about my lack of response, but it was so sudden and unexpected that I needed some time to process. He’d understand…and if not, at least he’d have a surprise waiting for him when he got back to the room. That would definitely get his mind off me.

As I began to read, my eyes grew wider, and I realized exactly why Viper had sent this our way.

A few minutes later, the door buzzed open, and as Drew walked inside, I tore my eyes away from the screen to look up at him.


“No, don’t say anything,” he said, sounding resigned as he ran a hand over his face. “Look, I shouldn’t have brought all that up. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking—”

“Drew.” The urgency in my voice must’ve come through, because he frowned and shot me a questioning look. “Go get your laptop. Now.”

“Okay…” He frowned, but he handed me my phone and then dug his computer out of his bag. “Is something wrong? Don’t tell me they called off the trip.”

“No, it’s nothing bad. In fact”—a smile curved my lips—“I think you’re gonna like this.”

Drew kicked my flip-flops off and sat on the other end of the bed. “Shit, spit it out, then. What’s got you acting strange all of a sudden?”

“Viper,” I said, my grin growing wider. “Viper sent us his teaser chapters.”



TALK ABOUT A one-eighty.

I’d gone from wanting to kick rocks over opening my big mouth to Hudson to being intrigued that we’d gotten what were apparently some pretty titillating teasers.

Settling in on the foot of the bed opposite Hudson, I waited for my laptop to boot and tried not to watch Hudson’s face as he began to read. With a couple of pillows propped behind his back, he looked more casual than I’d seen him in a long time, even though he was still wearing tailored pants. The stuffy air had gotten to him earlier, and he’d rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned his collared shirt down a little ways, enough that I got a nice glimpse of his strong chest. His hair was tousled—he was not at all the meticulous businessman he usually presented to the world in this quiet moment.

But fuckin’ hell. He couldn’t even agree on a peace treaty with me, could he? Didn’t have a word to say when I exposed some of the shit I’d held inside.

God, I felt stupid now.

Whatever. Maybe he was now so invested in what he was reading that he’d forget all about what I’d said. I could blame it on the mini bottles I’d consumed if it came down to it.

Wait. No. I wasn’t gonna be a coward about this. I’d own up to my admission now that it was out there. It’d be fine. Really. If he didn’t want to ever accept that a person made mistakes at least once in their life, then that was on him, not me.

I’d been hoping for a little more of a reaction from him, though…

“Wow,” Hudson said, utterly engrossed in the chapters.