Page 8 of Just Roommates

Ellie: Yeah, okay. I’ll make you a doctor’s appointment for pretendinitis tomorrow.

Me: That doesn’t clarify why you left me! YOU NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND!

Ellie: Chill out. He let me check on you twice, and you were snoozing. Your brother and Leo hung out all night. When I tried figuring out an escape plan, Maliki offered to take you. I’ve been waiting up for you to call, so I can let you in.

Me: He could’ve severed my head off!

Ellie: My sister used to bang him. He’s not into that kinky shit.

Me: I hate you. We’re broken up.

Ellie: I’ll make you waffles in the morning and buy you a new candle.

Me: Two candles, and you’d better have Nutella.

Ellie: Fine, two candles, and duh. Do I still need to wait up, or are you staying the night with him?

Me: I’m on my way. He doesn’t have a kink for chicks who can’t legally drink either.

Ellie: What a shame.

“You going to tell me where we’re headed?” Maliki asks, breaking me away from texting.

I drop my phone into my lap. “Ellie’s.”

“And where does Ellie live?”

“You shouldknow since you’ve banged her sister.”

“It’s weird you’re assuming and entertained with my sexual history, Jailbait.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “That’s what Ellie said.”

“If Ellie said it, it must be true.”

I shift in my seat to face him and cross my arms. “Are you saying it’s not true?”

He leaves the parking lot, not answering my question, and drives toward Ellie’s house—confirming the sister-screwing. I’ve never been a fan of Ellie’s older sister. Chick once spit gum in my hair. The fact that she slept with Maliki makes me hate her more.

“You know, I found condoms when I searched through your office last time.”

He taps his fingers against the steering wheel and keeps his eyes on the road. “I know.”

My mouth falls open. “You watched the cameras?” I rack my brain over everything I did that night, praying it wasn’t anything embarrassing. I talked plenty of shit about him to Ellie. If there was audio, there’s no doubt he heard me.

“I wanted to make sure you didn’t rob me.”

“Sadly, I didn’t find any money.”

“Good. That means my hiding places are legit.”

“Your condom hiding places are trash.”

“Not wanting to stash them in places I have to search out to find.” He chuckles. “I also saw you stole a few for yourself.”

“Just in case.”

He finally glances over at me. “You’re trouble, Jailbait—a pageant princess with a crooked crown and leather jacket.”