Page 110 of Just Friends

When James found out Rex was the hack master, he bought me a separate phone to talk to him on in case Rex wanted to look into who I was communicating with. I was betraying Rex in every way imaginable.

I’m sobbing hysterically when I call him in the dead of the night and say I’m outside his dorm.

His voice is sleepy when he tells me he’s coming.

My sobs grow louder, harder, as I run through the rain to the entrance of the dorm, waiting for him … for his comfort.

The door flies open, and Rex’s eyes widen, his lips snarling when he sees me.

Not wasting a second, I run into the arms of my security blanket, of the person who’s been there for me and I know will never break me.

Into the arms of the person I should’ve trusted.

The only man I’ll trust ever again.

My mind is blank as he walks me inside, and I cry in his arms.

“What’s going on?” His chin is trembling in anger. “What the fuck happened? Did someone hurt you?” The arms around me tighten at his last question.

“Not here,” I whisper, burying my face into his neck.

He lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his waist while he walks us up the stairs to his floor. The hallway is empty—thank God—and the light stays off when we land in his dorm room.

His questions start as soon as he drops me onto his bed. “Lina babe, what’s going on?” His voice hardens as he asks the same question he did earlier, “Did someone hurt you?”

“Yes,” I say into the darkness.


The air grows heavy, an anger I’ve never seen from Rex surfacing.

“It’s not like that,” I rush out. “No one …hurt me, hurt me.” I cover my face with my hands. “This is embarrassing.”

He falls to his knees and removes my hands, one by one. “I can take embarrassing.” He runs his finger along my jaw, wiping away drops of rain and tears. “Tell me.”

I sniffle, unable to look at him, to see the disgust on his face when I tell him. “You have to promise not to judge me … or get mad.”

“Lina, you know I’ll never judge you for shit. I’ll have your back, no matter what.”

I inhale a deep breath, and my words come out exactly how they did when Margie made her confession with a few word tweaks. “I’m dating a professor.”

“What?” he asks. Even though I can’t make out his face all that well, I can hear the shock in his voice. “Who?”

“Professor Cordry.”

“That motherfucker,” he hisses. “I’m going to kick his ass.”

“No, you can’t,” I sob.

“I can. He took advantage of you.”

Leave it to Rex to think it was all James’s fault, as if I had no play in it.

Everyone sees me as this perfect woman who makes smart decisions. Maybe I am smart, except when it comes to love … to men.

I shake my head. “No … he didn’t. I’m a grown woman.”

“You’re a naïve college student who’s never broken out of her shell,” he fires back. “Big damn difference.”