Shortly, it was time to board the plane and I was thrilled we had first class seats. I made James sit at the window, since looking outside was only going to cause more stress for me.

“How are you feeling?”

I threw James a look. “Stop asking me that.”

“Fine. I’ll pretend I don’t care.” He reached over and pinched my nose.

It was hard to stay mad at him. I laughed and tried very hard tonotlet my annoyance go, but his silly side made me laugh when he stuck his tongue out at me.

Five minutes later, all the passengers were on board, the luggage neatly stowed in the upper compartments, and the flight attendants made their announcements. James had been quiet for a while, but his hand covering mine in support was a nice surprise.

I turned mine over and clasped his hand, smiled at him, and focused on what the flight attendant was saying over the speaker. When the plane started moving, I felt my anxiety shoot through the roof.

What started out as holding his hand turned into me leaning over, clutching his arm, and holding onto him like he was a lifeline. I closed my eyes in fear.

“I’m so scared, James. Tell me something, anything.”

“You look beautiful. I want to have sex with you right now in the bathroom, and everything is going to be fine for us both. The plane is safe, it’s in good condition. You didn’t hear any strange noises, and the pilot looked like a very skilled, trained military man. Did I tell you that they usually hire military servicemen and women because of their ability to fly planes exceedingly well in the air force?”

“No, you didn't. So, not just anyone can get a pilot's license?”

“Not for flying one of these bad boys. They need to be skilled, knowledgeable, and really good at what they do. Think of how many people are on this plane right now, close to four hundred, and they are responsible for everyone.”

His words hung in the air between us. The knowledge he gave me at that moment made it easier for me to relax, just a little bit. I still clung to him, and closed my eyes to all that was around me, all the sights and sounds, until we leveled off in the air and the flight attendant sent out the word that it was okay to leave your seat if need be.

The flight attendant came and brought us champagne by the time I took my death grip off James' arm. He seemed neither upset nor angry, and his pleasant and reassuring smile was all I needed to relax a tiny bit.

My body was still shaking and shivering on the inside as I tried to set my fears aside and let it all go. Still, I held his hand, and soaked up the reassuring comfort that gave me. After the glass of champagne we shared, he talked about his employees, some of which I’d already met via Zoom meeting.

I was nervous, to be sure, but he reassured me that they’d all be friendly and respectful. That sounded wonderful, but I knew office politics, and what everyone told the boss and what they did behind his back were usually two different things.

People could gossip, and talk behind other people's backs, and being a new hire was going to be awkward. The fact that I knew Martie may or may not help, but if any rumors started circulating about James and me, it would all be over. The last thing I wanted to do while trying to build a new career was to be thought of as the boss' pet, or someone who’s sleeping with the boss.

There was a car waiting for us at the airport when we landed, and off we went to his house.

“I’m taking you back to my place for a few days. I need to find you a place to stay, but figured we could play it by ear in case you suddenly decide to give me whiplash and hop on a plane back to the east coast in two days.”

Surprised, I kept my thoughts to myself as I looked out the window. California was beautiful. Even the airport looked sunny, gorgeous, and perfect. I didn't want to stay at his place. I felt like it would spell bad news for me, and I’d acquire a certain name in the office.

I liked to have my own space, where I could relax and sleep at my leisure and do my own thing. I had a novel to write, and in the last few days, I’d done none of that. There was a lot I needed to do, and the anxiety I felt about having to shelve my plans for money and delaying getting my novel done didn't sit well with me.

“I understand, but couldn’t you put me up at a hotel or something? I don’t like the idea of staying at your place. This is business only, remember? Now that we are in California, the last thing I need is to end up in your bed again, as exciting as that was to me.”

I smiled sweetly, hoping to convey how important it was for me that we remained professional. James threw me an irritated look and stared at his phone. “My house is so big, I could easily forget you're even there, and I never have to see you. I have a housekeeper and other staff that will be around, and I can assure you that it will be business and nothing else, as I promised.”

I prayed his words held true, and as we pulled up to his house, it was so breathtaking that I knew he spoke the truth. The two-story mansion had a grand staircase outside that swept up the front of the house to a beautiful entrance way, where two massive wooden doors met.

Before we entered, someone opened the door. “Afternoon, Mr. Renegade. How was your flight?”

“Good, Andrew. This is Gwen, she is going to be staying with us for a bit. She’s a new employee from the east coast. Set her up somewhere comfortable and make sure Margaret gets her whatever she needs.”

James turned to me then, all business, and smiled. “I have some business to take care of right now. I will see you at dinner. I can give you a tour later, and tomorrow, we will head to the office. Make yourself at home. I have a pool, sauna, exercise room, and hot tub.”

He nodded his head to Andrew and me, and then took off down the hallway, leaving us standing there.

Andrew cleared his throat to get my attention and smiled. “I’m Andrew. If you need anything, I can get it for you. Let’s get you upstairs so you can unwind, I hate flying. Thankfully, James doesn't require it of me, but I have family in South Africa, and sometimes I travel to see them.”

Andrew took off up the spiral staircase that led to the second floor. Irritated James left me alone with this strange man, I realized things weren’t so very different from one side of the coast to the other when it came to manners and cordiality, at least not in James' house and personal life.