Page 98 of Just Roommates

Three days have passedsince I learned I’m a father, and I still haven’t wrapped my mind around it.

What’s worse is that I’ve been an absentee father, thanks to Jessa.

I hate her and now have to figure out a co-parenting plan.

After Sierra leaves, I give Jessa permission to come over.

I’ve kept my phone off when I’m with Sierra because Jessa has made it her mission to blow it up.

It’s such a dick move.

Sierra told me she loved me.

We made love.

And now, I’m letting Jessa step into our home.

But what else can I do?

I sure as shit can’t meet her in public or in the bar. This needs to stay private until we make a plan.

This isn’t an easy fix.

My daughter thought a different man was her father for years, and now, I’m supposed to walk in and say,Surprise! I’m your dad.

An annoying smirk is on Jessa’s face when she drops the results onto the table. “I told you, asshole.”

I pluck the paper back up, fuming, and point to my chest with it. “I’m the asshole? Not you for hiding the fact I have a goddamn daughter? Not only that, but you also made her believe she had a different father for years! How fucked up is that, Jessa?”

“You didn’t want me!” she shrieks.

“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want her!”

“Oh, please,” she sneers. “You, a father, especially at that time? You would’ve said you weren’t ready.”

“Fuck off. Don’t say that shit.” Anger spreads through my body. “Where do we go from here?” Enough with the bullshit. We need to figure out thenowshit.

“You tell me. Apparently, you’re calling the shots and not answering my calls. Do you want to be in her life?”

Is that even a question?“Fuck yes, I want to be in my daughter’s life.”

“What about your little girlfriend, huh? Have you told her yet?” She rolls her eyes and shifts her weight from one foot to the other. “God, I hate seeing her around Ellie’s. I do everything in my power to avoid it.”

“Trust me, I’m sure she does the same with you.”

She perks up, a sly grin on her face. “Does that mean she knows?”

“None of your business.” I rest my elbow on the table and rub my forehead with both hands, warding off the Jessa-ache.

“Oh, she doesn’t. This will be interesting. Want to tell her together?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I grind out.

“When do you want to meet Molly?” She parks her hands on her slender hips.

“We need to ease her into this.”Shit. I need to ease into it myself.“She knows Pete isn’t her father?”

She nods. “She doesn’t know about you yet. She’s asked a few times who herrealdad is, but I want us to do it together. Until I find a home, I’m staying at my grandparents’ while they’re in Florida. You can come over tonight and meet her. Six o’clock okay?”