Page 45 of Just Exes

“You have to work?”

“Supposed to, but I was about to call off. I can’t expect anyone to make an hour round-trip to take me back and forth to work.”

“I can. My shift at the station doesn’t start for another two hours and will most likely end before yours does.”

I think back to what happened last night. The way he held me as I cried, how the memories of when we’d hung out crept back into my soul. Getting attached to Gage will only ruin me later. It’s dangerous for us to get close again. He hates me. And what if he wants to know why I broke up with him? It’ll kill him that I have to keep my secret.

Everything is moving too fast. We went years without speaking, and now, all of a sudden, we’re talking daily.

“Thank you for the offer, but I can call off.”

“Lauren, I don’t have cooties.”

“You have much more than that.”

My heart.A cock I can’t stop thinking about.

“In my truck now.”

I lose sight of him as he moves and taps the hood of my car.

“Let me change real quick.”

I jump out of my car. “You don’t have to do this.”

He turns around and starts walking backward. “It’s no big deal.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“As I told you before, I’ve been asking myself the same question since I arrested you.”

His truck is unlocked, and I throw my bag onto the floorboard. Gage comes back, dressed in jeans and a tee. Two coffee cups are in his hand.

“In case you want one for the ride,” he says, handing it to me.

I take a drink and groan. “This is delicious.”

“My dad likes that sweet shit, which I can’t stand. I think the creamer is cinnamon roll flavor or some shit.”

I sip the coffee and straighten my legs out while he pulls out of the drive. He hasn’t turned on the radio or initiated any other conversation after the sweet-coffee talk. I can’t stand silence. I’d rather face an awkward conversation than awkward silence.

“What have you been up to since … you know?”

He glances over at me. “Since you dumped my ass?”

Well, shit. Maybe the silence would’ve been a better option.

“Since we broke up,” I correct.

“I moved to Chicago, worked a job in law enforcement, and then decided it was time to come home.”

“That’s it? Anything else happen in all those years?”

“Nothing I want to talk about.” He focuses on the road. “What about you?”

“After graduating from nursing school, I snagged a job in the ER at the hospital, moved back home, and my apartment caught on fire, which lead me to crashing at my ex’s place.”

“That’s it?” he asks, throwing my words in my face. “Nothing else happened in all those years?”