Page 32 of Erase

Should I confront Leon about this discovery? Will he be honest with me? Or is he a skilled manipulator, hiding his true identity behind a façade of affection?

I’ve always prided myself on my intuition, my ability to sniff out deception and treachery, but now I’m questioning my own judgment.

Then again, I had no idea James was a total douchebag.

Maybe I’m just a terrible judge of character.

As I continue to scrutinize the photo, comparing every minute detail of Zeus’s face to the features I’ve come to know so intimately in Leon, I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to this story.

Maybe Control actually knows about this resemblance. Maybe he’s even using Leon as a pawn, a means to infiltrate the Sons of Gods from within.

Oh, hell. Is Control using me to get into the rival club? What exactly is my role in all of this? Am I meant to be a pawn as well, caught between two warring factions, forced to choose between duty and love?

The thought sends a chill down my spine.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. I need more information before I make any rash decisions.

I can’t afford to let emotions cloud my judgment.

Not even if those emotions are for the man, I was beginning to think Leon might truly be.

Closing the file, I tuck it back into the cabinet.

I won’t confront Leon.

Not yet.

Not until I learn the truth.

But as I leave Control’s office, my sense of unease lingers in the air. I can’t help but wonder if my search for truth will lead to yet another heartbreaking betrayal.

I’m not sure I can take that.



I just got back to Atlanta, and I’ve been in my apartment for the last hour or so. I know the club wanted me back here as soon as possible, and in the short time I was gone, I’ve been texting with Rebellion. The last few hours, she’s been pretty quiet, but I’m trying to write it off as her being busy. There is a part of me that’s genuinely worried.

I don’t think it’s about my ‘mission’ or what I’m doing for the club, either. I actually give a shit about Rebellion as a person, and seeing what I did the night of the Mardi Gras party has opened my eyes up a bit. Now, I’m not claiming to know everything that’s going on in her life, but there were some obvious things I could see. I might be an idiot sometimes, but I’m sure as fuck not blind.

I’m leaning back on my sectional couch, and I can’t take it anymore. I have to text her.

To: Rebellion

Hey. You doing anything?

I think it cuts straight to the point, and it’ll be enough to garner a response from her. Luckily for me, within five minutes, she replies back.

From: Rebellion

Hi there. No, not really. What’s up?

I know we talked about going to that museum once I got back, but I don’t want to spring such a fancy date on her right now.

To: Rebellion

Do you wanna come over and get some pizza, maybe watch a movie or two?