She waved her hand in the air in dismissal. “I don’t think it's anything. He’s probably just wanting a simple explanation or more details. Maybe because it's my idea, he wants to hear it directly from me. He seems to have a level head and concedes to you and your brother. I promise when I’m better, it’s the first thing on the list. Still, I don’t think he’s up to anything.”

Her words might not have struck me as odd, but now that she was refusing sex with me when we’d been so good, I had to wonder. The thought that she might have been developing feelings for Terry, or that he’d somehow won her over, infuriated me, but I couldn’t say anything.

“Well, I guess I’ll let you get some sleep so you can get back to work as soon as possible. Just think about what I said. Terry has questioned nothing I’ve ever said, and him doing it now doesn't sit well with me.”

I needed to put distance between Gwen and I. Red flags were going off in my head.Did they sleep together? Does she want to sleep with Terry? Is that why she’s not having sex with me? Is she in love with him?

“I don’t think it’s anything. He’s probably just needing some questions answered, and maybe you didn't do that. I’ll be happy to do it as soon as I am well, and then I’m sure he’ll be thrilled with what changes you’ve made at my suggestion.”

As I bid her good night and walked away, the questions kept coming up in my head. What irritated me the most was that she’d worked for him for a brief period, less time than she’d been in my employ, and she was acting like they were best friends or somehow closely connected, which I knew could only mean a few things.

That didn't sit well with me at all as I climbed into my bed with a shot of rum as my companion. Perhaps I was getting too invested in my personal relationship with Gwen, and it was time to get rid of her. I could give her a nice check for a job well done and send her home. While I was at it, maybe buying out Terry would be in my brother’s and my best interest at this point.

If he was going to be close-minded and refuse to change, that did not align with our company's motto or future outlook in a highly competitive industry. As I tried to sleep, thoughts of Terry and Gwen together kept disrupting my peace, and I ended up sleepless and pacing the house at 3 a.m.

By morning, exhausted and needing some exercise to burn off my frustrations, I came up empty-handed on both counts. I wasn’t ready to get rid of Terry, and my heart wouldn’t let me break ties with Gwen yet. We shared something special, and letting her go was not something I wanted to do.

I kept my distance, hoping the space would give me time to think and clear my head, while making her see what was right in front of her, but it didn't. We barely spoke or saw each other during the time she rested, and when she finally returned to work, I wasn’t surprised when the first place she went was Terry’s office for a private meeting.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Ihadafewdays to consider all that James said. When I went back to work, the first thing I did was head for Terry’s office. I wanted to clear up any confusion about whose idea the new line was and what exactly was planned.

Terry understood very well. “I know it was your idea, and you're helping James come up with this new line in hopes it will make a fortune and cater to those clients that value ethics, along with a pop and an element of surprise. What I don’t understand is, why next year? Why not the year after, or the one after that? The budget is already set, and frankly, after every new opening we’ve had this year, doing this now is not a good idea. I didn't want to tell anyone, but we are strapped for finances. Business is good, but it’s been better, and we need to see a return on our expenditures before putting anything new in place.”

This didn't sit well with me. Something was off, and I couldn't put my finger on it when James and Martie mentioned that business was good, and the new openings were highly successful. I wasn’t an expert like any of them, but the way Terry was acting struck me as odd.

“Why not tell James that? Why not just be honest and share the news about our financial situation with him, since he’s the primary partner?”

Terry frowned, tossed his pen on the desk, and rocked in his chair. “For that exact reason. James is a bit of a diva; in case you hadn’t noticed. Forgive me for saying so, I appreciate him and his brother dearly, but they are as nutty as a pair of walnuts. They know nothing about finances and the bottom line. They are the last people I want to tell that to, and they won’t understand. They will tell me to take money from somewhere else to make up the difference and make it happen.”

I left his office a few minutes after our discussion, letting him know I was okay thanks to the doctor's orders of rest and vitamins.

He smiled. “Well, maybe you just need some extracurricular exercise to give you some energy. If you need any help with that, I’m happy to help.”

“Thanks, but I’m good for now.” I got out of his office before he took those comments up a notch, like he’d done before already.

Something about our conversation stuck with me, and it didn't sit well. On a hunch later that afternoon, I took it upon myself to review some files and documents online relating to the business’ financials. What I discovered shocked the hell out of me, and I had to go to James right away, but by the time I got home with copies of what I’d found, I lost my courage.

Margaret prepared a wonderful vegetarian “chicken” parmesan dinner for us, and since the prenatal vitamins I was taking were working, my nausea was a lot milder than usual. I could enjoy my favorite meal without worrying about feeling sick afterwards.

“I’m glad to see you feeling better. I thought we could play a game or two. Have you ever played?” We walked side by side toward his billiards room.

“I have played once or twice.”

“Did you talk to Terry?”

James had his hand around my arm as we walked. He seemed content, at peace, and relaxed again. What I needed to tell him kept nagging at me, but I kept pushing it to the background, unsure of when would be the right time.

“I did.”

We’d just reached the billiards room, and I wasn’t ready to say anything yet. Throwing caution to the wind, knowing that soon I might not enjoy sex as much with an enormous belly, I stood on tiptoe and leaned in to press my lips against his while pressing my hand hard against his shaft.

“I don’t want to talk about Terry anymore. I want you to fuck me on that pool table. Can you do that, James?”

He groaned as I used my fingers to stroke and tug on his shaft, driving him wild with passion. “Hell yeah, princess.”