Page 90 of Always Been Yours

She stopped a yard away from me and opened her arms wide. “Can I hug you? Is that allowed?”

“Yes,” I said at the same time that Nate grumbled, “Be gentle.”

Her eyes flicked from him to me, and she grinned and gathered me into a soft embrace. “Welcome to the family, officially. You’ve always been part of it as far as I’m concerned, but it’s about time that son of mine saw what was right in front of him.”

My heart swelled, almost bursting with joy. “Thank you, Heather. That means the world to me.”

She kissed my cheek and smoothed my hair away from my face. I leaned into the contact, enjoying the affectionate touch my own mother had never given me. “If anything had happened to you….”

“It didn’t.” I gave her another hug. “I’m okay.”

“Thank the lord for that.”

She wrapped her arm around my back, and we walked inside together. I was ushered to an armchair and seated while each of the Braddock siblings took turns to fuss over me. Bailey and Asher were also there to wish me well. I spotted Desdemona behind them, patiently waiting her turn, and blew her a kiss. Then I noticed another figure hovering in the entrance.

“Ezra,” I called.

Several curious faces turned to the newcomer. He didn’t shrink away. Instead, he smiled nervously and stepped inside, a bouquet of roses clutched in one hand.

“These are for you,” he said, clearly unsure of his reception. We’d exchanged numbers yesterday, and I’d told him he was welcome to come over, but he obviously wasn’t certain what the Braddocks would think of him. By now, I was sure word of who he was to me would have circulated.

“They’re beautiful, thank you.”

“Such a gentleman.” Summer took the flowers from him. “I’ll put them in a vase.” She gave him a flirtatious smile, and I barely concealed a laugh as Asher scowled at them both. Perhaps Summer’s feelings weren’t so one-sided after all.

“Come in,” I said. “Have you been properly introduced to Desdemona?”

He offered my aunt his hand. “We talked briefly at your shop. I’m Ezra, but I suppose you know that.”

Desdemona brushed his hand aside and hugged him tightly. “None of that formality. We’re family, dearest.” She took his hand and tugged him away. “Come and talk with me. I want to know everything there is to know about you. I knew my sister had given a baby up for adoption, but she swore me to secrecy and I never dreamed I’d get the chance to meet you.”

I smiled, glad the introduction had gone well. I’d expected Desdemona to be welcoming. That was her way. I could already see that they would get along.


I glanced up at the sound of my name and jerked in surprise, gritting my teeth as the now familiar pain seared through my lower chest. Maddy stood beside me. I hadn’t seen her arrive. When I looked around, I noticed Tess was with her dad. Maddy must have brought her over. Nate eyed us warily, and I sent him a reassuring smile. Maddy and I were grown women, both in happy relationships, who shared a love of the same little girl. We’d be fine.

“Hi. It’s good to see you.”

“You’re looking better than I expected.” She knelt as though she was uncomfortable standing over me. “I hope it doesn’t hurt too much.”

“Only when I move,” I joked, then added, “It’s not too bad.”

She smiled tentatively. “I’m glad to hear it.” She hesitated for a moment, then met my eyes. “I owe you an apology for the way I’ve behaved over the years.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” I held her gaze so she’d know I meant it. “If I’d been with Nate and someone else had wanted to make a move on him, I’d have defended our relationship too.”

Maddy’s smile widened. “Perhaps we could get a coffee sometime, just the two of us. It would be nice to talk more. I feel like we’ve known each other for years but don’t reallyknoweach other, if you get what I mean.”

“I do.” Her words warmed me. “We can get together whenever you’re free.” I gestured at my chest. “It’s not like I’m able to do much else at the moment.”

“I’ll call you.” She stood again. “I’d better go. Steve is waiting in the car.”

“Thanks, Maddy. Take care.”

I rested against the back of the chair and closed my eyes for a few moments, the day beginning to take an emotional toll on me. When I opened my eyes again, Bailey was crouched in front of Tess, saying something that made the girl smile, but her focus wasn’t on Tess. It was on a man behind her. Max. I had to look away because the yearning written across her face was too private for me to witness. I’d never realized Bailey was interested in Nate’s quieter twin brother. She flirted with everyone, and nobody took it to heart. I wondered if she’d ever tell him how she felt. Perhaps I should give her a little encouragement. Max was a good guy. He deserved to be happy. I’d do that later, though, when I had more energy.

Nate appeared in front of me. “Hello, beautiful.”