MORNING CAME SOON, but maybe that was because I hadn’t slept much.
Sprawled across Hudson’s body with my chin resting on my arm, I couldn’t stop looking at him. With the sun streaming in, his eyes were almost a translucent blue. It was mesmerizing, and for a while I just stared at him, completely blanking on what I’d wanted to ask.
He was watching me too, though, and lazily running his fingers through my hair.
This was what contentment felt like. I’d never imagined I could have it again. One huge fuck-up when I was young and dumb and I’d changed the trajectory of my life. Hudson hadn’t just been a casual college fling for me, but desperation had caused me to break his trust. I didn’t know if I could ever make it up to him, or if I deserved to. It was almost too much to hope I could get a second chance, but…
The way he was looking at me gave me a flicker of something that sure felt a lot like possibility.
I needed to just ask him. Lay it all out there and see where Hudson’s head was.
It would all be fine. Really. No need to get worked up or think of diving off the ferry later.
“H… Can I ask you something?”
“No.” Hudson smirked as he tousled my hair, and I shook my head and settled back onto his chest, throwing my arm over him. It would be much easier to get this out if I avoided eye contact.
“I’m fully aware what I’m about to say will make me sound like a stage-five clinger, but I swear it’s more like a four. Possibly even a three.”
His chest rumbled with laughter under my cheek. “Okay.”
“And no matter what you say, I’ll still drive you to Viper’s later.”
“How nice of you.”
“Itisnice of me. Remember that.”
“Drew,” he said on a groan.
“Get on with it.”
I blew out a long breath. It was now or never.
“Does this…end here?”
Nothing but silence filled the room, but I could hear his heartbeat speeding up at my question.
Good speed-up or bad speed-up?
I was beginning to sweat.
“Look at me.”
I lifted up on my elbow to see the expression on Hudson’s face had softened.
“Is that what you want?” he said.
“You know what I want.”
He cocked a brow. “Do I?”
“Dammit. You’re really gonna make me spell it out for you, huh?”
“Better believe it.”
If I could’ve hidden my face while telling him, that would make it so much easier, but he was still holding my chin, forcing me to look at him.