Deanna bringing me up to speed on something that had been written a long time ago was entirely helpful because it got my wheels turning. “You would know better than I would, Deanna. Thanks a lot. You’ve given me much to think about.”

I wanted to leave, call it an early night, because I knew she’d be coming back to my house looking like that and I’d be waiting. I had my final say for the night.

I held out my hand to Deanna. “Would you like to dance?”

She smiled and blushed. “Sure, thank you.”

Off we went to the dance floor, and I spun her around the floor for a while. I veered towards Terry and Gwen and conveniently cut in. “May I cut in?”

Terry threw me a look, but released her to me, turned slightly, and took Deanna in his arms. He wasn’t happy, but I was thrilled. I smiled at her and turned to move away from them.

“So, how did Terry convince you to attend this party with him?”

“He told me you wanted me to go with him, that it was just an office party, and you were okay with it.”

Her answer shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did, and it threw me off balance. “Well, I suppose he’s right, but I never said that.”

I hugged her close, pressed her body to mine, and whispered in her ear. “You look so enchanting tonight; I want to find a dark corner and slip inside you while grabbing your ass and holding myself there until you beg me to never stop.”

Her sharp intake of breath was all the encouragement I needed as our eyes met in the dimly lit corner. I shifted enough so I could slip my hand up her dress. She tried in vain to stop me, but I wouldn’t stop.

“The only way I’m going to stop is if you let me find a place where we can make love right now. You are looking so hot, you're on fire, Gwen, literally.” I slid my hand out and tugged her along, around the corner, and down a dark hall. I pulled her into the bathroom and locked it.

“We’ll only have a few minutes, so a quick one it’s going to be, love. Turn around.”

I saw the passion in her eyes. She would never tire of this with me. That knowledge was like throwing gasoline on a fire. She turned around, and I tossed her dress upwards as she placed her hands against the wall. We could see ourselves in the mirrors that were beside us.

“I want to taste your slick pussy, but I can’t. God, I want every inch of you wrapped around me.” I drove hard into her from behind, she cried out, and her head bowed in surrender as I watched us in the mirror.

The sex was fast and furious — her moaning, and me slamming our bodies together with a fierceness I’d never experienced before. When she looked at me in the mirror, a slight smile on her lips right before she bit her bottom lip and moaned sent me over the edge.

I groaned loudly, exploding inside her as she came with furious cries of my name. “Oh, James, God, yes, James, more! Ugh!”

Spent and speechless from how insanely fulfilled I was, I held her there, not wanting to break contact yet. When I finally moved, we both cleaned up, and the silence as we stared at each other in the mirrors, both smiling, was deafening. It spoke volumes about the connection I shared with this woman.

After that, I returned her to Terry for the night with a kiss on the top of her hand. I was more than happy to leave for the night, knowing he would not fuck her when I’d just rocked every ounce of her world.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Ifeltsoconfused,torn between James and Terry. James held a special place in my heart.

Terry made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, and James told me it might be a good idea to take the offer. I was a little nervous at the thought of working for Terry. He seemed very different from James, and not in a good way.

Still, I went with it, accepting that Martie would continue working for James while I moved to Terry’s office. My concern was where I was going to stay. I wanted my own place since I wasn’t getting anything done on my novel at night like I’d hoped, and continuing to stay with James was out of the question.

I was going to miss our time together, and a small part of my heart wanted to stay and not let go of what we had personally. I told myself my personal relationship with James was like a security blanket, and I needed to pull it off so I could face my fears.

Terry and James had a meeting about the transition. I would continue working with James until Friday, and then come the following Monday, I would start working directly for Terry.

I hadn’t been feeling well Tuesday and Wednesday, and certain I’d caught something, I stayed at the house, thankful Margaret was there to help me. Both she and Andrew checked on me many times, and it felt good to be cared for. James was even kind enough to come in a few times during the day and night to check on me.

“How are you feeling?” He sat down next to me as I lay in his bed and stared at me, concern in his eyes.

“Okay, I guess, I was sick this morning. I couldn’t eat anything. I didn't feel well a bit before, but I hadn’t tried to eat anything. I feel fine now. I also had a bit of a headache earlier too. I used to get migraines, so maybe it’s something like that.”

He nodded his head, and I could see he wanted to say something. “I missed you today. It’s hard to believe you're going to work for Terry. I know we both work for the same company, and I will see you — Terry and I are partners, after all — but I’m going to miss having you all to myself. You're not faking sickness so you don’t have to work for him, right? If that is the case, I can easily tell him Martie is going to work for him. I have my personal reasons for thinking this is a good idea, but I will not reveal that to you now.”