We head to the winner’s table, not wasting a second, and the sweet lady sitting at the table makes a joke about three guys winning each of the women up for bid. This isn’t funny to me, none of it’s funny. I won’t be relieved until we get Isadora home.
Clyde keeps the tone light. “I guess people realize that four hours of a good woman’s time is pretty damn invaluable. I’m just trying to figure out how many casseroles she can put in the freezer so my belly stays full for a good long time.”
I look at him, surprised, then see the playful look in his eye.
Luke adds, “Yeah, we’ve got piles of flannels that need washing. I guess she can work on those casseroles while she’s running all our laundry through our washing machines.”
A few people watched us at first, but more have turned our way, particularly in Clyde’s direction.
One man says, “It’s got to be a gimmick for his social media. He probably has fake followers and needs to pay a woman to pretend that she’s obsessed with him.”
The bitterness in the statement doesn’t sit well with me. Even though I question Isadora’s motive, I don’t like other people talking shit about my brother. Punching a stranger could get me arrested and nix the chance of taking Isadora home, though.
“I bet he’ll put her name on a piece of wood,” a woman says, clearly familiar with Clyde, or rather, Hardwood’s weekly drawing.
I turn to see who said it, but as my eyes land on the cougar-style women who are ogling Clyde, Isadora walks up.
She had to have heard the comment. Does she understand the ‘name on the wood’ reference? I study her expression, detecting no hints of recognition. My eyes dart back to the cougars.
Isadora laughs. “I guess they’re jealous that you big, burly men didn’t win them.”
“We got exactly who we wanted.” I wrap an arm around her and pull her close, my protective instinct taking over before I realize what I’m doing. I’m basically a stranger to her, but she sinks into me perfectly. The smallness of her body contrasts my bulk.
Does she not know about Clyde’s alter ego? A few months ago, SmorgasSmut blew up with some rumor about him. It felt like everyone knew. We found a true gem if Isadora comes into this without the influence of social media. I wasn’t even sure that was possible these days.
Clyde says, “Don’t worry about what anyone says. We’ll take good care of you.”
She cranes her neck, smiling at me. “That’s what I’m hoping for, that you’ll takereallygood care of me.”
SnuggledintoKnox’sside,as I’ve learned his name is through brief introductions, I take to the intimacy as if we’ve done it a million times, aside from the butterflies in my stomach, the weakness in my knees, and the adrenaline rush of thinking my dream might come to life.
My snap decision not to reveal that I follow Hardwood’s social media page should be fine for the four hours we’ll spend together. I don’t want to be dishonest, but it’s not like I’ll ever see these guys again.
I’m simply going to see if we can swap favors. Is that too flippant of a way to think about sex? My grandma cautioned me not to be dependent on a man. She didn’t say anything about using them. I’m in uncharted territory.
They escort me to the back of the room and ask if we can speak outside, which is heading exactly the direction I want this to go. I excuse myself to grab my coat.
My nerves are completely frazzled, then again, it’s not every day that I plan on asking three men to take my virginity. Technically only one of them can, but I’ll get a lot more experience than I planned. Luck is on my side.
With Clyde’s social media presence, I expect him to be the outgoing one, but while he’s as muscular and handsome as he is online, he’s reserved once we get outside.
Luke speaks first, “We’re going to be honest with you.”
Not the first words I was hoping for in light of my omission. I nod politely.
“Our donation stands no matter what you say to what we’re about to propose. Is that clear?”
“Okay.” My imagination runs wild that the farfetched thought I had about losing my virginity tonight might not be complete fantasy—or rather, it’s three fantasies rolled into one.
My eyes rake from Luke’s confident brawn to Clyde’s rugged handsomeness to Knox’s bearded thickness. I force myself to take a breath when I realize I forgot I need oxygen.
“We don’t want you for the types of chores that were laid out in the auction. Our bid was planned. We were going to win you. It was deliberate. And like I said, our donation stands. You’re under no obligation to do anything for us. If you say no to our offer, we’ll consider your part of this deal fulfilled.”
It occurs to me that he paused, so I nod and swallow hard as I process the implication.