Page 45 of Erase

And for the first time ever, I’m sure that I’m exactly where I belong.



Rebellion has been so nervous since she’s been here with me in Birmingham. I’ve asked her about it a couple of times, and she’s told me she’s fine, but I’m not an idiot. Whenever a woman tells you they’re fine, they’re anything but fine. It’s like a trick they pull to gauge our stupidity. I wish women would realize we’re not mind readers, so unless they talk to us about it, we’re not going to understand what the hell is going on in their heads. All I want to do is help, and I know Rebellion sees that.

She’s been here for a couple of days now, and my father had Hades bring my truck back, as well as my belongings. Since then, they already went back out for Hades’ bike and grabbed the rest of my stuff. Dad didn’t want me to go back out to Atlanta, especially with Control making the connection about me to my father. There’s no doubt in our minds that he knows exactly who I am now, and I’ve got this deep feeling that shit’s about to hit the fan soon. Control seems like a man of action. He doesn’t strike me as much as the type who sits around twiddling his thumbs.

Right now, I’m in my father’s office, sitting on the other side of his wooden desk. I suggested that Calli and Amira spend some time with Rebellion since she’s going to be here for a while—or so I hope—but ultimately, that’s Rebellion’s decision. I love spending time with her. I love having her in my life. I never thought anything like this would happen while I was on this operation, but life threw me a much-needed curveball. A good curveball at that.

Calli wasn’t feeling too well, so Amira and Gemma took Rebellion out. Rebellion wasn’t able to get much of her stuff, and while she had some of her art supplies, I know a lot of her bigger items for her studio are at her father’s clubhouse. So, I gave Amira my credit card and told her to buy whatever Rebellion needed. I want her to be happy while she’s here, and the one thing that makes her happier than anything else is her artwork.

I need to talk to her soon about what she wants to do with art school. She got that scholarship, and since she’s no longer in Atlanta, I think she should take it. She should chase after her dreams, not be limited out of fear of what her father would do or even allow her to do.

“I was leery of you bringing Rebellion here. In hindsight, I’m glad you did it. When I look at her, she seems happy that she’s at our clubhouse, but the girl practically shakes like a dog in the middle of a thunderstorm sometimes.”

I nod and wet my bottom lip. “Yeah, she went through some intense shit at her father’s club.”

“He put his hands on her, didn’t he? That’s how she got that broken arm.” He’s asking a question, but he already knows the answer.

“Control is a monster, Dad. If I had a daughter, I would never put her through what Rebellion’s had to endure. It’s sickening.”

“Over my life, I’ve crossed paths with so many horrible people. One day I hope people like Control won’t be around, but the only way that’s going to happen is if people stand up to them. The reason people like him, or even Rage from the Demons of Hell MC, ever existed is because others never stood up to him and told them it was wrong. No one ever said, ‘this isn’t okay’. Instead, they had like-minded people surrounding them who acted like it was fine. I have to ask you, son. What are your plans with Rebellion?”

I swallow hard and try to think about what to say to him. “I don’t know, Dad. I really like her. I love being around her. When I went on this mission, I was doing it for the club. I had no intentions of getting into a relationship.”

Dad smirks and takes a sip of his bottled water. “Is that what you two are, in a relationship?”

“No. I don’t know. I . . . I’m not sure. I’d like to talk to her about it because I don’t want her to walk out of my life.”

“Then make sure she doesn’t. She needs to know she’s important to you. She’s out with Amira, right?”

I nod. “Amira and Gemma. I asked Calli, but Calli said she was feeling under the weather.” As soon as I mention Calli not feeling well, my father has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face.


“Eros and Calli told me yesterday that I’m going to be a grandfather. They’re not going to make a public announcement yet since it’s still early, but I’m very happy for them. While Rebellion is with the girls, you should go pick up your sister some comfort items. I know the morning sickness has been really bad for her.”

“Wow. That’s awesome. I bet they’re very excited. Uh, like what? The morning is almost over, so she should be feeling better soon, right?”

Dad bursts out into a fit of laughter. “It doesn’t just last in the morning, son. Your sister has been sick practically all day for the last few days. As far as things to get her, I know ginger was always helpful. Her mother would drink hot ginger tea, so maybe run to the supermarket and get some of that. Calli loves original and pizza-flavored Pringles, sourdough pretzels, and stuff like that. Just get her a goodie bag of stuff.”

Okay, that won’t be too hard to do. I’ll probably Google some other stuff, too, before I head to the store. “I’ll go do that when we’re done. Are Eros and Calli staying here until the apartment complex’s construction is complete?”

“Yeah. You know, since Pan and Trix had Atlas, Calli, and Gemma have been sharing a room at the house. Calli and Eros are going to stay in his room here for the first couple of months after the baby is born, and hopefully, we’ll get everything up and running before too long. We already got the bulldozer here flattening out the land. The next step is putting the concrete footers, getting the plumbing piping, and then the electrical conduit. Then we’ll move onto the concrete pad.”

“Please tell me that we’re not doing that plumbing or electrical shit.” I know he wants to save a lot of money by doing a lot of shit ourselves, but if it were up to me, we’d use outside contractors for the serious shit and then focus on the rest.

“We’ll do whatever we can to save the club some money, as long as it’s done the right way. I’m having Hades and Kratos start on the footers in a couple of days. Everything I just said to you is probably going to take a couple of months.”

“Damn, so it really will be ready after the baby is born.”

“Yeah. My hope is Pan and Trix will move into one of the apartments. They get first pick, then your sister and Eros. Any club member who has a family gets to choose their apartment. The single guys will stay here in the clubhouse in a room.” My dad is really getting into expanding the club. It kind of makes me think we’re expanding like my cousin has been out in Los Angeles.

“Dad, I hate to change the subject like this . . . but what are you going to do if Control makes a big fuss about things?”

“There is no if, Dion. There’s only a when. Control is going to continue coming here and trying to fuck with our shit. I’m not going to stand by and let that happen, and when he dares to show his face here again, I’m going to make sure it’s the last fucking thing he does. You told me what he did to Rebellion, his own daughter, and that’s inexcusable. It’s fucking despicable, really. You know I don’t stand for any man beating on a woman.”