“Yes, sir,” I said, a little shocked with the attitude he suddenly showed. He sounded a lot more like an asshole than I had heard about before, and I started to wonder what I had gotten myself into.

“I don’t run this place like I’m on one of my ships, but I do expect you to do your part. I hired someone to help with Libby, not go on vacation.”

“Again,” I said. “It sounds like you’re looking for a pretty straightforward relationship here.”

“It is,” he replied. “And I know you’re wanting to get on with your own life, but you need to have the stepping stone into the real world, so I’m hoping that this is going to be a situation that works out for both of us. It’s only for two to three months I need you to do this as that’s all I’m expecting it to take for my book to get through the editors and onto shelves. Then I’m going to be back full time and able to take care of her without the need for backup.”

“Okay, I can work with that,” I said, though I felt disappointed this was yet another job that was only meant to take a couple months. I was hoping to find something that I could really start to build on. Even if this wasn’t the job of my dreams, I knew I was going to have the pressure of finding something else before I was even done working for Neils because I wasn’t going to have anything to jump right into when he was done with his book.

“Now, when it comes to pay, I figure a salary is the easiest way to do things,” he continued. “We could go hourly if you want, but I consider you to be on the clock twenty-four seven with how you’re going to be taking care of my daughter. I’m providing a room for you next to hers, and, of course, you’re going to have all your utilities and food paid while you’re here, too. So, if you’re comfortable with salary on top of that, I’d love to go that route.”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

From the sounds of things, this was going to be a simple enough job, but I had often been told to be careful of taking on salary work. Then again, if I knew I was going into this giving it all my time and attention for the next few months, it wasn’t as though he could take advantage of my time.

Once he named the figure, however, I had to force myself not to accept the job right away. That was more money than I had hoped to make in a year, let alone in just a few months.

“Wow,” I said. “Are you sure?”

“I’m looking for the best, and I’m willing to pay for it, too,” he assured me. “Now I know you have other directions you want to go with your life, so why don’t you take a weekend and come down here to meet us? That way you can see how you and Libby get along, and if everyone feels good about the fit, we can go from there with a more concrete setup.”

“That sounds fantastic,” I said, hoping I didn’t come off as too eager.

“Awesome. What is your schedule like?” he asked. “Because I’m open now, and I’m moving forward. Whatever you have, cancel it so you can get down here.”

“I just finished with my current project, so at the moment, I’m really open,” I said. “I won’t take on anything too hands on until we find out where we are going with this job, so really whenever works for you should be good for me.”

“How about next weekend?” he asked. “I’ll buy a ticket and email it to you.”

“Works for me,” I told him, dumbfounded with how this entire job was panning out in front of me.

“Great,” he said. “I’m really glad I was able to talk to you. Let me know what your email address is, and I’ll have the ticket to you before the end of the day.”

I gave it to him, and after we wrapped up a few more details for the following weekend, I hung up the phone. I sighed as I fell back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I couldn’t believe the conversation I’d just had. This guy had to be rich after all if he was paying me that much money to watch his kid who was already old enough to watch herself most of the time.

It might not be in the writing industry, but I was fine with that. I could save half the money he was paying me and use it to live on while I got my footing in the field I wanted. At the same time, I could be helping this poor girl in this transition in her life, and it would be with the guidance of someone my dad knew and trusted, too.

I couldn’t have planned a better situation if I had tried.

I picked up my phone. I had to call Krissy.

She wasn’t going to believe her ears.

Chapter Five


IleanedagainsttheJeep as I waited for Erin to come out of the airport.

I had debated going in to find her, but ultimately chose to let her come outside before waving her down. Libby knew she was coming in today, but since I wound up scheduling a flight for Friday afternoon, she was still in school.

There was time for me to pick up Erin, however, and take her back to the house before I had to go pick up my daughter, and I figured that would work out better since it would let Libby meet Erin in a comfortable environment.

I scanned the faces of the people exiting the airport, unsure of who I was looking for exactly. In the back of my mind, I was trying to find someone who had some semblance to Robin. But I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect.

Finally, a girl with dark, shiny hair stepped out, carrying a weekender bag. I figured she was the one I was waiting for as I’d told her to pack light for the trip, and there was something about the way she carried herself that strongly reminded me of my best friend.

“Erin!” I called out, waving my hand to get her attention. I figured if it wasn’t her, I would act as though I was looking past her and at someone else.