Page 50 of Erase

Adrenaline courses through me as Rager lunges at me with a sudden burst of strength. But I’m ready for him. As he comes within reach, I dodge toward the pile of crates and grab the length of pipe.

I come up swinging, just in time to hit Rager in the head. He stumbles back, reeling across the room, and I swallow hard.

All I have to do now is hold him off long enough for Dion to get here.

I pray I’ll be able to manage it.

Because if I can’t, I’ll have to kill him.

And as much as I loathe Rager, I don’t know if I could live with myself.

Then again, maybe I could, I realize as I stare him down.



I’ve never been more thankful than I am now that sharing locations is even possible. A few years ago, I didn’t even think this was a thing. I remember when mint-colored flip phones were out when I was a kid and the phones that you’d slide up and have access to an entire keyboard. Rebellion sent me her location as soon as I told her to.

It’s crazy how I knew deep down something bad was going to happen. I had a gut feeling, and I was always told by my father to trust my gut. Now I know why.

I had already called my father and told him what was going down. I’m only a few minutes away from the warehouse where Rebellion is held. It’ll take them at least fifteen minutes to get there. I know my father wants me to wait until I have backup, but I can’t do that. In fifteen minutes, it could damn well be too late, and that’s not something I’m willing to risk.

I drive as fast as I can to the old shoe factory. It’s been abandoned for ten years, and then a meat supplier went into it for a brief period of time. I think they might have been there for five or six months, but then the health department shut them down. They moved in and started using the facility before it went through the proper channels to get approval. Instead of cleaning the warehouse out, they left all the meat there. I imagine it’s going to smell like absolute shit since they just skipped town a couple months ago.

I’m driving so fast that I can barely make out the structures I’m passing. My only concern is getting to Rebellion as fast as I can. She sounded petrified on the phone. I know she can hold her own until I get there, but fuck I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to her.

I should’ve had a prospect go with Amira, Gemma, and Rebellion. Why the fuck didn’t I think about that? I . . . I guess I thought Control wouldn’t be back in the area so soon. I thought maybe she’d have at least a couple of days of normalcy before we needed to have a protection detail on her. That’s my own fault for being stupid.

I finally pull up to the abandoned warehouse. There are bound to be other ways to get into this place, but all I know about is the main entrance. There’s an eight-foot chain link fence around the entrance and parking lot. It seems like a pathetic effort to deter anyone from coming onto the property.

There’s a chain and a deadbolt securing the fence together, acting as a gate. It’s no match for my truck, so I floor it and bust right through the damn thing. I yank out my phone and check the location pin Rebellion sent me so I can at least know where to go.

I ride right up to the main entrance, where there’s a set of French doors. One-half of them is open, so I dart right in it. I pull my gun out from the back of my pants and have it ready. I don’t want to have to second-guess shooting. My guess is there’s going to be one hell of a shootout here.

I continue down the hallway when I hear screaming.

“Get the fuck away from me!” Rebellion’s voice is shaking as she’s screaming. It tells me she’s terrified, but she’s not alone anymore.

My combat boots slam against the ground as I run to my woman. They better not have fucking touched her. If they did, there would be hell to pay, and I’ll make sure of it.

I’m finally in the room where Rebellion is. She’s on one side holding an old rusty pipe. Rager’s within a few feet of her, and she’s swinging that pipe like her very life depends on it. I don’t waste any time pulling back my safety and firing. I aim right at some greasy black-haired son of a bitch. It hits him in the leg, but he barely acts like it’s even pierced his skin. “Hey! Pick on someone your own size, douchebag!”

The man whips around and looks right at me. Then I remember him. That’s the guy who kept staring at us the night of the Mardi Gras party. I wonder if it’s the same guy who came onto her aggressively. By the way he’s looking at me with rage-filled eyes, I’m going to bet it is.

“My, my. Rebellion’s precious Dion comes to save the day, has he? The joke’s on her because the only thing you’ll be doing is dying right in front of her. I can’t wait for her to see that.”

“You’re fuckin’ delusional, man,” I grit out, staring right into his devilish eyes. For a split second, I glance over at Rebellion. Her eyes are wide. Her skin is flushed red, and I know she’s doing her best to keep her shit together right now.

“Delusional? No. I’m a visionary. It’s something you’ll never understand. I’m going to be the Prez of the Burning Heretics, and Rebellion will be my ol’ lady. Control has already given her to me. You don’t own her.”

“That’s funny because you don’t either. She has free choice in the matter. From where I’m standin’, Rebellion doesn’t want anything to do with you.” I can’t help but smile as I say it. I know it’ll dig deep. I want him to get angrier. The angrier he gets, the easier it makes it for me.

“It’ll never happen.” The man begins running toward a pile of weapons on the floor, but before he can make it there, I let out another shot and another. One hit him in the back of his left knee, and the other got him in the shoulder. I don’t want to kill him just yet. I’m going to take my time with this insufferable bastard.

Only, I don’t get the chance. Rebellion is still on the chain, but she can still get over to him. She pulls up the pipe in her hand and crashes it down on his head.

“Look how tough you are now. Pathetic bitch,” he cusses at her and spits on her feet. He’s trying to get up, and I’m rushing over there.