Page 22 of Just Exes

Derrick might be a dick, but that doesn’t mean he deserves to get his ass kicked.

Gage slips out of my hold. “No, we don’t.”

“My sex life is none of your business,” I snap.

“You’re right. Just answer me this one question, and I’ll stop. I won’t talk to you anymore. I’ll let you and Derrick fuck yourselves happy.” His voice breaks. “Please.”

“Gage, I’m not fucking Lauren,” Derrick says. “You two figure your shit out and leave me out of it.” He turns around and walks away without waiting for a response.

“All I needed to know,” Gage yells to his back and glances at me. “This a new hobby of yours? Lying about whom you’re sleeping with?”

I bite into my lip, answering honestly, “Sort of.”

“Why? Is your mission in life to piss me off?”

“To be honest, yes. It’s revenge for arresting me.”

“Let me get this straight. You left me. You walked away for some bullshit reason after I begged you not to. Then, you tell me you’re sleeping with the dude I fought numerous times for attempting to fuck around with you. If anyone should hate anyone’s guts, it’s me who should hate yours.”

He turns around and walks away before I can answer him. I stare at his back while he maneuvers around the crowd and heads to Hudson’s table. Hudson slaps him on the back, and they start what looks like a comfortable conversation. Hudson doesn’t seem surprised to see him.

Not fucking cool.

I grab my drink and stomp over to Hudson as Gage moves around the table to talk to Dallas.

“You didn’t think it’d be cool to give me a heads-up that he was back in town?” I ask Hudson, pulling out the stool next to him with added force and falling down on it.

He and I are close and spent a lot of time together growing up. Gage and I double-dated with him and his ex all the time in high school.

“It’s a sore subject for you,” he answers. “Anytime his name was mentioned after you broke up, you would leave the room.”

“You know what was also a sore subject? When I found out my best friend was cheating on you and I told her to never come near me again.” I press my drink to my lips. “Apparently, you’ve forgotten what loyalty means.”

He shakes his head while slowly running a finger through his short beard. “The situation is different. Gage didn’t fuck around on you with someone else. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be walking. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you. Something sour went down between the two of you, and I know you have so much going on. You didn’t need any more stress.”

I glance over at Gage at the same time he moves around the table to my side.

He leans down, his elbows resting on the wood, and lowers his voice. “You staying at your parents’?” he asks.

I clear my throat to gain some time to get myself together. The feelings I have when he’s this close are embarrassing. “Kind of have no other option.”

There’s a hint of mint and beer on his breath. “You can stay in the loft if you want.”

I scoff, “You’re joking.”

He shakes his head. “My dad is listing it for rent in the paper this week for extra money.”

“Where would you stay?”

“In the house with him.”

I look around to see if people’s eyes are on us, and about a dozen are staring. Both of my brothers have all their attention on their girls, and a few women have their gaze on Gage, assessing the situation to see if we’re back together.

“Don’t you think that’d be a little weird?”

More along the lines of extremely weird.

“Think on it and get back with me.” He grabs his beer and tilts it my way. “Enjoy your night. If you need a ride again, let me know.”