Page 28 of Erase

Control grabs my hair close to the scalp, wrapping his hand in it and fisting it, then jerking my head back so I am staring straight up at him.

“Don’t you ever go against me again.” He glares into my eyes. “Hear me?”

I want to fight back, kick and scream, and pummel him with my own fists. But I’ve been here before, and I know where that will lead.

His fist tightens, and he shakes me, ripping out strands of hair. “I said, do you understand?”

I swallow, forcing myself to bury my pride and conceal my anger and my defiance.

But he sees it in my eyes anyway.

“Stupid little cunt,” he mutters and shoves me to the floor.

I land hard, catching sight of him drawing back his foot just in time to curl into a ball and protect myself at least a little.

I manage to make sure his kick misses my stomach, where he was aiming. It hits my arm instead—but I’ve coiled up with my left arm in front, so at least it’s not my drawing hand. The popping sound of my bone cracking echoes through his office, and I clench my teeth against screaming out, but a whimper escapes me anyway.

I stay on the floor, not daring to move, my eyes squeezed shut as I listen to the harsh sound of my own breathing. Finally, Control heaves an irritated sigh. “Get up. Go get yourself taken care of.”

I scramble to my feet, cradling my broken arm against my chest. I head toward the door, refusing to look back at my father.

But when he speaks, I pause, my uninjured hand on the knob.

“Don’t let this happen again. Next time, I’ll give you to Rager. And I won’t stop him, no matter what he wants to do with you.”

A shudder runs through my entire body. I’m afraid if I open my mouth to reply, I’ll vomit all over the floor. So instead, I simply give a sharp nod and move through the door.

Jesus. I’ve never been important to him.

Never more than a showpiece.

And I finally understand that I never will mean any more than that.



It’s been one hell of a day already. Between Ares having a stick shoved up his ass and my mother calling, I’m about spent. Hades and I have just made it back to the clubhouse and are walking through the doorway when my father lifts his gaze and looks right at me. “Good, you’re back. I was just tellin’ everyone I need them in church, so get your asses in there.”

Before either one of us can say a word, my father is walking down the hall toward the room we hold church in. There’s something about the way he’s walking, not really about the speed but more about the stature. He’s standing taller, and the entire time he was speaking to us, his nostrils were flaring. Someone pissed him off, and I’ll bet my money we’re about to find out.

Hades and I both head into the room where we have church, both taking our assigned seats. Once my ass hits the wooden chair, my father slams the gavel down on the table. “Brothers, I’ve got some fuckin’ news for you.” He shakes his head, and everyone awaits what he’s going to say next. “I’ve had a couple of our boys on the streets keep an eye on the supplier who Control’s been potentially workin’ with. Well, it’s not a fuckin’ rumor. I’ve got the photos to prove it.” My father slides photos across the table, and sure enough, he’s right.

Control can be seen with one of my father’s suppliers. In a couple of photographs, it looks like the two of them are speaking, and then in another, Control is handing him cash, and our supplier is handing him a pouch—which we all know is filled with drugs.

“I’ll be damned. Control really is lookin’ for an all-out war,” Hades grumbles, shaking his head in the process.

“If he wants a war, then we’ll bring it to him,” Ares declares. He’s obviously still pissed off due to his potential baby mama drama.

My father looks out to the rest of the brothers, and only a couple of them speak up.

“We knew he was going to try and cause problems for us at some point,” Poseidon adds.

“Yeah, and that’s when we should’ve sent a message. Instead, we’ve been sitting on our asses doing nothing about it.” Kratos is showing everyone just how annoyed he is about this.

“Doing nothin’ about it, huh?” My father’s reached his boiling point as his roar echoed through the room.

Kratos looks at him up and down, and I’m damn sure he’s going to end up dead today. “Doesn’t look to me like we’re doin’ much of anything.”