Page 10 of Erase

Amira cocks a brow as she leans back against the booth. “What? Why is this the first time I’m hearing about it?”

“It’s for the club, and I’m not going to be gone forever. I don’t know the complete details yet, but I think I’m going to be jumping back and forth between Birmingham and Atlanta for a bit.”

“Atlanta, huh?” Amira seems intrigued. While I’d love to share every little detail with my sister, I can’t share it all. This is the tricky part about doing things for the club. Sometimes the people you love want to know more, but you’re not at liberty to discuss it with them.

“Let me guess, you can’t tell us anything, can you?” Now Calli’s the one asking the questions.

“If Dad wants to tell you, he can, but I’m not gonna get my ass reamed for talkin’ about it.”

“Fair enough. We’ll just go ask him what’s up when we get back to the club later,” Amira states. Better her than me.

My phone dings, and it’s the app I’ve been speaking to Lacey on. I tap on the message as my sisters make conversation with one another.

RebellionArt770: Hey. I hope you’re having a good day. I really like talking to you.

Wow. I didn’t expect her to be so honest with me. Some guys would get scared off by some shit like this, but not me. Nope, if anything, it proves that I’m doing a damn good job at luring her in, and the more I do that, the closer I am to making the club proud.

Bacchus0320: I am. How about you? I’m glad you said that. I want to see if maybe you’d like to go out for a coffee date or something.

“Geeze, what’s with the smile on your face?” Amira cackles, staring me up and down as she awaits for me to say something.

I figure I can lie to my sister, or I can be honest, so I’m going to be as honest as I can right now. “I’m talking to this girl on a dating app. She seems really cool, and I just asked her out.”

“What!?” Amira is giddy as can be for me, while Calli sits against the booth and smiles sweetly.

“Yeah, I figured I’d put myself out there and see what can become of it. You know?”

“As you should. Life is so much better with a partner by your side,” Calli speaks up. Out of my sisters, Calli is the one where our relationship hasn’t been the easiest. We don’t argue or treat each other badly, but it isn’t nearly as smooth as mine and Amira’s. It’s why I’m working so damn hard to make sure that things go well.

I wish things with Lacey could be real, but the fact is they aren’t.

I’m only communicating with her for the club, and there’s a high chance when I get what I want from her, I’m going to walk away like I never even knew her in the first place.



I walk into the coffee shop, the bell on the door jingling as I step inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling my senses. I scan the room, and my eyes land on a handsome man sitting alone at a small table by the window. He glances up and catches my eye, and my heart skips a beat, a jolt of electricity running through me.

It’s Leon, and he’s even more attractive than his photos—which is pretty much the opposite of my experience with dating apps.

He’s wearing a leather jacket and rugged jeans, his blond hair brushed back from his face. His bright blue eyes make a slow sweep of me from head to toe as I make my way over to him, trying to keep my nerves under control.

“I’m Rebellion,” I say, holding out my hand as a sudden surge of excitement and nervousness flickers through me.

“Leon,” he replies, shaking my hand. “Nice to meet you in person.” He flashes a dazzling smile, movie-star bright, and it’s all I can do to keep from swooning.

Don’t be an idiot, Rebellion, I tell myself.He’s just a guy.

An amazingly sexy, too-gorgeous-to-be-real guy. But still just a guy.

“Thanks so much for inviting me here.”

Leon chuckles softly, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. “The pleasure is all mine, Rebellion,” he says, releasing my hand reluctantly. He pauses for a long moment as if considering whether to say whatever it is he’s thinking. “I have to say, you’re even more beautiful in person than in your profile pictures.”

I blush, feeling a surge of warmth spread through me, not sure how to respond. Finally, I settle on a simple “Thanks.”

“Let me get you a drink. What would you like?”