I heard his feet move down the hall and closed my eyes.There is no way I am coming to your room so we can continue what we just did. My body might want that, but my head knows better. Good night, James. See you in the a.m. for work.

I closed my eyes and ignored the fact that I needed sleep to function. It eluded me almost all night. Eventually, I got up and sat in front of my balcony window in a chair, admiring the dimly lit view outside.

Thankfully, I had a private shower so I could get cleaned up alone. James sent me a text message at 6 a.m.

It’s a shame you didn't join me. I missed you, and we could have taken a lovely shower together this morning. Suit yourself. I want to leave by 8 a.m., so be out front. Margaret usually has breakfast on the sideboard in the kitchen, next to the coffee bar. I’ll be down in a bit, darling.

I tossed the phone aside, half tempted to go for a run since it had been a while, and opted for yoga in my room instead so I didn't run into James and have to deal with more flirting and games.

The time went quickly, and 8 a.m. arrived more quickly than I thought. I was downstairs, waiting in the foyer, when James came strolling across the tile floor looking like the fashion god he was throughout the world.

“Good morning.” He smiled.

“Good morning, boss.”

He had a way of throwing me off balance since we’d first slept together in New York, so I was ready with conversation to keep myself in control while dealing with Mr. Calm and Calculating on his way to the office.

“Margaret is such a delightful woman; I adore her already and her cooking. Those scrambled eggs were heavenly. How long has she been working for you?”

When I showed up for breakfast, his housekeeper was a much older woman than I’d imagined her to be, but no less lovely and entertaining.

James’ driver opened the door for us, and I climbed into the car. “She was at a soup kitchen I visited once, working the kitchens. I was looking for my brother when he went off the grid and she helped me locate him. She was out of work, living in a homeless shelter, and pretty much just doing what she did at the kitchens to keep busy, so she did not get involved in drugs and alcohol. I admired her strength so much, I went back a week later and offered her a job and a place to stay, and she’s been with me ever since.”

I smiled. “That’s lovely.”

I could think of no other comment for that statement. The man was a puzzle no one would ever solve. To think a man of his caliber was frequenting homeless shelters and soup kitchens to monitor his wayward brother astounded me. The fact that he hired someone who lived in one was shocking.

Our eyes met, and he laughed. “It’s okay, I know I seem really crazy to you, and that’s all right. You're not the first woman to think that about me, but my skills in the bedroom usually make up for my weirdo persona.”

I gazed out the window after that, not at all interested in discussing that topic.

Chapter Seventeen


Iwasconfidentthisday was going to be a success. Gwen had chosen another uniquely inspiring outfit, an art deco-styled red and blue top that complimented her hair, and a red skirt and heels to go with it. She looked smart and edgy; it suited me perfectly.

“Can I ask you something before we get to your office? Actually, I have a few things I want to ask and say.”

Her eyes met mine, and I knew I could deny her nothing.

“Sure, ask away.” I kicked back in my seat and tossed my phone aside, highly entertained by this woman who thought nothing of treating me like her neighbor or her equal.

It was how it should be in life, but so many people in and outside of my circle put me on a pedestal that it was hard to remember I was still just a man like any other.

“Well, please forgive me first, but why are your accessories not animal cruelty-free, and ethically sourced, considering the price tag? People who have that kind of money should make it their duty in life to set the standard for everyone else and buy things that align with caring for nature, animals, and the environment. Not only that, but your products all seem to be so boring and derivative. Again, the price tag, clientele, and I don’t know, but if it were me, I’d shake things up. For all it’s worth, that crazy side of yourself that likes all that stuff at home, you bring nothing like that to the table for your accessories. Why so conservative and run of the mill?”

I was stunned by her brutal honesty, and yet it made perfect sense. Coming from her, I knew I could appreciate that she wasn’t directly attacking me, but simply making an observation and suggestions based on who she was as a person from the outside.

“Well, I—”

“Oh, and one more thing. I know you wanted me to dress more edgy and modern, but why not you? Your clothing isn’t exactly Andy Warhol or something off the recent pages of GQ, so why just your staff and not you if you set the example frankly, I don’t care for your taste in clothing at all. Just saying.”

I couldn’t stop laughing when she looked me over from head to toe, overly critical now where she had lacked that faculty before. “You couldn’t quit, could you? You just had to continue and add that last little jab for good measure. You are the most insane woman I have ever met in my life. How you so effortlessly go toe to toe with me, like I’m not your boss, uncaring of the paycheck that depends on it and speaking your mind, it baffles me.”

Going out on a limb now, I couldn't resist throwing Gwen for a loop a bit. “I gotta tell you, darling, you knock me off balance daily and I love it. I adore you, just so you know.”

Her chin fell open, and then she closed it quickly, stared at me, and then looked out the window. Somehow, I’d quieted her down with a compliment, one she didn't fully understand. The fact that I didn't understand it either didn't matter. I’d said it, and that was that.