But she could imagine Ben standing next to her in the photo. He fit perfectly.

Liz, her hand in Ben’s, followed him back down the mountain, and into their new life together. She knew that whatever came, they would face it together. And she was immensely happy and grateful for that.



‘It’s going to snow. That’s what it said on the forecast, anyway,’ Liz called out to Ben, wrapping her cardigan around her shoulders as she stood warming herself in front of the log fire. ‘We were going to go up the mountain. Do you still want to go?’

‘No. It’s too cold.’ Ben came into the lounge of his manor house carrying two mugs of cocoa. ‘Here. Get this down you.’

‘We should go, in the snow. It would be romantic.’ Liz smiled at him, taking the mug and sipping it. ‘Mmmm. Thanks, that’s perfect.’

‘Don’t be daft. I’m not taking you hiking up a mountain in sub-zero temperatures.’ Ben set his cocoa down on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around her, carefully, so that she didn’t spill her drink.

‘It was quite cold when we went up last. It’s cold every time, actually,’ Liz giggled. ‘That first time, even.’

‘It wasn’t this cold. And I was giddy with new love, that first time. Wasn’t thinking straight,’ he chuckled. ‘Now, before you say it, I’m just as giddy now. But I’d rather stay next to a crackling log fire with you, if that’s okay.’

‘That’s okay with me.’ Liz put her mug down and turned to cuddle up to Ben, loving the feel of his body against hers. It still gave her the same feelings of safety and security, as well as being deeply arousing. ‘You make me giddy every day.’

‘Oh lord. Probably an inner ear problem.’ Ben hugged her tight and kissed her head. ‘Now, listen, you. In January, we’ve got the appointment with the new fertility doctor. Best in the country. You’ve got that in your diary, haven’t you? Sally’s primed to hold the fort while we’re in London. I thought we could spend a few days in a nice hotel while we’re there.’

‘I’ve got it in my diary. Don’t worry.’ Liz checked her phone and showed the calendar to Ben. ‘How many days? I like the thought of a hotel, for sure. But we can’t be away long.’

‘We’re allowed to take time off now and again, babe,’ Ben chuckled. ‘I told you. Sally will be fine. She can get hold of us if it’s urgent.’

‘I suppose so,’ Liz conceded.

Since they’d been together, Liz and Ben had agreed that if Liz hadn’t got pregnant within a year without them doing anything other than not using contraception, then they’d start fertility treatments – at least once, just to give it a final go.

Ben wanted children. They wanted children together. That in itself was huge for Liz, but she trusted him completely. Ben had given her everything: half his business, and all of his heart. They hadn’t got married, but they’d agreed that they would if a baby came along, or if they decided that they really wanted to.

It was strange. When she’d been with Paul, he’d always wanted her to give up work, and she’d always refused. Her work was so important to her, and she hated that he didn’t understand that about her.

But Ben knew exactly how important her work was, and he thought so highly of her professional skills that he’d promoted her to joint CEO of the distillery. They’d been running it together for the past eighteen months, and it had been amazing. The Royal Warrant was in progress, the Old Maids range had launched to great acclaim, and the standard Loch Cameron Ten Year Old was stocked in two major supermarket chains.

And, because Liz knew that Ben respected her professionally, she was happy to try again for a baby. They’d try one round and see how it went. Possibly, she might feel that she wanted to give up after that, or she might not. Whatever she decided, Ben had made it clear that he was behind her a hundred per cent.

As well as that, Liz was at a place in her life where she was completely happy. She had great friends, she loved her job, and she loved Ben with all her heart. She remained hopeful that she might still win the baby game show she’d invested so much time into, but she also knew that she’d be happy, regardless. And that was a huge realisation.

‘It feels like I’ve been on such a journey already,’ she confessed, nestling into Ben’s chest. ‘You know? This is a new chapter, but unlike before, I don’t feel as desperate about it. I’d love it to happen. But I don’t feel that everything will fall apart if it doesn’t.’

Ben’s voice tickled her ear. ‘I know exactly how you feel. Listen, if it doesn’t work out – and you know that I hope it does as much as you do – then it’s okay. Because I love you. And you’re more than enough for me as you are. If a baby comes along, then so much the better. But I just want you to know that. Okay?’

He turned her around to face him, and she looked up into his eyes.

‘I know that,’ she murmured. ‘And I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.’

‘Here’s to us, then.’ He leaned down, and kissed her softly. ‘And a happy Christmas, Liz Parsons. I hope the new year is full of wonderful things.’

‘It will be, because you’re in it,’ she replied. ‘I know that sounds corny. But it really will. Baby or no baby.’

‘I know. But I have a good feeling about it. Don’t you?’ Ben breathed.

‘I do,’ Liz replied, and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘I really do.’
