“So am I.”

“Good. Now let’s get cookin’, good lookin’.”

On shared barks of laughter, they did exactly that.

Josiah did his best to behave during their simple dinner of spaghetti and frozen meatballs, but the entire exercise of dinner and a movie—something pretty typical for their trio now—was seriously testing his restraint. Michael proved more ticklish than Josiah expected, a secret he unlocked while they boiled pasta, heated sauce, and browned meatballs. Poking him in the ribs got a lot of laughter that buoyed Josiah’s mood and reinforced his decision to spend some alone time in Michael’s bedroom tonight.

He and Michael sat close together on the couch during the movie. Elmer’s new spot was the love seat opposite them, and he was getting better at pulling himself over to the wheelchair without help, because they were basically at the same height. Halfway through the movie, Michael made popcorn, and Josiah had too much fun stealing the buttery kernels out of Michael’s fingers. If he noticed any of it, Elmer didn’t say a word.

Elmer did, however, excuse himself to bed as soon as the credits rolled with an exaggerated yawn and arm stretch. “Might read for a bit but I’ll probably just go to sleep. Josiah, you gonna join us for breakfast?”

“Probably, yes,” Josiah replied. They had a new tradition of eating a late breakfast, not-quite-brunch on Sunday morning, and Josiah wouldn’t miss it. He wasn’t sure if he’d be there because he woke up in Michael’s bed, or because he’d walked across the yard from the trailer. They’d know soon. Even if things didn’t progress to full-on naked sexy times tonight, Josiah did miss sleeping in the same bed as Michael.

He missed sharing his bed with someone he had strong, positive feelings for and felt perfectly safe with.

“Good enough,” Elmer said. “Michael? About five minutes?”

“I’ll be there,” Michael replied.

Elmer wheeled his way to the downstairs bathroom first. Josiah leaned more into Michael’s chest for a few wonderful minutes, until the bathroom door opened. Michael stood and followed Elmer to his bedroom, leaving Josiah alone with his anticipation of what might happen when Michael returned. His stomach erupted with nervous wiggles. The fun kind of nervous, though, not the scary kind.

Michael returned an interminable amount of time later (probably only a few minutes, but whatever) and stood in front of Josiah, hands deep in his jeans pockets. He almost looked nervous, and it was incredibly adorable. “Do you want something to drink? Beer? Wine? Water?”

“I’m okay.” He stood so Michael wasn’t towering over him. The position change increased his courage to say what he wanted. “I’d actually really like for you to take me upstairs to your room.”

“Yeah?” A new kind of hunger overtook Michael’s smile, and it doubled Josiah’s nervous wiggles.


Michael took his hand and pulled Josiah toward the stairs so quickly Josiah let out a soft, startled yelp. He gave in to Michael’s handling, though, enjoying the alpha side of Michael’s personality that was coming out the more comfortable they got with each other. The more they folded each other into their separate lives and began to grow a united one.

They’d shared some of the darkest secrets from their pasts and were working to create something unique between them emotionally and spiritually—something Josiah really wanted to see progress further on the physical level.

He allowed Michael to lead him upstairs and into his bedroom. Shutting the door didn’t bother him, and neither did the way Michael pulled him into a firm hug and tender kiss. A kiss that asked silent questions as Michael’s mouth quested over his, giving without taking, promising without demanding. Josiah used that kiss and the courage it provided to take a few steps to the side, bringing Michael with him, until his legs hit the side of the bed.

Bed. Hot man. Closed door. Yes, please.

For all his hesitations and uncertainty earlier in the day, Josiah wanted this. Even if he and Michael weren’t a forever thing, they were definitely a “right now” thing Josiah wanted more than anything else in the world. To be held and comforted by this man. To make love to this man and be loved in return, even for only one night.

It won’t be just one night, though. It won’t.

“Please,” Josiah whispered between kisses. “Please, Michael.”

“Whatever you want, baby. Just ask.”

“I want you.”

“You’ve got me any way you want me.” Michael kissed the tip of his nose, then pressed their foreheads together. Josiah closed his eyes and leaned into the pressure and warmth. “I want to know what every inch of your skin tastes like.”

Josiah couldn’t stop a soft moan of pure need. He rubbed his palms up and down Michael’s chest, curious what he looked like beyond the layers of flannel and cotton, desperate for fewer layers between them. He was also nervous to be skin-to-skin with another man again, even one he admired, trusted, and genuinely wanted to be with. To be with now, three months from now, maybe even forever, even thoughforeverwas a terrifying concept when sometimestomorrowwas too big to ponder.

All that mattered was right now. And right now, he wanted Michael.

“I want to taste you, too,” Josiah whispered. “I’m tired of being scared. I’m tired of pretending I don’t have feelings for you, Michael. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, and I don’t care. For the first time in a long time, all I can think about is right now. Here. With you.”

Michael released a long, warm breath that gusted across Josiah’s lips. “I have feelings for you, too, and I think you know that. I want to make love with you, too, and I have for a while, but you need to promise me something. Promise if I do anything you don’t like, you will speak up. We’ll talk and change things up. Whatever it takes so everything we do is perfect.”

“Promise.” He pressed a kiss to Michael’s mouth. “I’m not sure exactly how far I want to go tonight, but do you, um, have stuff?”