Page 29 of Erase

“If I were you, I’d stop while I’m ahead.” Apollo’s trying to talk some sense into Kratos, but he doesn’t want to hear it.

“I didn’t ask for your input or your opinion. Sure, we have Dion doing that undercover shit with Control’s club, but what’s come of it? Huh? What the fuck does Dion have to tell us?” Kratos looks right at me, nostrils flaring, and I almost wonder if he’s mad about something else. Has someone else aggravated him to this point? Kratos might be hot-headed, but typically he doesn’t just go off for no damn reason.

I look at my father once, and he gives me a nod, so I clear my throat and speak up. “I made it into Control’s clubhouse.”

Not a brother in the room makes a peep, and Kratos seems really interested in what I have to say.

“I know where their club is. I’ve seen Control face-to-face. I’ve witnessed how their club interacts, and I think in time, I can begin to learn more about how they operate,” I state, making sure everyone in the room has a few moments to process what I’m saying.

“How exactly did you manage that?” Hades is the one to ask the million-dollar question.

“I’ve gone on a few dates with his daughter. She’s my ticket into the clubhouse, and I know it.”

“What?” Based on my father’s aggravated tone, he’s not happy with my methods.

“I know what I’m doing might seem like a lot, but I promise I have reasons. What I’ve discovered is that Control keeps her close, extremely close, yet looks at her like she’s below him. She’s the black sheep, so to speak, and that’s going to end up helping me. I’m gaining her trust, and I know with time, she’s going to begin to tell me things about the club. I promise I’m not wasting time with this, brothers.”

“How do you know she’s the black sheep of her family?” Ares questions, a bit calmer than he was earlier when I saw him.

“Her demeanor the night she invited me to the club’s Mardi Gras party. I wouldn’t say she was nervous around her father, but I will say she seemed to be very anxious and guarded.”

“Are you sure that wasn’t just because she was bringin’ you there? Her new boy toy or whatever?” Kratos questions.

I shake my head. “No, because she was only calm with me. When it came to her father, her demeanor changed.”

“Did anything significant happen the night of the party?” My father asks me, pulling me away from the line of questioning the brothers have.

“Not anything too crazy. Control did say I looked familiar, but I told him I have one of those faces.”

My father inhales slowly and nods. Everyone in the club knows that I look just like my father. The only differences we have are our ages, hair color, and the tattoos we have. “Do you think he suspected anything after that?”

“I don’t think so, but I can’t be certain. I tried to throw him off my trail and laughed it off, but who knows.” I shrug, and there’s an intense silence in the room.

“I’m glad you’re getting closer to his club. We already know he’s fucking around with our suppliers, which is a telltale sign he’s planning on coming into our territory. I’m not going to stand by and let that happen, not after we all worked so hard to keep this over the years. Dion, I know the plan was for you to stay here tonight and head back out to Atlanta in the morning, but I want you back in Atlanta tonight. Reach out to the girl and see whatever else you can get from her. I like the plan you have going. It’s a good one, and if you’re her trusted confidant, she’s sure to tell you whatever she knows.”

“Ifshe knows anything at all,” Kratos chimes in. Man, he’s really being a Debbie Downer.

“I’m certain she does. He might not tell her everything, but she has two ears and can listen.” I find myself sticking up for Rebellion, which is shocking to me, but I don’t let my brothers see that. They don’t need to. Fuck, this just confirms that if we were in a different circumstance, I’d probably be pursuing Rebellion for real. She’s an awesome chick, and I hate that she’s Control’s daughter. There will never be anything real between the two of us. We started this out of lies and deception on my part, so I knew there wasn’t any way she could truly trust me.

“Enough. Time will tell, and in the meantime, Dion is doin’ a damn good job. I’m sure he’ll give us more information soon.” Dad looks right at Kratos and then turns his attention back to me. “Now, son, Doug hasn’t been giving you any shit, has he?” Doug, as in the owner of the mechanic shop?

I rear my head back a bit. “Sorry, what?”

My dad chuckles lowly. “You forget I’ve been around for a while. Me and him go way back. He mentioned he was renting to a younger guy with a green bike. I didn’t realize when you called me that you were renting the apartment one of my oldest friends owns. Small world.”

“That it is.” I’m a little flabbergasted. “He’s not giving me any problems. I’m actually working down in the shop to help give me a cover and to have somethin’ to do. I’d get bored if I wasn’t doin’ something else.”

“I’m glad to hear it. At some point, he’ll start giving you some hell, but it’s all in good fun. Keep up the good work.” Dad looks back out to all of my brothers. “Now, I’m gonna have my boys on the streets keepin’ an eye on our suppliers. I want to know if Control plans on meeting with any of them because if he does, it means he’s been planning this out for a while. I want to have as much information as I can before we move on anything, and I’m sure you all do as well. When we strike, we’re gonna be prepared. I’m not gonna have any of you getting hurt.” My dad slams the gavel down on the table, and all of us leave the room.

I think about going upstairs and getting my duffel bag, but what’s the point of doing that? I’ll be back here soon, eventually, so I pull my keys out of my wallet and start heading outside.

My sisters are sitting off in the seating area to the left as soon as I walk through the door. “Dion, where are you headed off to?” Calli asks.

“I’m heading back to Atlanta.”

“So soon?” Calli furrows her brows.

I nod. “Yeah. Dad wants me back out there as soon as possible, so I’m heading out here in a few.”