Page 20 of Erase

Rager cocks a brow and then bursts out laughing. “Your friend, huh? I’m sure your dad will love to hear that.”

“I really don’t give a crap what my dad thinks,” Rebellion snaps at Rager. It literally just went from zero to one hundred. I’m starting to think her father is a button that’s just begging to be pushed. She wasn’t kidding when she said she had a complicated relationship with him.

“Rager!” a woman screams his name, and he doesn’t give Rebellion or me a second thought. He rushes over to be with the woman, who looks like a clubwhore if you ask me.

“I fucking hate that nickname. I don’t know who came up with it, but I’ve told them not to call me it. They still do it whenever they can.”

“They only do it because you huff and puff about it. If you stop reacting to their childishness, they’ll stop actin’ like teenagers. Just my two cents.”

Rebellion cocks her head to the side. “You know, I think you might be right. I’ve always made a fuss about it, but maybe I should ignore it for a bit and see what happens.”

“Yeah, give it a go and let me know. I bet your father is really proud of what you’ve done here. The artwork looks awesome.”

As I finish speaking, Rebellion’s expression pretty much dissipates. There’s not one bit of happiness left there. “He’s not really pleased with me. He . . . he wanted me to paint it some basic color, and instead, I made a mural. He thinks it’s too busy for the clubhouse, too frou-frou, so I’m sure I’ll be painting over it sometime soon.”

“That’s a shame. He should be able to see your undeniable talent. I sure do, and I know you’re going to be a famous artist one day. Is that what you want?”

“I . . . I’ve thought about that a lot. What I really want to do is work at a big animation company or something like that. Working in a place of that caliber would constantly be challenging me, and I know I wouldn’t be doing the same thing all the time.”

“You know you won’t make it that far. You’ll give up on it soon enough,” a man’s deep voice comes up from behind us, and I’m about to put whoever said it in their place. But, as I turn around and read the word ‘Prez’ on Control’s cut, I know I can’t fucking do it. I want to, but I can’t. “Who is this, Lacey?” Control looks right at his daughter, and the second he calls her by her birth name, she stiffens.

“This is my friend, Leon. Leon, this is my father, Control.”

“Hmmpf,” Control grunts when he looks at me. He slowly scans his eyes up and down my body, taking in every bit of me from the looks of it. “Oddly enough, you remind me of someone.”

“I get that a lot. Guess I have one of those faces.” I act like what he’s said doesn’t bother me in the least bit, but there’s a small part of me that thinks Control just might put this all together.

“He works at a local mechanic shop, so you might’ve seen him there,” Rebellion pipes up, and her father nods.

I can tell she’s uncomfortable, and I’ll stay here with her for a while, but I’ll be asking her at some point if she wants to leave. It’s weird because she’s a club princess. She should want to be at the clubhouse. I get the impression her being in the clubhouse only stresses her out, and all I needed from her tonight was to make some sort of contact, which I’ve done. Now he knows me, and I’m sure the next few times I show up here, he’s going to see I’m not going anywhere.

I’m one step closer to getting some answers for my club. I don’t care how deep I have to dig. I’m going to find the treasure underneath the dirt.



Leon runs his hands up my sides, under my shirt, his thumbs whispering along the waistband of my pants.

Shivers slide down my back, and my nipples harden into taut, sensitive peaks.

Leon leans forward and presses his lips against mine, his tongue slicking across my bottom lip, teasing my mouth open.

I exhale softly, a tiny noise escaping my throat as I melt into him, allowing him access to the recesses of my mouth, where his tongue tangles with mine.

His hands encircle my waist, sliding around to hold his fingertips against the small of my back and pull me toward him.

I press my body against him, the hard length of his cock against my abdomen.

His hands move down to cup my ass cheeks, holding the roundness of them in his palms.

I stand up on my tiptoes to meet him, and he lifts me off the floor and steps toward the table behind me.

I spread my knees wide and wrap my legs around his hips as he steps closer.

With a single swipe of my hand, I sweep away all the paint tubes and brushes on the table, making room to lean back.

He holds me up long enough to move my skirt out from under me, then drops me back down on the table.