Hedrops his head to the back of the couch. “Fuck.Iknew you were going to ask for a damn scary movie.Whyaren’t you into rom-coms?”
Shelaughs. “Idon’t know.Whyaren’t you into horror movies?”
“Becausethey’re fucking freaky.”
“Whatwould your fans say if they knew you’d rather watch a romance than a horror movie?”
“They’dthink thatI’ma manly man who’s in touch with my feminine side and doesn’t want to suffer through two hours of panty-wetting terror.”
“Wecan watch something else if you really don’t think you can handle it.”She’sfighting back a smile, her eyes still alight.
Hegrumbles. “No.Ican handle it.”
Shae’sgaze darts to mine, and she rolls her lips together, holding back her laugh.
Idon’t even bother to try to hold mine back, ignoring the baleful lookBeaugives me.I’vemissed this—hanging with the two of them together.
Whenmy phone buzzes,Ianswer it quickly, knowing it’s the concierge downstairs. “Hey,Paul.Isour pizza here?”
“Yes, sir.I’llsend someone up with it now.”
Ithank him, hang up, and go to retrieve our food.
WhenIget back,BeauandShaeare laughing about something, and honestly, it warms my fucking heart.Fora moment,Istand there and watch them—two of the three peopleIlove most in the world are here with me.Itmakes me damn happy.
Iput the pizza boxes on the large wood and glass coffee table in front of the couch. “Food’sup.”
Shaelaughs, her eyes sparkling up at me. “Thatbrings back memories.”
Food’sup is howBeau’smom, myAuntKaren, called us for dinner whenBeauandIwere growing up.Consideringhow many timesShaeate with us, she’s heard it almost as much as we have.Notthat we didn’t eat with her and her dad plenty of times too.Butmy aunt was used to making big meals for two growing teenage boys.ConsideringShaeate about half as much as we did,AuntKarenwas always happy to make a little extra for her.
“Wantme to get the plates?”Shaeasks.
“Whatare we, heathens?Weeat pizza from the box or not at all,”Isay.ButIdo grab a stack of napkins and drop them next to the boxes.
Isit back on the couch next to her, a little closer this time.Justenough that her knee is brushing my thigh.
Shepasses me a slice of pizza, then leans back. “Let’sget this party started,” she says, then giggles softly to herself.
AsBeaugets the movie set up,Ishift a little closer toShae, breathing in her lime and coconut scent. “What’sso funny?”Imurmur.
“Hmm?”Shehums through a mouthful of pizza.
“Whydid you laugh?”
Shechews for a moment, then licks her lips.Myfocus is instantly drawn to her mouth, butIforce it back up to those gorgeous doe eyes of hers.
“Ifpeople knewIwas hanging out with two famous rock stars tonight, this would not be what they’d picture me doing.”
She’sright.Moviesand pizza don’t exactly scream celebrity debauchery. “Don’tworry, you’ll have plenty of chances to party while you’re here.”
Hersmile is soft and sweet and goes straight to my chest. “Thisis perfect.I’vemissed this, just hanging out with you two.”
Ido somethingIprobably shouldn’t and wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her against me in a hug that’s meant to be quick but somehow lingers much longer thanI’dplanned to let it.
“Stopfucking canoodling, you two,”Beausays, compelling me to extract my arm as casually asIcan and move away from her slightly.