Lorelei rested her hand on her stomach and smiled at me. “You’re going to be an uncle.”
How stupid could my twin be? She knew better than I that any plan that wasn’t our father’s was doomed to hell. Luckily, I was saved from saying anything. She took my silence as one of joy, and her smile widened.
“Notin is even thinking about getting a real job.”
“Lorelei.” Our father walked into the room, his hard gaze cut to my sister, and she stepped back.
“Daddy, I was just talking to—”
“Get out. You’ve already disgraced this family enough. You’re lucky you aren’t bound up like your brother.”
Like a floodgate had been opened, Lorelei started crying. She wiped at her face feverishly.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Get her out of here. You better hope your brother is able to fix your mistake.”
Lorelei glanced down at me, more tears spilling free. My chest throbbed with the need to protect my sister. I’d been running to her defense since we were kids, and apparently, I still was, whether I liked to or not. She was escorted out of my room, and the moment the door closed, my focus landed on the one man who controlled every aspect of my life.
I forced every ounce of rage down. My face relaxed. Making sure nothing showed in front of Denji Hayashi was the only way to have a conversation with him. My father could take the smallest indication of emotion or being human and twist the person inside out.
“As you’ve heard, your sister has gotten herself pregnant. She’s refusing to get rid of it.”
Was he surprised? Lorelei did what she wanted when she wanted to.
“This shouldn’t be necessary, son, but you make it so.” He gestured at my bound state with no remorse reflecting in his dark gaze. “This is important. We have a strong foothold here in New York legally, but we need a stronger one, and this will be our chance.”
He and I both knew there was no option here, but he was feigning as if I had a choice in the matter. My father searched my face. I wanted to ask what that stupid expression in his eyes was. Concern? Sadness? Pity? Did he even care?
“Get him presentable.” My father called as he walked out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts.
“I’m not taking any chances. Shoot him up.”
I met the guard’s eyes. He would be the first one I killed the moment I was let free. He took a step back. I was certain he saw his death in my gaze. I smiled around the gag. Sharp pain stabbed me in the side of my neck. Fire erupted in the spot he forced liquid into. It fizzled out and blanketed me in warmth. I fought the effects of the drug as long as possible, waiting for them to undo the bounds.
They learned their lesson last time because no one moved toward me. Even as darkness closed in on my vision, no one touched me.
Damn it. Looks like I’m going to get married.
* * *
I came to slowly.The first thing I attempted was moving so I could find out what was free and what wasn’t. My arms were still pulled back, and my legs tied together. The muzzle and metal bit were in place. It seemed like my father really wasn’t taking any chances.
Really, on my unwanted wedding day?They couldn’t remove one of these things?I blinked my eyes open. I was strapped to some gurney as I was wheeled inside a room.
Quincy waved at me like a loon. Some kind of best friend he was. His bright blue hair stood out in the room like a whore at church. He gave me a thumbs-up before getting back in line. He lined the walls with the other guards. One wall was all of our men, and the others belonged to the Vitale family.
My three brothers walked in with my father flanking him like the perfect children they were. They were carbon copies of the old man. Maybe I would have been, too, if we’d had the same mother. My father’s wife was on his arm, adorned in a traditional Japanese kimono. Her hair was done up in perfection; Lorelei would be so jealous. She glanced my way, but as always, there was no affection aimed in my direction. I never expected it, but at least over the years, she’d stopped outwardly showing how much she hated my twin sister and me. Out of the two of us, Lorelei was far more tolerated, maybe because the woman never had a daughter of her own.
This was happening. I glanced at my father once more, but his eyes were aimed at the door, no doubt waiting for my future husband to walk through.
Two others moved into the room, standing on Benito’s side.Are those his brothers? They look alike. The priest walked in and froze the moment his eyes landed on me.
“We’re only waiting for the groom,” my father said.
The priest glanced around the room nervously, his face growing red with every second that passed. “Of course.” He ran up to the front and avoided looking at me as we all waited for the man of the hour.
One of the guards came over to me and fixed the gurney so that I was straight up. I couldn’t even stand on my own two feet. They hovered slightly over the floor.Ridiculous shit. Let’s get this over with!