Page 49 of Erase

“Only if you promise to leave me alone,” I gasp, sweat pouring down my face as I struggle to maintain my hold on the chain. “Swear it!”

“Never,” he wheezes, his face turning purple as he fights for breath.

My resolve steels itself further. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I keep the pressure on the chain, even though my injured arm cries out in protest.

Finally, Rager’s body goes limp, and he collapses to the ground, unconscious. Gasping for breath, I let the chain slip from my fingers. Every nerve in my body screams in exhaustion, but I can’t rest yet. There is still so much to do.

“Okay, Rebellion, you got this,” I whisper to myself, forcing my trembling legs to carry me toward the folding table where Rager dropped my phone. I snatch it up, my hands shaking as I dial Dion’s number.

“Dion, it’s me,” I pant when he picks up. “Rager took me. I—I got away from him, but I need help. I’m chained up in some . . . warehouse. I don’t know how much time I have before he wakes up.”

“Rebellion, thank God you’re okay,” Dion breathes, relief evident in his voice. “Send me your location. We’re coming for you.”

“Okay, hold on.” I fumble with my phone, managing to send him my coordinates. “Just . . . hurry, please.”

“We’ll be there as soon as possible,” Dion promises. “Stay strong, Rebellion. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

As I hang up, I can’t help the tears that prick at the corners of my eyes. For the first time in my life, someone is fighting for me—and that means more than words can express.

Is he . . .?I can’t bring myself to finish the question even in my mind, my gaze fixed on Rager’s prone form. The fear that I might have killed him gnaws at me, but I don’t want to get too close. I need to focus on escaping.

“Okay, just need the key,” I mutter under my breath, trying to steady my nerves. My broken arm throbs with pain, but I push it aside, steeling myself for the task at hand. Rager has the key to the handcuffs in his pocket, and if I want any chance at freedom, I have to get it.

Taking a deep breath, I creep closer, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum.

You can do this, Rebellion, I silently urge myself, inching toward Rager’s unconscious body. The stench of sweat and blood fills my nostrils, making it difficult to breathe, but I can’t afford to falter now.

“Almost there,” I whisper, my fingers hovering above his pocket. I hesitate for a split second, memories of his cruel touch and harsh words still fresh in my mind. But then I remember Dion’s promise and something inside me ignites.

Just as I muster the courage to plunge my hand into Rager’s pocket, his eyes flutter open. Panic surges through me like an electric shock, and I stumble back, my heart in my throat.

“Thought you could escape, huh?” he rasps, a sinister smile playing on his lips. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Stay away from me!” I back up until I hit the wall. My fingers instinctively close around the chain, ready to use it as a weapon if necessary.

Rager struggles to sit up. Blood trickles down his face from where I scratched him, but it doesn’t seem to faze him. “But you’re still mine, and I’m not done with you yet.”

“Go to hell!” My voice shakes with rage and fear. “Dion is on his way, and he’ll tear you apart when he gets here!”

“Is that so?” Rager chuckles darkly, his eyes locked on mine. “Well, then, I guess we’ll just have to make the most of the time we have left.”

My heart races as I realize that Dion might not make it in time.

I glance around the dimly lit warehouse, searching for anything that could help me.

If I could get to the weapons piled in the corner, I could shoot him.

But they’re all the way across the warehouse, and Rager is faster than I am.

My gaze falls on a rusty pipe lying near some old crates.

“Please, Dion, hurry,” I whisper, praying for a miracle. But I know I can’t rely on him alone. It’s up to me to save myself—and I’ve never been more terrified in my life.

“Look at you, all scared and helpless,” Rager sneers as he pushes himself up onto his feet. “Such a shame. I really did think you were different from the others.”

“Turns out I’m a lot stronger than you give me credit for,” I shoot back, my hands trembling as I grip the chain tightly.

“Strong enough to kill me?” he challenges, taking a step closer. “I doubt it.”