AfterreturningtoNewYork, I immediately headed home to Connecticut to make a fresh start. I was scared, and feeling lonely, but before I left, I’d told one person about my pregnancy, the only person I realized I could ever trust in this world, Martie. I’d told her everything before I boarded that plane but made her vow not to tell anyone anything.

She was upset but thrilled. “This is the best news ever. I don’t mean you are getting fired because of that idiot. I mean the pregnancy. You're going to have a baby, and I’m getting married! Please come to the wedding. It’s going to be a quick wedding in Vegas, but at least we will be married. He's eager to move back to Washington, and I could use a change. Maybe you should come with me.”

“No, I’m good. I’m headed home, back to Connecticut, where my baby and I belong. You know, for what it’s worth, I really loved James. I know it’s silly because he never would have loved me the same way, but I did. I loved him, and at least I have his baby to remember him by.”

We exchanged one last hug before I boarded the plane, and the last thing I saw was Martie waving at me from the windows. I knew she was the only one in the entire world I could trust, and I was happy I told her before leaving. Soon, she’d be embarking on her own new life journey, and Renegade would be a distant memory, but the secrets we shared with each other would go to our graves.

I spent the entire flight coming to terms with the fact that James would have done such a thing to me after all we'd been through, and dealing with my broken heart because it was truly broken. Even though he fired me, I had more feelings for him than I should have had, but there was nothing I could do about that.

Instead of suffering from heartache, when I got home, I focused my energy on writing my book and using the money he’d given me to get by. The days were flying by, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before I was ready to deliver the baby inside my belly.

I went to my doctor's appointments, took my prenatal vitamins, painted the nursery, and tried to keep busy so I did not focus on how much I missed James.

Still, it was there, every day and night. When I’d try to sleep, or feel sick to my stomach, I’d remember his presence and miss him terribly. It was hard to face being alone, and I regretted not going to Washington with Martie.

My grandmother was great, and living with her, I was never completely alone, but she was sick and tired most of the time, and me being there was more about her than me. I told her about my pregnancy, and it made her happy, even though she was dead set against me not telling the father of my child so he could do the right thing and marry me.

She was as supportive as she could be, but nothing could soothe the ache in my heart from missing James, and I wondered how I ended up this way. What had started out as a simple plan to make a good deal of money, while helping Martie when she was sick, turned into an extended temporary romance that ended horribly wrong.

It still hurt to think he believed such a thing about me, but there was nothing I could do. The temptation to check on Renegade Accessories and see what was happening, maybe see his wonderfully handsome face and hear the news was hard to ignore, but I did it.

In the days that followed my return, with everything I had going on, it got easier. There was so much to do, but the memory of our time, and the life I carried that was part of him was a gift. When I got afraid, I would cradle my belly, press my hand to it, and talk to the baby. When I was lonely or lost, I’d sing to the baby.

It was too soon for movements or anything exciting like kicking, but I’d felt the heartbeat and seen my first ultrasound with my grandmother.

Then, one day, a knock on the door changed all that.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


ImissedGwen,morethan I realized when I made the choice to fire her and send her back to the east coast. My brother was all for buying out Terry, since he never liked him, anyway. With that out of the way, it didn't take long for the new line to take shape.

My brother was sad to see Gwen gone, and voiced it openly, as he had stayed in California for a change of scenery, at least for the time being.

“She was good for you. I think it might have been a misunderstanding, and your dumb ass acted before you thought.” He fussed with his now metallic-blue hair in the hall mirror and ignored Andrew, who stood nearby to assist with whatever he needed. “I can tell you're not yourself without her around. Something in being with her made you smile more, and I could always tell in your voice that you seemed happy, which is rare, brother.”

He had a point, but what could I say? She was gone, and she’d never talk to me again. I’d been awful to her, said things I shouldn’t have, and mistreated her. I should have said all those things to Terry, but because he was a partner, there was nothing we could do about it except buy him out.

Thankfully, he’d been eager to take the little money we offered when I showed him the proof of his ways and threatened to have him arrested for it. My brother and I thought it would be bad press for the business, and that was the last thing we needed, so we buried it and sent him away with a nice severance package after he signed a legally binding contract stating he could discussnothingabout Renegade Accessories, ever.

“I know you're right, but what’s done is done. There will be other women, and maybe at tonight's party, I’ll meet someone. I can’t believe you talked me into going tonight. I hate these types of parties, all the divas and gold diggers.”

My brother was the king of partying, while I enjoyed a more intimate type of get-together. He loved events and parties and this one, for a new and upcoming actress he’d met while traveling, was sure to be a huge hit. I knew he was thinking of one thing and one thing alone: the women. While I was still hung up on Gwen, even if I told him, I’d find someone who would serve as my way of getting him off my back.

Gwen, the one woman who could annoy me and make me want her in the same breath, was gone. I knew I’d made the right choice, considering all I discovered. She’d probably been helping Terry all along. The heartbreak I felt from that action alone hurt deeply.

Chelsea Market and all our other locations were booming with business as the buzz about next year's line of accessories was circulating. Business was good, and with the addition of shirts that were coming out soon, thanks to my brother, everything was selling out quicker than I ever imagined.

“So, who’s your date for tonight?” My brother hopped in the car, dressed in all black.

“Martie, she’s always been my stand-in, although this is it for her. She leaves for Washington next week. I can’t believe she’s marrying that guy, but I’m happy for her. I picture someday, we will get a postcard at Christmas, and she’ll have a baby on her hip and a cute little dog by the tree.”

He rolled his eyes. “You're too sappy for me, brother. I don’t know how you ever get laid. These California chicks must just see the outer package and not care. Well now, we have to find you another assistant. If you need my help, let me know. I know more than a few gorgeous ladies who’d be happy to fill that role, and a few others you might like as bed warmers.” He chuckled.

“I’m good, but thanks, brother.”

We stopped on the way to pick up Martie. She looked stunning as always with her classic black dress style and gorgeous green eyes.