Davidstops so suddenly,Ialmost bump into him.Thenhe tugs me close, placing his hands on my hips and exerting enough pressure to have my pelvis almost touching his.

Ihesitate for a second, a quiver of uncertainty running through me.Nothingcan happen here in front of everyone, though.I’mjust being overly cautious.Ormaybe it’s becauseI’mso out of practice.Iplace my palms on his chest, which has his smile widening.

Havehis eyes always been that unnaturally bright, or do the strobing lights here make them appear that way?Ilet out a slow breath and force my shoulders down, doing my best to relax into him.Wemove to the pounding beat, and soon, my limbs loosen.Thisisn’t so bad.It’sactually kind of nice being held like this.Butonly a few minutes later, he’s pulling me closer—so close that my breasts are flattened against his chest.

Itry to go with the flow, but discomfort knots the back of my neck.SoIgo up on my toes and yell in his ear. “IthinkI’llhead back to my friends.”

Hegrins again and shakes his head. “I’mnot finished dancing with you yet.”

Thisclose, his alcohol-heavy breath washes over me, andIturn my face to the side, my heart jackhammering in my chest.WhenItry to pull away, his hands tighten on my hips, then slide down to my ass and grind me against him.

Asudden flashback hits me so sharply, all my muscles tighten at once.

Phillip’sheavy body pins me against the wall, andIturn my face away to avoid his alcohol-soaked breath as he tries to kiss me.Ipush as hard asIcan against his chest, but he’s too big.Ican’t move him.

Ishove my hands againstDavid. “Letme go.I’mdone.”Butmy breathless voice is drowned out by the driving music.

“Comeon, beautiful.Ihaven’t even had a chance to kiss you yet.”Hedips his face toward me, and it’s then thatInotice the signs.Whydidn’tIsee them before?Theoverly bright eyes, the too-wide smile.I’vewitnessed it at the bar enough.He’shigh on something.

“Stop.”Ipull back from his hard grip. “Idon’t want—”

Butthen his lips are on mine.Itry to jerk away, but while he keeps one hand on my ass, he grabs my hair with the other to hold my head still.

Histongue is in my mouth andI’mabout to bite down on it when he’s wrenched off me.Icry out and stumble backward, catching myself on another dancer beforeIfall.Agasp flies out of me at the vision ofDevon, mouth fixed in a snarl as he punchesDavidin the face—once, twice.BeforeIcan find my bearings soIcan stop him,Mattis pulling him away, while another bodyguard grabsDavid, who’s now clutching his face, blood dripping between his fingers.

Devonsnaps something atMatt, who promptly releases him.Heglares atDavid, then barks something at the bodyguard restraining him, who nods in response and marches the now furious-looking, bloody man toward the door.

Onlythen doesDevonlook at me.Ican only stare at him while tremors run through me.Thehot blaze of anger in his eyes fades a little as he comes toward me.

“Areyou okay?”Hecups my face with both hands, scrutinizing every inch.

“I—I’mokay.Butwhat about you?Youcould get arrested for assault.”It’sthen thatIremember the crowd surrounding us, andIcringe.I’vecaused a scene at a celebrity-filled party.Damnit.Myvision blurs.

Beauis at my side now, looking as furious asDevon. “We’vegot plenty of witnesses and very, very good lawyers.Sothe fucker can try.”

“I’mso sorry.”Thewords tumble out of me. “Idon’t know whyI—”Witha wince,Iforce my mouth to stop moving beforeIblurt out what’s running through my mind: thatIdon’t know whyIkeep attracting the same kind of man.Butthe last thingIwant to do right now is reveal the truth aboutPhillipand howIlet him treat me. “I’msorryImade a scene.”

Devonpulls me against him, enfolding me in his comforting arms. “Don’tfucking apologize.Youdid nothing wrong.Afight isn’t anything unusual at these events anyway.Hell, it just gets more people talking about the night.”

Thenhe draws back, his brows lowering. “You’retrembling.”

Ishake my head, butIam.Ican’t help it.IswearPhillip’saftershave lingers in the air around me.

Devonturns toBeau. “I’lltake her home.”

“I’llcome too,”Beausays.

Devongives a short, sharp shake of his head. “Oneof us should stay.I’lltake her home, give her a chance to relax, and we’ll see you back there.”

Beaulooks at me, a question on his face, butIlay my hand on his arm. “I’mokay.Really.Stayhere.”Ilook back atDevon. “Youshould stay too.Yourdriver can take me home.”

Devonscowls and shakes his head. “There’sno fucking wayI’llleave you on your own after something like that.”

Nodding,Igive in, because honestly,Idon’t want to go home alone.IwantDevon’scompany. “Okay, thank you.”

Heshares a look withBeau, then takes me back to our table to get my purse.Isay goodbye to everyone, surprised when each of them steps in for a hug, thenIfollowDevonto the elevator.

We’resilent on the drive to the apartment.Devon’swatching me, an expressionIdon’t recognize on his face.