“Salute,” Gin said as he raised a glass. “To your marriage. May it be a… not a pain in the ass one. And hopefully, you can get some ass and stop being such a pain in ours.”
“Hear, hear,” Enzo agreed.
I stared between the two of them. “Fuck you both. Salute.”
Our glasses clinked together. I tossed back my drink, swallowing fire as I tried to erase what I had coming. There was no going back now. I had only the future to look forward to.
I just hoped it wasn’t a shit show.
“I’m starting to feel insulted.”I picked one lock and then the next one. The soft click was music to my ears. I turned the knob and nearly laughed at how easy it was. Either my father hadn’t warned Benito, or my new husband wasn’t smart. Either way, I was free to do as I pleased.
I headed down the stairs, each step made carefully as I crept around the house. I made it to the front door. My hand rested on the knob. I was seconds away from freedom. My stomach clenched, and I knew before I fully made up my mind I wasn’t going anywhere.
Where would I return?It was a marriage that would help the organization I’d dedicated my entire being to. I wasn’t about to jeopardize it because I hadn’t expected to be married off. I blew out a breath and took a few steps away from the door.
I go back home, and I might as well put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. I pushed my fingers through my hair and relaxed in the living room. The couch was still stiff, as if it was brand new. I doubted Benito spent more than two hours at a time here. He seemed like the type to marry his work. I was the same, except my work was taken from me.
Lorelei would have been set up nicely. She didn’t do anything all day but go shopping and be the center of every tabloid. We might have been twins, but we couldn’t be any more opposite. I stayed away from the spotlight as much as possible. Out of all my siblings, I was boring to the media because I never gave them anything; the most they got from me was that I was a mistress’s offspring. It had been a year since I’d been in the spotlight. Just thinking about it made tension build behind my eyes. I squeezed them shut, trying to release some of the ache that was building.
“Fuck it.”
I’d figure it out. I always did. I headed toward the room I was tossed in but stopped short as my gaze was drawn to another door. What was the likely chance that Benito slept with the door unlocked? I walked forward slowly, and a smile grew on my lips with every step. As I wrapped my hand around the knob, I sucked in a breath and turned it.
The door opened without so much as a creak. I slipped into the bedroom. Benito was sound asleep, none the wiser that I was there. Even in sleep, he looked angry, as if the fate of the world rested on his shoulders.
He needed to get laid or go on a killing spree. I could set up both. Easy, simple, and a lot less messy than falling into bed with my husband.
I stared down at Benito and the other perfectly made side of the bed.Well, we are husbands now.The thought came easily to me as I slipped into the bed. If I thought the guest bed was nice, Benito’s was ten times better. I was enveloped in clouds and wrapped in warmth. Benito’s cologne hit me, and my body heated up.
Fucking bastard even smells good.
I closed my eyes as my hand skimmed over my exposed chest to my pants. I worked my fingers past the waistband. My fingers brushed along my cock, and a groan nearly broke free. I stopped before I got started. Knowing my recent luck, I’d get caught with my hand down my pants.
The sun was already peaking over the horizon, bathing the room in golds and oranges. I closed my eyes and relaxed a bit more. Maybe I’d get a little sleep.
* * *
The bed moved.Before I roused myself fully out of sleep, I reacted to the presence that hovered over me. Benito’s gun pressed to my temple, and the blade of my knife rested against his inner thigh.
I blinked a few times. A yawn worked its way free. “If you want to fuck, all you have to do is say the word.”
Benito glared down at me. “What are you doing in my bed?”
“I think you meanourbed.” I snuggled into the mountain of pillows. Who would have thought someone like Benito slept like a princess? I watched him carefully. He still held the gun in his hand. If he wanted, he could shoot me, but we both were in this for something far bigger than ourselves.
“Breakfast?” I asked. I looked him up and down. “Tell me you have a cook, or can you do it?”
Benito grunted. “Your sister was supposed to cook.”
I laughed. “She’d sooner burn your house down.” I crossed my ankles and wove my fingers behind my head. “I like this room.”
“Too bad. Go back to the guest room.”
“We’re married now. Married couples sleep together, or are you afraid?” I taunted.
Benito’s brows dipped as he glared at me. My cock twitched. If I wasn’t careful, I would end up always pissing him off just to get turned on.
“We don’t have to sleep in the same bed.” Benito stood up and headed toward his bathroom. I stared at his back as he didn’t even bother to glance back at me. Either he was very confident or crazy. I was leaning toward both.