That’s a question I’ve contemplated a million times.
“It’s a risk we have to take,” I explain around a nervous sigh. “Before I meet with the dean, who we have a meeting with in a few hours, I’ll text James a web link that tells him the legal repercussions. Let’s pray it works.”
With Rex’s parents being who they are, he had his mother reach out to the dean and schedule a meeting for us. All of this is happening so fast, and I don’t know how my head isn’t spinning. Not only did I contact Margie, but I’ve also reached out to the other women on campus.
Margie sits across from me, eyes wide and speechless as she drags her fingers through her hair—her nervous tic.
“You don’t have to come,” I whisper, fighting to keep my voice strong as I tap my chest. “But I’m done with being his puppet.”
It takes her a moment as she sucks in a few long breaths before replying, “What’s the next step?”
“We have to talk to the other women,” I say, dragging my phone from my crossbody bag. “Two have already agreed to meet with me, and I’m waiting on responses from the other two. I don’t know if James has pictures of them since Rex isn’t a creep, but he did send them threatening texts.”
I pull myself up from the chair, lean forward, and rest my palms on the table. “You in?”
Margie abruptly smiles. “I’m in. Fuck Professor Cordry.”
A long yawnescapes me as I trudge into my apartment.
The exhaustion of being up all night, searching through James’s shit, is hitting me.
Breaking into his phone was child’s play, and it turned out, it was all I needed to discover sufficient evidence for him to get in trouble with the university.
He’s made a game out of exploiting female students for the past four years. He’d meet them, date them, gain their trust, and then ask for nudes. When they declined, he’d assure them the photos were safe with him and other bullshit lines. My stomach curled, vomit pushing its way up my throat, when I read the threatening messages he’d sent to them when they attempted to break up with him. It looked like Carolina was the only one who’d gone far enough to marry him.
He’s a womanizer.
A creep.
A fucking predator.
Men like him remind me of my father—manipulative and power-hungry.
Carolina is taking a risk by turning him into the university, and I’m so damn proud of her for showing that asshole her resilience.
James underestimated Carolina and the people who had her back. His manipulation might’ve worked on other women, but Lina has someone who’ll kill for her, die for her, break every bone in someone’s body to protect her.
I can’t wait for that fucker to go down.
* * *
The ideaof catching up on sleep rolls through me, but I stop myself. I’ve been on standby since Carolina left this morning, and my phone has been glued to my side as I wait for an update.
I’m pouring my sixth cup of coffee when Carolina calls.
“Hey, babe,” I answer. “How’s it going?”
“Margie and I spoke to the other girls James harassed, and the six of us are going to the dean,” she replies with hope in her voice.
Let him get what he deserves.
The hopefulness in her voice changes into worry. “We’re doing this.”