Page 5 of Reckless Love


My heart clenches just thinking about him. Cutting things off with him was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made, and I’m still not sure it was the right one. But it was the only way I could see to bring Dante back into the fold.

I’m well aware that I’m a greedy bitch, and maybe it’s completely selfish of me, but the five of us together has always been my heart’s desire.

I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. Call me selfish. Say I’m a whore. All true when it comes to them. Only them.

I can’t just throw it all away because it’s hard or because I’m scared of what people might say. Or on some wild ass connection I feel deep in my soul between me and Gabe.

Dante is endgame.

The guys are endgame.

So fighting for what I want is the easy part, and convincing Dante that he still wants it is going to be difficult, but I have faith. He’s not a lost cause.

Is he? No, he’s not.

The moment Jax’s lips leave mine, I’m left breathless and hungry for more.

My eyes shoot to Dante, but he’s still focused on Cassie.

I give my attention to the man in front of me. The one who has no problem showing me how much he loves me.

“Thank you,” I whisper, still wrapped in his arms. I stare up at him in awe of him.

Jax has always been better with actions than words, but he always knows what I need, sometimes even before I do.

He’s always telling me that I’m his light, but the truth is, he’s mine. I glance over my shoulder at Dante. They all are, and I’m going to fight for the future I want.

Jax throws me a wink while releasing me from his arms.

“Soo—you gonna tell me what the fuck happened here?” Jax asks, moving down the hall to inspect the bodies.

“Yeah, but where are Royal and Lucky?” I ask.

Dante and Jax give each other a look that sends fear down my spine.

“You first,” Jax says suspiciously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Dante leads Cassie to the kitchen table pulling out a chair for her.How fucking sweet of him. Asshole.

I roll my eyes as she sits quietly in shock. She hasn’t said a word since that gun went off and that scares me. I try pushing aside my feelings of hurt and jealousy to get through the story.

With a deep breath I tell them. “We were just hanging out, waiting for you guys to return, when we heard someone trying to get in the back door. So we ran to the bedroom to hide in the closet, which probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but it was all we had. I grabbed the gun from Royal’s nightstand and ran to the closet. Then one of them found us.” The words come out so matter-of-fact, it kind of takes away from the severity and how scared I actually was.

Jax and Dante both look in my direction with matching grimaces. Dante’s brows furrow as he pushes a hand through his hair.

Before I have a chance to finish, Cassie speaks up. “You should have seen it,” she says, her eyes wild as the dart to mine, “You should have seen her. Angel, what you did—it was the bravest thing I’ve ever witnessed.” Her voice is filled with awe.

I shrug like it was no big deal. But it was, protecting yourself is one thing but when your best friend’s life is on the line too, that’s a different type of fear.

Dante’s deep blue eyes fly to mine as Cassie fills in the rest of the story.

“The closet door flew open, and Angel jumped into action to protect us both. She pulled the trigger without any hesitation, and his body just fell to the floor. Then it sounded like a shoot-out?” She looks to me for confirmation. I nod silently, going back over every moment in my head.

Jax wraps his arms around me, my back pressing up against his chest, and he drops a kiss to my head. “My little badass,” he breathes. I let out a deep sigh trying to shake this feeling once again.

“The shooting stopped so I thought it was over.” She stops to take a breath, her hand clutching her chest.