“You can be such an asshole,” I said as I shook my head at my dear, crazy husband. “Will you go back in the room and wait for your tea? And apologize to Marianna. She’s happily married with two kids.”
Harlow looked sheepish. “Um, sorry,” he said. “I haven’t seen any staff here since I arrived, so I just assumed—”
“That I was screwing my client?” Marianna asked. She sniffled as she stepped from behind me and gathered her stuff. “I’m charging you triple for the day, and I’m not coming back for two weeks.IfI come back at all.”
“Marianna, wait!” I called as she slammed the door. I turned my gaze to Harlow. “Fucking happy?”
“Well, what?” I asked as I closed the space between us. “You can’t just assume that I fuck every woman I’m around.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t fuck every woman you’re around,” he snapped. “I’ve heard the rumors, and I’ve caught you about to do it. Don’t act like you’re innocent.”
I yanked his shirt and pulled him against me. “That woman has been with me for years! I don’t trust many people around me and my home, but her? I would put my life in her hands, which I fucking do every day, and you insult her.”
“Not my fault,” he muttered as he squirmed. “Let go of me,” he growled.
“No,” I said as I turned on my heels and dragged him down the hall. “I’m not innocent, but I haven’t touched anyone since I’ve touched you. You need to get that through your thick skull.” I shoved him forward. “And since Marianna is gone, you can clean up the mess that you started last night.”
“I’m not doing shit!”
“We’ll see about that.” I dragged him into the room and tossed him on the bed. Harlow was back up in an instant. I snapped my fingers at him. “Get off that bed, and I’ll make your punishment much worse.”
Harlow glared at me. I watched as he fought with himself before he stuck one long leg out, and his foot touched the floor. Without a word, I nodded and grabbed my hairbrush from the dresser. As soon as I grabbed Harlow, he tried to twist out of my grasp, but I quickly shoved him to the bed.
“Don’t piss me off,” I said calmly. “My leg is still throbbing from where you stabbed me last night.”
“I didn’t even go that deep,” he grunted as he squirmed free, and I grabbed him again. “It’s nothing more than a little love tap!”
We both froze. I raised a brow at him as Harlow started to stutter and stammer over his words. Redness crept up his cheeks and neck as he tried to explain.
Love tap. What did that mean that it had come out of his lips?
I couldn’t handle his words any more than he could. Even if it was just a slip of the tongue, it felt heavier when it was out in the air between us. Love. That was a beast I never wanted to tackle again. What we had now— our arrangement—it was just that. I would discipline, protect, and fuck my husband. But I had to keep in mind that in a few years, I’d go my way, and he would go his. It was best to keep things the way they were.
Before either of us could overthink, I took the opportunity to shove Harlow onto his stomach. He complained about me being naked, but he’d only thrown on one of my shirts before he came out. I shoved it over his ass, revealing the perky, creamy ass I constantly wanted to sink my teeth into. My hand pressed against his lower back as I pinned him to the bed.
“What are you doing?” Harlow asked, not even really fighting any longer. He pushed his ass up into the air. “Benito?”
I took my time admiring the way his ass stuck up, ready for me to take it if I wanted to. Apparently, I had lied to him this morning. My cock grew hard as I watched his pink hole that had been stuffed full of my dick only hours before.
“Benito!” He snapped. “What are you— Shit!”
The brush smacked against his ass. His skin rippled, flesh bouncing as the sound echoed in my ears. A whimper didn’t escape my notice as Harlow wriggled on the bed. I slapped his ass again. He jumped, trying to crawl away, and I laughed.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I wrapped my hand around his ankle and yanked him toward me. “Fuck, I want you to be over my lap for this spanking, but you keep injuring me,” I growled. “One day, you’re gonna fuck me up so hard I won’t be able to stick my dick in you. Is that what you want?” I asked as I delivered another blow.
He cried out as I paddled his ass harder. One way or another, I would get through to him that I liked my answers verbalized. I switched to the other cheek and fired off a succession of hard, fast blows that made him rock against the bed.
“I need to hear you!” I reminded him.
“No!” He yelled. “That’s not what I want!”
“I didn’t think so. Come here.”
I dragged his hips and ass off the bed until he was forced to bend over it. My hand slid over his backside. Heat radiated from his ass, his flesh decorated with welts that only made it look better. As I massaged his no doubt sore cheeks, Harlow relaxed. Only once his breathing evened and he was calm did I raise the brush and strike him again.