Page 69 of Just Roommates

“She ispissedat you,” Georgia sings when Jamie disappears from the yard.

“She’s notpissed at me,” Cohen imitates in her high-pitched voice.

“Why’s she pissed at you?” Grace asks.

“She FaceTimed Cohen to talk to Noah the other day, and some chick answered, asking Jamie twenty-one questions about who she was.” Georgia rolls her eyes and shoots a glare at Cohen. “That’s why she bought the iPod.”

“I need to quit telling you stuff,” Cohen mutters.

He shakes his head, grabs Noah, and throws him over his shoulder. Noah breaks out in loud laughter, holding on around his neck when Cohen takes off running.

“Are he and Jamie a thing?” I ask Lola when he’s out of earshot.

She shakes her head, scraping a hand through her hair. “They totes should be, but Cohen is too chickenshit.”

“You have to admit, it’d be confusing for Noah,” Grace chimes in.

“Love is love,” Georgia inputs.

Both girls stare at her in sadness.

“Yes, and men are stupid,” Grace says while Lola nods in agreement.

I jerk my head back when Maliki comes behind me and whispers in my ear, “You doing okay?”

My stomach flutters. “Yes.” There’s a slight rise in my voice.

He squeezes my shoulders. “Let me know if you need anythingorif these heathens give you too much trouble.”

The three of them tell him to screw off in three different ways.

“Uncle Maliki!”

Maliki turns as Noah charges toward him and hops on his back.

“I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you more,” Maliki replies with a cheerfulness in his tone I’ve never heard.

Noah holds on to him as Maliki jogs over to the guys playing cornhole and drops Noah to his feet. They go to one board, and Cohen and Finn take the other. They play while Archer sits in a chair, a beer in his hand, and watches them. Correction: he watches Georgia while pretending to pay attention to the game.

“You two are cute,” Georgia says.

“Huh?” I ask, turning to look at her.

She points back and forth from Maliki and me. “You and Ki. You’re cute together.”

Her comment startles me.

“Oh, no. We’re friends.”

“For now,” Lola chirps. “I’ve seen Maliki around women at bars, and believe me, babe, he’s never checked to make sure they’re okay.”

“He’s also never looked at them like he does you,” Georgia adds. “You two will definitely be banging.”

I shake my head, wishing I could hide the blush creeping up my cheeks, as tingles sweep up my back and face.

They wouldn’t say that if they knew I was still married.