“Would you like dessert?” The waitress, a perky, young brunette stared at James, all smiles.

He smiled and held my hand. “Would you like dessert, love?”

The way his fingers caressed the top of my hand was very unsettling. I was thrown off guard by how he suddenly moved back into seduction mode and was calling melove,of all things.

“I don’t know, maybe if you’ll share?”

Curiosity was a killer, and I wanted very much to try some dessert. The waitress frowned when she looked at our joined hands, and then me. “Of course. I will bring you a menu.”

Ten minutes later, James and I were sharing a cherry pie a la mode with whipped cream.

“This is so delicious, James, try it.” I held up my fork.

He had yet to taste it or explain why he’d done what he’d done. I couldn’t disguise my amusement when he gave in and took the dessert off my fork.

“That’s good. I’ve been here a thousand times and I’ve never had that before.”

“I’m not usually a cherry fan, but I like it. So, why did you take my hand, hold and caress it, and call me ‘love’ when the waitress came to the table?”

James was one tricky man — confusing, annoying, and yet extremely fun. He looked around, and then he smiled. “Well, to be completely honest, that waitress is always flirting with me. Most of the time, I don’t pay attention because she’s too young. I think she’s probably barely twenty-one. I don’t need that. Besides, I like confusing you.”

Chapter Eleven


Dinnerwasquick—all business and uneventful. It felt odd to leave the sex behind, and it kept slipping in and out of my mind. Every time I looked at her, I wanted to touch her, slip my fingers under her blouse, pinch a nipple, and see her eyes glaze over with passion.

“Let’s take a drive. I want to show you something.”

It wasn’t a question, but more of a statement. I wasn't ready to let her go. If we went back to the hotel, she would retire to her room and shut the door, ending our conversation and any chance of things turning from business to pleasure.

I drove for over an hour, taking her out of the city to the special spot I used to go to when I needed alone time to gather my thoughts. When I stopped, we had a lovely view of the city from the overlook point.

“This is the spot I used to come to when I needed to think, clear my head, and find inspiration. Any time life is bothering me, and I have troubles, I come here.”

“It’s beautiful. The lights are so pretty. It’s so quiet.”

Gwen was quiet after that.

I felt like a teenager again, trying to be bold and find a smooth way to get my hands under Gwen’s clothing and have my way with her. I turned on the radio for a little diversion and thought.

“Is something bothering you now, I’m confused why we're up here.” Her voice sounded off. I was probably pushing her too hard, but I couldn’t help myself.

I took her hand and pulled her closer to me slowly. “No, I just thought maybe we could relax and enjoy this view. Besides, for some odd reason, I wanted to share this with you. It's a special place for me.”

“Oh. So, I have been thinking more about working for you. I really want to do it, but I don’t really know if I should be wasting your time, and mine. I have a novel to finish, and you deserve to feel settled when you get back to California. You have Martie.”

I was not going to let her slip through my fingers. She was good at what she did. We worked well together, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to get her back into my bed.

“Martie is still trying to get back on her feet, and I really need your help. I’ll make it worth your time. I will pay you twenty-five thousand for a month. I know it seems insane, but that’s how determined I am, and how much I need your help. As I told you earlier, you can do the east coast and Martie can handle the west coast. Plus, who knows how much longer she’s going to be down and out. I could use an extra set of eyes, and hands, to get things done. I’m not sure why you keep going back and forth here. One minute, yes, the next minute, no.”

The frustration was killing me. I wanted to get on a plane and go home. I had things to do, people to meet with, and here I was, negotiating with one annoying woman who drove me crazy in the bedroom. If there was ever a moment when a man could say his woman had him by the balls, this was it for me.

“I don’t know.”

“Thirty thousand.”

I had her. Those beautiful eyes of hers were big and round. She started laughing.