‘It’s all right. I work here. I’ve got a key.’ She held it out as proof.

‘Oh. So you’re not robbing the place?’ he asked, amused. Now he was closer, Liz could see that his eyes were dark brown, with long, soft lashes. She could also see that either he worked out, or gardening kept him very fit, because his arms were muscular, and made an educated guess that the rest of him was pretty fit too.

‘No! Of course not. I’m Liz. I’m the new Sales Director.’ She held out her hand, and he shook it. ‘Do you work in the gardens? I was just admiring them. The hanging baskets are lovely.’

‘Oh, thank you. I like them too. But, no. I’m Ben Douglas. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here yesterday to welcome you. I was unavoidably detained.’ For a brief moment, a dark expression crossed his face, and then it was gone.

‘Oh, goodness,’ Liz blushed, feeling like a complete idiot, ‘I’m so sorry. I saw that truck outside, and…’

‘We met at the interview. I mean, I know it was online.’ He gave her that amused look again, and her stomach did a little flip. ‘Still, maybe I should have had a shave before I came in to the office.’

‘Oh, no. Yes, the interview. I’m so sorry, I just didn’t recognise you,’ Liz floundered, at once mortified that she hadn’t recognised him and that he had, against all the odds, caught her in her muddy walking boots. She was also slightly irritated that he was teasing her, and at herself for assessing her new boss’ fit body.

‘No harm done. Welcome to the distillery.’ He gave her a broad grin, and Liz’s irritations fell away. There was something very charming about Ben Douglas’ smile: his whole face lit up, and his eyes had a twinkly, playful warmth she liked very much. It was as if, when he smiled, someone turned on twinkly fairy lights like you did at a party. ‘Do you like your office?’

‘I do.’ Liz walked into it and put her handbag on the chair. ‘Thank you.’

‘Let me know if you want anything changed, moved around, or whatever. I don’t mind if you want new furniture, or a new chair. Or we can even paint the whole thing lilac if you want. It’s your space, so do what you want with it.’

‘Well, I’m not much of a lilac girl, but I’ll think about it.’ Liz smiled back. Was she imagining it, or did Ben hold her gaze for just a little too long as he stood in the doorway, his hand on the doorknob?

‘Oh. Red Kite.’ Ben nodded at the large white feather Liz carried. ‘That’s a lucky find.’

‘Ah! I was hoping someone would tell me what it was.’ Liz turned the long, sloping feather in front of her face. ‘I found it on the walk in this morning. It’s so pretty! I don’t think I’ve seen a feather like this before. It was just sitting there in the long grass, just where I was walking.’

‘You did well to find that. I don’t think I’ve ever found one. May I?’ He walked into the office and held out his hand. She passed it to him, and their fingertips brushed each other. For a brief moment, Liz had a strange feeling; it was like electricity, but not. A kind of pleasant tension from his touch.

Well, that’s just ridiculous, she thought.

‘Wow. That’s a tail feather, I think.’ He stroked the edge of the feather very gently and smiled, returning it to her. ‘Keep it. Put it somewhere in here for good luck, perhaps,’ he suggested.

‘I will, thanks.’ She smiled up at him, and there was a moment where neither of them said anything. Liz found herself lost in Ben’s soft brown eyes.

She came to her senses, blinked and cleared her throat.

‘Your dog has a bed in here,’ she said, a little abruptly. ‘Henry? We met yesterday, but I guess he’s not here yet.’

‘Oh, right. Sorry. I’ll take it away.’ Ben nodded, looking a little dazed. ‘Henry decided this was his office when Brian left. He does have a bed in my office too, but he always seemed to prefer it in here.’

‘That’s all right, I don’t mind him being here at all. I love dogs.’

‘Ah, me too. Henry’s a good soul, but he does think he’s a human,’ Ben chuckled. ‘When he’s in my office I always get the impression he thinks he could do things better than me. Which he probably could, to be honest.’

‘I’m sure that’s not the case. He’s a dachshund.’ Liz raised an eyebrow coquettishly, and then immediately wondered why she was being coquettish. That moment just now had thrown her a little. Somehow, there was an… energy between her and Ben that was… something. Flirty? Charged? She didn’t know. But it wassomething.

‘Yes, but dachshunds are very bright. Well, when you’re ready, let’s get a coffee and talk. Henry and I are next door. Sound good?’

‘Sounds good,’ Liz replied, relieved that he had returned to his usual business-like self. She waited for him to leave before she rummaged in her bag for her lipstick, reapplying it quickly and checking her hair in a hand mirror. She laid the Red Kite feather down on her desk, thinking that she’d find a little bottle or vase to put it in when she returned.

She was almost at the door when she remembered to change her muddy boots for her office heels.

Dear lord, Liz. Concentrate!she berated herself.

There would be no more odd flirting and charged moments between them. Liz was here to work.

As she was changing her shoes, Liz realised that Ben hadn’t said where he was yesterday on her first day – simply that he wasunavoidably detained. Liz didn’t know him well enough to ask more details, but she remembered the momentary look that had crossed his face as he’d said it. Other than that moment, their first conversation had been lighthearted and pleasant.

But for that one moment, Ben had looked haunted.