Page 5 of The Institution

He still hadn't noticed me, and, worse still, I hadn’t known that he would be a lecturer here.

That meant I would be attending his classes.What if he thought I was stupid-what if he decided I had nothing to offer him and this place?

Deep inhale.Hold.And exhale.

Benson SinClaire wasn’t deterred, instead, he laughed along with the rest of the crowd, pressing on, ”and,Military Strategist John Griffin teaching governmental organization operations."

But I didn’t care about the other announcements because now I could only watch Paul. I saw him crane his neck in another direction, offering one of the cheering girls a wink.

Was heexperienced?

I was anythingbutexperienced - my mother had made sure of that because I didn’t belong to anyone elsebutPaul. I had saved myselffor him.

I didn’t need to be told that he hadn’t done the same - I couldseeit. Plus, my mother had told me that men weredifferent- that we couldn’t hold them to the same standards.

It didn’t seem fair.

But then I had long since been told that life wasn’t fair, and to expect fairness was to set yourself up for disappointment.

"And lastly, we have Sarah Lipson, who will be educating and training you on our humanity projects." Atimid looking woman dressed in a dark blue skirt suit stood up from the front row and offered us a small wave. She looked mousy and unintimidating- not at all like The Society members I was accustomed to.Was that what I was destined to become?

"And I - Benson SinClaire - will be educating you on the history of The Society and all that we have managed to achieve."

I would have expected nothing else - after all, who better to teach us the history of our people?

The crowd clapped, lapping up every word he spoke, and I clapped along with them, never once taking my eye off of the broad shoulders that belonged to Paul. He was seated, faced towards the front of the auditorium once more.

"You have the next two days to get settled, and then we will be commencing with our program. Now, I don't feel as if I should be telling you this, but I will anyway." The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on me. It seemed that The Society was offering me more freedom than my parents ever did.Two days. Two days to myself toexplore- toread- to get to know the other members.

It seemed almost like a dream.

"Have fun, and be safe."



Holly pressed her body against mine, Jack was squeezed against her, and Mia stood slightly apart from our group as we lingered in the stairwell, taking turns peeking at the new arrivals and listening to their chatter. There wasn’t much chance of us being caught here because no Society member would be caught dead using theservants' passagesand stairwells, but that didn’t stop us from being cautious.

“Did youseehim?” The sound of a high-pitched nasally voice floated down the corridor. Jack didn’t waste any time, sticking his head out the stairwell to take in the new arrivals. He pulled his head back in, grinning in that way that only Jackie boy did. It was the grin that meanttrouble.

“Almost all of them are dressed in short skirts and dresses,” he wiggled his brows up suggestively, and if you didn’t know what surfer boy Jack had been through at the hands of The Society, you would have assumed that he was just some handsome flirtatious dude. But we all wore our scars differently.

I snorted at his antics. His white-blonde hair and dimpled cheeks didn’t seem to fit here, but, then, The Society only kept pretty, useful things. I wasn’t a vain guy by a long shot, but I knew that they kept me around because I was both nice to look atanduseful. I had done time in the military undertheirguidance and supervision - it was supposed to be punishment for my shitty attitude and unruly behavior. I should have died - should have been put down for what I had done, but Sarah Lipson had taken a liking to me - had taken a liking to most of the boys, really, and she suggested that I become moreusefulto The Society by forcing me into the military.

That action alone had saved my life, and, some days, I wish it hadn’t - wished she had simply let medieby their hand, because it sure as shit would have been easier thanthis.

“Easyaccess,” Jack annunciated the words as if they made one iota of difference to me. I didn’t need a girl to be in a skirt to want to fuck me - in fact, I’d gotten really good at getting into the panties of these prissy Society girls.

“Stop talking about themlike that.” Mia huffed, keeping a slight distance from us - both part of the group andnot. I wasn’t about to dish out shit in her direction - we all survived in different ways - Mia’s way wasdistance.

Jack rolled his eyes in her direction, but didn’t say much else - becausewhat the fuck could we say?

“Paul Mae is back.” Holly spoke in that sing-song voice of hers, vibrating with excitement that only she could feel.

“If you touch him, you’re anidiot.” Mia spoke through her pretty, pouty pink lips. Her silken blonde hair was luminescent, and it wasalmosta shame to see her here because she looked so fucking angelic - so fuckinginnocent, but the truth was that none of us were innocent. They had stripped any innocence - anygoodnessfrom us the moment they stole us away from our lives.

“You mean, if I touch himagain,” Holly grinned at her, goading her into a fight.