Page 55 of Erase

“Thank you for saving me,” I reply, my voice barely audible. “And for showing me that there’s more to life than just surviving.”

Our words hang in the air, shimmering like fireflies as the sun dips below the horizon. And then Dion leans down, capturing my lips with his own, and suddenly we’re lost in each other.

The kiss is tender and fierce all at once, a testament to the love we share and the bond we’ve forged. As we pull apart, our eyes meet again, and I can’t help but smile.

“Let’s go start our new life together,” Dion says.

I lean my head on his shoulder as he starts the truck and pulls out of the parking lot, knowing that wherever he goes, I’ll gladly follow.


Three Months Later . . .


Things have been so peaceful as of late. Ever since my father killed Control, we haven’t heard so much as a peep from the Burning Heretics MC. We did hear that Rager was released from the hospital, but it was a month after he was admitted. He’s the acting president for the club, and my father’s had us going around, making sure that no one’s been messing around in Birmingham. Control stirred up a lot of shit. He made deals with people he had no business communicating with in the first place.

“Thanks for showing up.” Dad comes up beside me. The entire clubhouse is decked out in pink, purple, and a light teal color for Jo’s baby shower. She’s due in about two months and tried to say she didn’t need a party. Jo should’ve known better. The women insisted that they needed to do it. Jo tried to tell them it wasn’t necessary, but Gemma told Jo it was better to have it late than never.

Gemma is Pan’s sister and happens to be best friends with my sisters. She was Calli’s good friend, but she really became good friends with Amira too. Calli and Gemma live in the same house with Trix and another woman. I can’t remember her name, but she’s this goody-two-shoes kind of chick. She’s here now and did a lot of baking for the baby shower.

“I didn’t know it was a requirement for us guys to be at these.” I give my dad an amused look, and he chuckles.

“Yeah, me either. Jo said, and I quote, ‘If I have to go, you’re stuck going too’. I know better than to piss off a pregnant lady, so here I am.” Jo and I aren’t as close as she is with my sisters, but I’m glad my father found happiness. I didn’t know if he’d ever really settle down again, and Jolene gave him a second shot at life. None of us could’ve picked a better match for him.

“She’s as feisty as ever, I bet.”

“Son, you have no idea. Whenever Rebellion’s pregnant, you’ll understand. Eros and I are walking on eggshells most of the time. He told me yesterday that Calli broke out crying because he burned the toast.”

“Fuck, that’s not something I want to deal with any time soon.” It’s not that I don’t want to have children with Rebellion. She’d make a great mother one day, but she needs to live for herself. She’s only ever followed her father’s rules. He dictated a lot of her life before, and she’s overdue for some time to focus on what she wants, which is exactly why she’s been going to art school.

She has classes four days a week. Monday through Thursday. Every Thursday afternoon, I ride out to pick her up and bring her home for the weekends. On Sunday afternoons, I take her back out there. Sometimes I stay with her on Sunday nights and ride back out on Monday. It’s worked out well for us so far, and she’s so happy to be doing what she loves. She told me that in one of her classes, the professor said that places like Disney and IMAX offer internships for those studying design work. She told me that in the past, she’d loved to be working on some cartoons full-time and pursue her personal artwork on the side. She applied for the internship and should hear back next semester. People are chosen based on their skill level, and I know she’s a shoo-in for it. There isn’t anyone else who could be more talented than her in my eyes.

“Did I tell you we decided on a name?” Dad asks.

“No, you didn’t.” I take a swig of my beer.

“Roslyn. She wants to call her Ros when she gets older. I think it’s a tough name.”

“It is. Unique as hell too. I don’t know anyone named Ros.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said too.”

We stand beside each other for a couple of minutes while music plays in the background. Jolene is opening up baby gifts while people are passing around cake. I notice Gemma glaring at Hades and nudge my father in the side. “You know what that’s about?”

“Hell, if I know. Hades always has to push that girl’s buttons. I don’t know if it’s because she’s Pan’s sister or what. I have noticed she’s been really friendly with Poseidon as of late, and I have a feelin’ that might be pissing Hades off.” Dad smiles at the last bit. Dad might know definitively know jack shit, but he sure as hell has some assumptions. Assumptions which are amusing him from the looks of it.

“Mmm, could be,” I sigh, and my father narrows his brows.

“Is there something you want to talk about?”

“Not really. I keep wondering when the peace is going to be over. We haven’t had issues for a while, Dad.” I look right into his eyes. I want to see if there’s even the slightest indication that something could be amiss.

“Enjoy the peace while you have it. You never know when things will come crashing down, son. Things are under control for now . . . but there are always enemies sniffing around. A lot of people aren’t too happy with me taking out Control. Especially the people he was doing business with. They think I don’t know they’re nosing around, but I do.”

“Why haven’t you discussed any of that with us?” He hasn’t brought it up in one church since he killed Control.

“I have my reasons.” Of course, he has to be as vague as ever.