‘Liz. Please.’ Paul looked broken hearted. ‘I’m sorry for everything I did. But you have to understand why I did it.’

‘I do understand. I know. We’re just people that want different things. And I’ve changed. I’ve moved on, Paul.’ Liz blinked back tears. ‘Just go. Okay? Please.’

Paul took in a deep sigh, and let it go.

‘All right. I’ll go.’ He nodded, picked up his coat from the overloaded coat stand, and gave her a wan nod. ‘All the best, Liz. You deserve it.’

‘Liz. Are you all right? Who was that?’ Sally appeared at Liz’s elbow and looked at Liz in concern. ‘Bess just told me you seemed to be having words with that guy. You’re shaking. Come and sit down.’ She guided Liz to a table and made her sit down at one of the chairs. ‘Here.’ Bess handed her a shot of whisky from a table nearby where Carol had arranged a help yourself display.

‘My ex,’ Liz said, taking it thankfully and swallowing it in one shot. ‘He just reappeared recently after quite a difficult breakup. I wasn’t sure if I should go back with him, but there was an attraction still. I don’t know… I wanted comfort.’ Her voice cracked a little and Bess handed her a napkin.

‘We’ve all been there, love. Don’t worry.’ Sally patted her back and handed her another shot of whisky. ‘Exes can stir up all kinds of emotions. Here. This’ll help.’

‘Oh, well, I don’t really drink that much…’ Liz protested, but Sally insisted.

‘Get it down you. Good for shock.’

‘Whoa! What’s up?’

Ben walked up to the table, a concerned look on his face; Liz thought that she must look terrible, apparently downing shots of whisky for no reason. ‘Liz? You okay?’

‘Umm. Sure.’ Liz smiled brightly. Ben frowned at her.

‘That looks like a fake smile.’

‘No, I’m fine,’ she insisted.

Ben set the drinks he was carrying down on the table and sat down next to Liz.

‘Come on. You look awful. What’s up?’

‘Thanks.’ Liz tried to laugh it off, but she was really upset. ‘Just a misunderstanding. That was my ex. He … well, it doesn’t matter.’

‘Oh. That’s your ex? Who you were talking about the other day?’

Liz nodded. Sally put a protective arm around her shoulder.

‘Exes are toxic sometimes. You’re best far away from him, love. You’ve got a good thing going here, remember. New job. New life.’ She frowned at Bess. They both looked concerned.

‘I know. I’m okay, really,’ Liz assured them. She took some deep breaths. ‘That was just hard. But it was the right thing to do.’

‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ Ben looked concerned.

‘I’m fine,’ Liz repeated, feeling mortified that her private life had been on display for all of Loch Cameron to see.

‘You don’t look it,’ he said, frowning. ‘And I agree with Sally. We’ve all got bad exes. Doesn’t mean we should go back to them.’

‘I’m not sure you’re in a position to talk about exes,’ Liz snapped. His comment had reminded her about what Simon had told her, and she said it without thinking. Her feelings were raw.

‘What does that mean?’ Ben gave her an odd look.

‘Nothing. Forget it.’ She closed her eyes. ‘This has just been a difficult evening.’

‘Liz. Please. I’m sorry if I said anything to upset you.’ Ben sighed. ‘I just… I wouldn’t want to see you get involved with a bad guy. That’s all.’

‘Wow. It’s literally none of your business.’ Liz felt herself becoming angry. ‘You’re my boss at work, Ben. My life outside work is nothing to do with you.’

She didn’t say it, but she wasn’t interested in Ben’s opinion of her love life, since he was the one who had abandoned his pregnant wife.