“Yeah, what is the deal with that? What happened between you and the woman that had this office before?”

“It’s old news. No sense going into that now. All that you need to know is what happened to her won’t be happening to you. In the short version, she got fired. Anyway, later, I want to sit down after dinner and start looking at fabrics. I have some samples that were sent to me, and I want to get your opinion.”

He said no more but nodded his head and turned and walked away. Half an hour later, right before I was set to have lunch, Terry came waltzing into my office much like James had, closed the door, and sat down.

“Well, Gwen, I have to tell you that I am highly impressed with all I saw in that office meeting. You are quite talented and a very innovative woman. Clearly, you have a good head on your shoulders, and you're very smart in business. It’s a shame you can’t see straight men.”

He pinned me with a look on that last word, as if assessing what I might think or feel. I knew better than to bait a man like him. I could tell this partner, Terry, was the most troubled of them all. James and his brother might be unusual, but they were at least straightforward.

I could tell Terry was the man that loved games. He loved playing games with women and probably the people employed beneath him, and he enjoyed it. He was a heartbreaker, a troublemaker, and a man I shouldn’t be messing with, ever.

“So, I have a proposition for you. Since you seem to work so well on a more personal level, in a partnership, I insist that you be my date for the upcoming office party. No one will think anything is going on between you and James anymore if you come with me. We would never share a bed with the same woman. Since I am a partner, I think I can give a little push in that direction and insist. So, you know I will not take no for an answer, and I always get my way.” He studied me with an appreciative smile. “Nice outfit. I will say, James has good taste in women in this case. You're stunning. Hope you don’t mind me saying so.”

His eyes twinkled, and I wanted to smack his face for assuming anything about me — personal or business-wise — and for the insanely annoying look.

I looked at my computer instead and continued my work. “I really don’t think that is a good idea.”

I heard his laugh. “Let me be the one to decide that. All you have to do is look pretty. Trust me, I know how difficult it can be working with other people while they assume all the wrong things about you. We will go as friends, of course, nothing more. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy my company, and wouldn’t that be amusing?”

The thought of lacing my arm through his for thirty seconds had me wanting to throw up. He wasn’t my type, and he was James’ boss. I glared at him, hoping he’d just go back to wherever he’d come from and never return, but then I remembered the money and all I could stand to lose.

“Why not Martie, or Madeline, or some other woman?”

“No. I chose you for a variety of reasons. The first one is that you're gorgeous. I can imagine you in a sea green dress, an original creation, with that flaming hair and some dangling gold earrings and a lovely gold necklace and bracelet. It takes my breath away just thinking about it. And you don’t need to worry, I already cleared it with James.”

I was hesitant to go as his date to the office party. The last thing I needed was to be connected to another man in the office, especially one of the other partners. From what Martie and a few of the other office staff told me, Terry was trouble too — more trouble than James.

If James had agreed, what could I say? Perhaps there was a reason he had agreed to this, and I wasn't about to question it.

“Fine, I'll go with you to the office party. When and where is it?”

“We're having it at the Oceanside Restaurant tomorrow night, at 6 p.m. I'll pick you up. I'm sure James can find someone else to take as his date. Maybe Martie will be free of her boyfriend for the night.”

He left my office shortly after that. I thought I’d seen James that night, but he’d left the office on some personal matter before the day was over.

I sent him many texts, telling him we needed to talk. We were supposed to look at fabrics that night, so I didn't waste any time thinking about it when his driver was waiting for me to take me to the house.

The rest of the evening, I waited. Margaret served me dinner, I ate alone, and he never showed up. By 9 p.m., I was exhausted and turned in for the night, disgusted and confused. I'd heard nothing from him in response to my text messages. Sometime around 2 a.m., I got a text message from him telling me he knew Terry wanted me to go to the office party with him.

I was shocked James told me it was a good idea, as much as he didn't really like it, and to go ahead with those plans. He would go solo if need be. Confused that his actions and words didn’t align, I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. It was useless, as I was already wide awake and upset now. I got up and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a quick snack, hoping to run into him or Andrew so I could grill him.

Chapter Twenty-One


ThelastthingIwanted was for Terry to take Gwen to the office party. Everyone on our staff was already questioning things knowing we’d just had a little romantic interlude in New York, thanks to social media. Terry convinced me it was a good idea, but I didn't feel confident that he wouldn't try to steal her away and make her his plaything.

The thought of that made me angry. Still, I went about my business and tried to keep my distance from Gwen because I knew it was coming, and it was something I wasn’t ready to deal with. If I could just keep my distance for a little while, until everything settled down, I’d be able to forget about anything happening between Gwen and me.

The office party was being held at a prestigious restaurant we used often for events. We know the staff well, and the owners are valued customers of Renegade accessories. I arrived late, like I always did, determined to enter alone, as I like to keep my staff on their toes.

I thought I could handle seeing Terry and Gwen together since it was an office party and nothing was going on between them. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. As I turned the corner and grabbed a drink from the bar, prepared to talk and maybe dance a little, there she stood, dressed in a stunning red gown looking like the seductress I knew her to be.

Gwen was breathtaking. At any other time, I would have been drawn to her regardless of who in our office was watching and waiting to see what came next. I knew all eyes were on me. The few sales and marketing team members and others that were working in the field at the factories and other locations were already brought up to speed.

I knew everyone at the office party knew about my brief liaison with Gwen in New York City, and now they wanted to know what came next. They knew she was a new hire, working for me, and per office policy, these types of romances were not allowed under any circumstances.

Still, Terry had a way of smoothing things over like nobody’s business and I had no doubt he was prepared with whatever angle he needed to secure his prey, even if for one night only. It irked me to see her standing so close to him.