Idrag my gaze away beforeIget sucked into watching her take another bite.Myattention turns toBeau, who’s paused in the middle of eating and is staring at her a little too intently.Ihave an unreasonable urge to reach across the table and physically force his gaze away.
Whichis completely fucking ridiculous.Shae’snot my girlfriend.Andshe never will be.Infact, of the two of us,Beau’sgot more of a right to be looking at her like that than me.
Blowingout a breath,Istretch my neck from one side to the other in hopes of releasing the tension building up inside me.Ishould hit the gym and blow off some steam.It’sonly the second-best way to blow off steam, but it will have to do for now.
Istand and take my mug into the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.I’mabout to head to my room to change into my gym gear whenShaegasps.
“Ohmy god.You’regoing to a movie premiere next week?”
“Yeah,”Beausays. “Oursong made it onto the soundtrack.”
“That’samazing,” she says, then she shakes her head. “Istill can’t believe that this is your life.Penthouseapartments,VIPevents, movie premieres.”
Beaugets up and wanders over, standing at her shoulder and leaning in to look at what she’s reading.
“Weget a plus one,” he says. “Wantto come as my date?”
Imask my frown.Date?
Shesmiles up at him. “Really?Don’tyou already have someone lined up?”
Heshrugs. “Nevergot around to asking anyone.”
Hergaze finds me. “Howabout you?Areyou taking anyone?”
Ishake my head, one corner of my mouth kicking up. “Beauwas going to be my date, butIguessI’llhave to go stag.”
“Wecan go as a threesome,”Beausays with a smirk.
Shaelaughs. “Don’tgive anyone ideas.Thereare plenty of people out there already shipping you two together.”
Shudder.I’msure my grimace matchesBeau’s.
“We’refucking related,” he says.
“You’realso hot, and sometimes that’s all people care about.Besides, there doesn’t have to be any sword crossing.Ifthere’s a woman between you—”Shefreezes then, her cheeks blooming pink.
Whatthe fuck?Isthat something she’s thought about?
“Atleast, that’s what your fans say,” she blurts out and stands, closing the laptop and fussing with her pen and notepad.
Theimage ofShaefantasizing about sex, any kind of sex, threesomes or otherwise, has my dick swelling behind my zipper.Butif she has been fantasizing about threesomes,Ihope it wasn’t withBeauand me.I’dbe more than happy to be included in the fantasy, but call me an asshole,Iguess, becauseIreally don’t wantBeauin the mix.
Beaulooks just as disconcerted asIfeel.Heclears his throat. “So, is that a yes?You’llcome as my date?”
Shetucks her hair behind her ears. “Idon’t have anything to wear.”
Beauwaves his hand in the air. “Nota problem.I’llcallDrew.Hecan get some dresses sent over.”Drewmanages bothCrossfireandFractured, and he’s even more of a workaholic thanZacused to be.Thisisn’t really in his job description, but he’ll know someone who can organize it on short notice.
Shae’smouth pops open. “What?”
“Yeah.Itprobably won’t be a top designer on such short notice.ButI’msure one of the up-and-coming ones would love to showcase a piece at a premiere.”
Shae’sface lights up, but a moment later, she drops her attention to the table, her lower lip pulled between her teeth.
“What’sthe problem?”Iask.