Page 114 of Just Friends

My wife.

Those words send a spiral of anger through me.

“Wife?” I clench my jaw, my pulse skyrocketing. “Not for long.”

“Oh, really?” He draws himself up to his full height, thrusting his chest out and tensing his muscles—a lame attempt at appearing intimidating. “Is that what she said? That she planned todivorce me? It wasn’t the tune she was singing yesterday when she came tomy house.”

His house.

Dude knows how to piss another guy off; that’s for sure.

What did Carolina see in this douche bag?

My ribs tighten as I hold myself back from jumping over the desk and pummeling his face in. “Yes, that’sexactlywhat she said—that you won’t give her a divorce and are playing mind games.”

He shakes his head, a laughter filled with edge coming from him. “I don’t play mind games withmy wife.”

If this motherfucker sayswifeone more time, Carolina will become a widow.

“What do you have on her?” I ask, getting straight to the point.

“None of your business. This is between me andmy wife,so stay away from her.”

My nails bite into my palms as I clench my fists. “Listen, creep—”

He cuts me off, “How does it feel, screwing a married woman,Rex?”

“She doesn’t want to be married to you,” I fire back.

“Do you plan to date her if we divorce?”


“Marry her?”


He smiles deviously while fishing out a phone from his pocket. “Tell me something then, how would you feel … how would yourmayor fatherfeel if your new girlfriend’s pictures were posted online?”

I blink, and it takes my eyes a second to adjust to the screen when he shoves the phone in my face—answering all the questions I came here for.

This is why she won’t leave him.

This sneaky motherfucker.

I jerk the phone from his grimy fingers, throw it on the floor, and stomp on it, shattering it to pieces underneath my Chuck Taylor.

“Are you sure you want to date my wifenow?”

My crushing his phone doesn’t seem to faze him.

Phone down.

His face to go.

I circle around the desk faster than I’ve ever moved in my life, grab him by his scrawny-ass throat, and slam him against the wall, pinning him into it. “You motherfucker!”

“Ah … so she didn’t tell you everything.”